Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies - Tuesdays with Dorie

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sugar-Topped Molasses Spiced Cookies - TWD
Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies

Whew! It's November and crazy baking is coming up for the holidays. This month, Tuesdays with Dorie is letting us post recipes out of order to fit our eating schedule! If you look around the TWD posts, you'll probably find Chocolate Caramel Chestnut Cake (selected by Katya of Second Dinner). I didn't have time to find chestnuts so I skipped to the November 17th selection: Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies (picked by Pamela of Cookies with Boys).

You can find Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies on page 76 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.

Sugar-Topped Molasses Spiced Cookies - TWD
Pamela of Cookies with Boys picked a HUGE winner. These cookies are way delicious! Have you checked out Pamela's blog? Such a great baker, chef and mom! I love reading her blog!

Sugar-Topped Molasses Spiced Cookies - TWD
Easy to put together and full of yummy spices - including a pinch of black pepper! I only baked off a few and froze the rest so I can pull these out during the holidays. Yum!

Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies
Page 76 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.
Check out Pamela's blog on November 17th for the recipe.

Be sure to check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers!
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Nancy/n.o.e said... [Reply to comment]

Your cookies look perfect! I can't believe you were able to photograph and post these along with all of your bundts. You are Super Baker! We loved these cookies too, and luckily most of mine are in the freezer also. (p.s. the crisp is super easy also)

Federica Simoni said... [Reply to comment]

questi biscotti sono super!!! mmmm....

Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

Oh these look so yummy! Your cookies are so perfect... mine always look like I shut my eyes while forming them lol

Patricia Scarpin said... [Reply to comment]

These look perfect for the holidays. I'll be making cookie bags for my friends and I'm sure they would love these!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Your cookies look perfect - with all the lovely cracks just like the ones from the book. Mine didn't quite come out that way.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Yours look terrific! This was a great cookies--will definitely be making them again!

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

how you found time to squeeze twd in during big bundts month i don't know. these look extras are in the freezer for quick cookie-fixes, too.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

What a gorgeous photo! Now I'm doubly excited to make these.

Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

What beautiful perfect looking cookies....delicious!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Your cookies look delicious!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous cookies! I couldn't get mine to look all pretty and uniform but they were tasty nonetheless!

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

I'm going to make these cookies today for next week's TWD. But I just realized I have to run to the store for more molasses!
They look fab!

Jules Someone said... [Reply to comment]

I cannot believe that you are making cookies along with all those cakes! You are either a genius or completely crazy. ;-)

Susan @ SGCC said... [Reply to comment]

Your cookies are just perfect! I'm so impressed! I can never get mine to look like that.

Lucy said... [Reply to comment]

Oh gosh these are so perfect looking! Delicious, perfect wintery treat :)

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Aww...thanks for the very kind words! And thanks for baking along with me. Your cookies look stellar!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Those look great - you are a superwoman to make all the bundts AND the TWD selections. These will be great at the holidays, I agree...

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