Sweet Potato Bundt - Day #10 - I Like Big Bundts

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sweet Potato Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Day 10 of I Like Big Bundts: 30 Days of Bundt Cakes
Sweet Potato Bundt

People have been asking where I'm getting all these Bundt recipes. Many are bookmarked from the web (yes, I always enter "BUNDT" in the search box of any food site), some are in a very unorganized drawer filled with copied recipes from cookbooks, and some I found by browsing cookbooks at a bunch of libraries.

This Sweet Potato Bundt is from Sweet Maria's Cake Kitchen: Classic and Casual Recipes for Cookies, Cakes, Pastry, and Other Favorites which I picked up at my local library. The book is sold used on Amazon, but you can find it on Sweet Maria's website. I'll definitely check out Maria Bruscino Sanchez's other books as well. Her recipes are easy and straightforward. This book doesn't have any photos...but luckily I pretty much know what a Bundt should look like by now! hee hee.

I Like Big Bundts Logo by JustJenn Designs
Logo design: JustJenn of JustJennDesigns

Welcome to Day 10 of I Like Big Bundts: 30 Days of Bundt Cakes. Oh my goodness. I'm 1/3 done with this adventure...baking 30 Bundts leading up one of the best days of the year: National Bundt Day on November 15th!!

Sweet Potato Bundt - I Like Big Bundts Sweet Potato Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Sweet Potato Bundt - I Like Big Bundts Sweet Potato Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
I was attracted to this recipe because it uses a raw sweet potato. The Day #4 Cinnamon Ripple Sweet Potato Bundt by Paula Deen used cooked and mashed sweet potato, but for this one you grate it raw and use it like you would carrots in a carrot cake. It saves you the time of baking off the sweet potatoes (but that's not a chore to me...I loved baked sweet potatoes!)

Sweet Potato Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
<library plug> I hope you check out the older books in the library...you might find some great gems! Especially things that are out of print or not available in your local bookstore. </library plug>

Sweet Potato Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
You can see the little pieces of sweet potato and walnuts. With fall spices, this cake smells great and is a nice tea cake.

Sweet Potato Bundt - I Like Big Bundts

See you back here tomorrow for...wait for it...another Bundt! - mary the food librarian

Sweet Potato Cake
Adapted from Sweet Maria's Cake Kitchen: Classic and Casual Recipes for Cookies, Cakes, Pastry, and Other Favorites by Maria Bruscino Sanchez

4 eggs
2 c sugar
1 ¼ c vegetable oil
1 t vanilla
3 c flour, 2 t baking soda, 2 t baking powder
2 t cinnamon, ½ t cloves, I added ½ t ground ginger
2 c grated, raw sweet potato or yam (for me, this was 1 medium sweet potato)
1 c walnuts, coarsely chopped

Sweet Maria recommends using a 10-inch tube pan. I used a 12 c Bundt pan.

Here is what I did:
1. Sift together flour, soda, powder, spices in a medium bowl.
2. Mix together eggs, sugar, oil and vanilla with the paddle attachment until well blended
3. On low speed, add the dry ingredients. Don’t overmix.
4. With a spatula, fold in the grated sweet potato and nuts. Don't overmix. Really. :)
5. Pour into greased Bundt pan and baked for 55 to 60 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool on a wire cooling rack for 10 minutes and then remove from pan. Let cool completely before pouring glaze over cake.

Sweet Maria suggests a Maple Glaze (1 ½ c powdered sugar and ½ c maple syrup). Somehow, I was all out of maple syrup so I just whisked together a powdered sugar and milk glaze.

Original Recipe:
Sweet Potato Cake
from: Sweet Maria's Cake Kitchen: Classic and Casual Recipes for Cookies, Cakes, Pastry, and Other Favorites by Maria Bruscino Sanchez (1998, St. Martin's Press)
Sweet Potato Cake, page 47; Maple Glaze, page 56

Find it in your library through WorldCat
Purchase here on the Sweet Maria website

I Like Big Bundts recap:
The Food Librarian confesses: I Like Big Bundts
Day 1: Pumpkin Spice Bundt with Buttermilk Icing
Day 2: Chocolate-Cinnamon Bundt Cake with Mocha Icing
Day 3: Pumpkin-Apple Spiced Bundt
Day 4: Cinnamon Ripple Sweet Potato Bundt
Day 5: Chocolate Zucchini Bundt
Day 6: Cardamom Vanilla Bundt
Day 7: Monkey Bread in a Bundt
Day 8: Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bundt
Day 9: Coconut Bundt
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Bethie said... [Reply to comment]

This is my favorite so far! YUMMY!!! Beautiful....

Audrey said... [Reply to comment]

I'm just name-dropping, but I know Maria! Before she opened her bakery, we worked together at an advertising agency. This looks wonderful (and so does the cinnamon-ripple one)...I've always wanted to try making a sweet potato cake.

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

I LOVE that it has grated sweet potatoes. Never heard of doing that. I have about 4 lbs. of sweet potatoes right now. Hmmm? Mmm!
Can't wait to see MORE big bundts!

Bec said... [Reply to comment]

I have a Sweet Maria's cookbook that I've never had great luck with (probably more me than her recipes). I like the idea of raw sweet potato.

Madam Chow said... [Reply to comment]

How could I have missed that you were doing this, my fellow bundt fanatic?! I know - I've been crazy busy! Well, now I get to go back and see what you've been up to, and I look forward to what's coming!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

YUM! Another winner.

Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

This looks great! I found a bundt cake recipe that uses raw shredded butternut squash and it made me think of you. I am making the chocolate zucchini one this weekend.
Love it!

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

This looks so good! I've never seen a cake that called for grated sweet potato but that would make things so much easier. genius!

Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

I bet this is delicious! I have never had sweet potatoes in a cake recipe...yum :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

WOW, everything looks wonderful.. you are on a bundting role..lol

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Looks great, Mary. This is just so much fun!

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