Chocolate Gingerbread Bars - Everyday Food

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Chocolate Gingerbread Bars - Everyday Food

It's Fall.
As in the season that follows Summer.
How in the world did that happen?!

Granted, Los Angeles doesn't "do" seasons too well. Today is was burning hot with Santa Ana winds (where the hot air from the desert in Vegas and the like come into Los is payback for all the smoke we sent them last month during our fires). Anyway, I flip the calendar to October and I freak out. I see Christmas decorations up and hyperventilate. Wasn't it just Y2K?! Oh, time is flying by.

So, I'm trying to embrace the season. Here's to Fall!

Chocolate Gingerbread Bars - Everyday Food
Chocolate Gingerbread Bars. Yes, you heard that right. Chocolate + Gingerbread = Yum.

This recipe is from Everyday Food and gets thrown together in a flash. You just need two bowls and don't even need to get things to room temp. My kind of recipe!

I used mini chocolate chips instead of regular size semi-sweet chips, and reserved some to sprinkle on top.

Chocolate Gingerbread Bars - Everyday Food
Get your Fall started and make some chocolate gingerbread bars.

Chocolate Gingerbread Bars, Everyday Food
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Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

Oh. My. Goodness. Chocolate + gingerbread = delish! One of my fave cookies are those flavours hehe :)

kellypea said... [Reply to comment]

Well these would certainly slide down easily instead of breakfast this morning ; )

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said... [Reply to comment]

Yummy! Those look delish. Ah, the Santa Anas. They were strong enough to uproot several trees by APU when we were still out there.

Cindy said... [Reply to comment]

These look (and I'm sure they smell) deliish! It is beautiful in Utah--lots of red, gold and orange leaves. I live at the base of a mountain--it is beautiful( there is also snow on top)! Have a great day!

kirbie said... [Reply to comment]

These look so good! I love chocolate versions of things. Your recipes are always so great. There's so many I need to bake my way through.

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

Yum...I will have to make this asap.>..I think we are on the same wave length...I just made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies last night...

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

Every time I hear about the Santa Anna winds, I think of the movie The Holiday.

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

oh you re right time flies! These bars look delicious! I love fall!

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Great Fall recipe - different from all the apple stuff I have come across these days. Thanks for sharing.

Kerstin said... [Reply to comment]

Chocolate and gingerbread sound so perfect together, I would love to try this treat!

Ingrid_3Bs said... [Reply to comment]

Hm, I'm thinking I might be able to handle chocolate if there's some gingerbread mixed with it!

Happy Friday!

Donna-FFW said... [Reply to comment]

You dont have to tell me twice to make these gorgeous bars, they sound wonderful!

Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

This is very Fall worthy:)

Megan said... [Reply to comment]

It's still hot here in Vegas - so I know what you mean about all the Christmas decorations up!

However, I can eat gingerbread just about any time of year.

Katie said... [Reply to comment]

Ohh they sound wonderful and looks so yummy and fudgey. Perfect for autumn

Amanda said... [Reply to comment]

They look too wonderful. I just recently made gingerbread cookies that actually stay soft, what a concept LOL :) YUm!

Jill O. Miles said... [Reply to comment]

These do look good! And aren't you quite the food photographer too! The gingerbread reminds me that I just posted about the middle ages and included a 15th century recipe for gingerbread if anyone is interested.

2.46% said... [Reply to comment]

I also can't believe it's October! I started seeing Christmas decorations up at the store a couple of weeks ago and that kind of freaked me out.

Your chocolate gingerbread cake looks wonderful.

Karine said... [Reply to comment]

The combo of flavors of your bars seems amazing! thanks for sharing:)

Beryl said... [Reply to comment]

Today I let go of summer and embraced fall. I even dug the Halloween decorations out of the garage. Too soon?
I'm all for switching seasons if it means I can make these bar. Deliciousness!

Irene said... [Reply to comment]

I love the idea of chocolate and gingerbread! Whenever I eat gingerbread, I feel like something is missing - and now, I know exactly what that is - chocolate! I just realized that I didn't have you bookmarked on my site... durrhh.... I really need to start updating my list more often. :)

Chats the Comfy Cook said... [Reply to comment]

I would never have thought of putting the two together but now that you have, it feels so right. This should be a popular item around here.

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

This looks so good! I was just thinking about making Dorie's chocolate gingerbread again, but maybe I'll give this one a try!

Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

I'm not going to lie - I tend to like my gingerbread unadorned. But... I might make an exception for these :)

LetMeEatCake Eat With Me! said... [Reply to comment]

there is something so comforting about gingerbread, but i've never had it with chocolate. those chocolate chips looks so delicious! i can't wait to make this recipe!

Carol Peterman/TableFare said... [Reply to comment]

Chocolate and ginger are a stellar combo! I know, October, already?

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I love the combo of chocolate and gingerbread together! There's a great recipe for chocolate gingerbread cookies in the Martha Stewart Cookies book. You might want to check it out :) Your bars look awesome!

dining table said... [Reply to comment]

Perfect! I love it! Chocolate and gingerbread is a good combination and a very nice snack! Oh my! Got to have one!

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

These will be baking in my oven very soon:)

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

that is one perfect flavor combo! these look terrific!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, i think I have to try this. I surprisingly love Dorie's and then Sweet Melissa's version. And then I just made the Chocolate Spice bread from The Modern Baker. Really, I'm just going to have to make this.

Lori said... [Reply to comment]

These look real delicious. I just made some gingerbread bars today. I never thought of chocolate with it.

The Scootabaker said... [Reply to comment]

I once made gingerbread and added too much ginger. My nasal cavity was on fire with every chew. Not cool. But I do plan to make it again for this holiday season. And chocolate isn't gonna be left out of this batch!


Simply Life said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my, those bars look INCREDIBLE! I think I'm drooling :)

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said... [Reply to comment]

These look delicious!! It's freezing here in Idaho and my house would smell wonderful after baking these.

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