Low and Luscious Chocolate Cheesecake - Tuesdays with Dorie

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Low and Luscious Chocolate Cheesecake - TWD
Low and Luscious Chocolate Cheesecake

For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie recipe,The Tea Lady of Tea and Scones selected Low and Luscious Chocolate Cheesecake on page 243 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.

Low and Luscious Chocolate Cheesecake - TWD Low and Luscious Chocolate Cheesecake - TWD
Low and Luscious Chocolate Cheesecake - TWD Low and Luscious Chocolate Cheesecake - TWD
This cheesecake was really easy to throw together and didn't even need a water bath! I made 1/4 of the recipe and used my new Cuisinart Elite Collection 4-Cup Chopper/Grinder. I got this as part of the swag bag at BlogHerFood (yes, the swag was awesome!). It is easy to use and perfect for just a little hummus or cream cheese. Luckily, it comes with a little spatula and that made scraping down the sides easier.

Low and Luscious Chocolate Cheesecake - TWD
Chocolate and Cheesecake...a pretty easy and delicious combo, no?

Low and Luscious Chocolate Cheesecake - TWD
Be sure to check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers to see their creations! Happy end of December!

Low and Lush Chocolate Cheesecake on Tea and Scones blog
or page 243 of
Baking: From My Home to Yours.

FTC disclosure: I received the Cuisinart Mini free from Cuisinart as part of the gift/swag bag at BlogHerFood09. I was not paid to review or endorse this product, and the opinions expressed are my own.
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Judy said... [Reply to comment]

Looks so delicious! For 1/4 of the recipe, what size baking pan did you use?

mike said... [Reply to comment]

What a perfect little cheesecake - and what great fun to have a new gadget! Looks like it fit the bill for the portioned-down recipe!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, that must have been some goodie bag. I have a small chopper/grinder but I'm thinking about upgrading to something bigger so I can make and freeze stuff.

This cheesecake looks delicious. I hope you have a happy new year!

Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

Absolutely, definitely have to make this one very, very soon. Yup.

Amanda said... [Reply to comment]

It looks wonderful! I loved how creamy it was. I added a ganache on the top to cover up a mess I made with graham crackers LOL

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

I made some tiny ones too! Is there anything cuter than a mini-springform pan?

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Looks awesome and I love that color in the background.

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful cheesecake! :) You must have a lightbox that you take all of your photos in...please tell me you do!

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

Hey, I have one of those lil' food processors, too! Love it.
Great lookin' lil cheesecake, too.
Happy New Year, Mary!

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

i was pretty pleased about not needing a water bath, too! looks great, and happy new year!!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

What a gorgeous cheesecake - I loved that there was no water bath involved, too!

TeaLady said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful little cheesecake. Glad you liked it.

thanks for baking with me this week.

betty geek said... [Reply to comment]

Everything about your cheesecake looks fantastic. But I do miss that water bath! ;)

Happy New Year!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Karen, I use the Lowel Ego lights with their package of large construction paper backgrounds for these indoor, nighttime shots. The package is here on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000GWKYO4/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B0009K50RO&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0V87KHVNFZXD1KRRWNMX

- mary

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Judy, for 1/4 of the recipe, I used a 4 1/2" diameter mini springform pan. I think I got them at Crate & Barrel...or I've seen them at C&B. :) - mary

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