Coconut Tea Cake - Tuesdays with Dorie

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Coconut Tea Cake Bundt - Tuesdays with Dorie
Coconut Tea Cake

Recently, a friend of a friend started the marathon session of filling out the eHarmony questionnaire. I think applying for the Foreign Service or CIA is easier. How these 500 questions about music preferences, religion and bowel movements (towards the end I wasn't paying attention but I think they asked about regularity or something) will match you with your perfect mate on 29 dimensions of compatibility (for $50+ per month) is beyond me.

However, that got me thinking about "levels of compatibility" with food. My eFoodHarmony questionnaire will include: Bundt cakes, Thai Food, Green Tea/Matcha anything, Mochi, Hawaiian Shave Ice, Udon Noodles, Soon Tofu, Avocados, Carnitas and, of course, long walks on the beach with Lemon Curd.

And my "dimension of incompatibility"? You know....coconut strands (coconut flavor okay...but the strands and flakes have a dental floss texture that I don't hang with).

Coconut Tea Cake Bundt - Tuesdays with Dorie
For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, Carmen of Carmen Cooks singled out Coconut Tea Cake on pages 194 and 195 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.

Made in a 10-cup Bundt and a mini 4-inch cake. I skipped the rum and used a bit extra vanilla extract.

My hate of the coconut strands prohibits me from rating this. Co-workers said it was The Yum.

Coconut Tea Cake Bundt - Tuesdays with Dorie

Be sure to check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers!

Carmen of Carmen Cooks' blog, or
Pages 194 and 195 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours
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Memória said... [Reply to comment]

I'm not crazy about coconut either, but your cake looks beautiful!!

Sihan said... [Reply to comment]

On the contrary, I really liked the coconut strands though. Added a bit of crunch factor to the entire cake. Well, Love your mini bundts! so adorable.

Mr. P said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, your bundts are always level and perfect. Do you slice the top? To make a flat bottom.

Does that even make sense?

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

I must have that Bundt pan!! Glad your coworkers enjoyed the cake.

Beth said... [Reply to comment]

Your baked goods are so amazing, you should be expemted from the food compatibility questions! The person should just be happy you don't think cakes come out of a box from the grocery store!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said... [Reply to comment]

This cake is beautiful !

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Mr. P, I must be very lucky because my Bundts usually come out level. I don't remember having to level them off. Sometimes if I have too much batter and the edges are too crispy, I'll shave off the edges. - mary

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Your Bundt looks beautiful (like always). I really like the idea that you would incl. the Bundt cake question into the eFoodHarmony questionnaire. Very important!

vanillasugarblog said... [Reply to comment]

i cannot get enough coconut. i drink the juice, the milk and eat it like candy.

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

Such a pretty cake!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Your cake is gorgeous! Glad your coworkers liked it! :) Thanks for baking with me this week.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

though i don't like coconut, the looks superb and perfect..

Trendsetters said... [Reply to comment]

perfect cake with a cuppa tea..too bad i dont habve the hoo

Soy*Baby said... [Reply to comment]

Looks beautiful. I would like to go on long walks on the beach with lemon curd too. Perfect.

Tia said... [Reply to comment]

i skipped the rum too!

Katie@Cozydelicious said... [Reply to comment]

You are too funny! haha, I wonder what my dimensions of compatability are... I am quite compatible with all things chocolate, that's for sure! And I have to say I agree with you on stringy coconut, although I do love the flavor. But seriously, if my husband did not like to eat, we would officaly be incompatible!

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

E-harmony commercials sort of freak me out. Did you ever notice how the couples always look alike-as though they are distant cousins or were looking for a fellow tall, thin red-head who likes to square dance??!

DailyChef said... [Reply to comment]

This looks delicious! I used to avoid anything coconut, but it's grown on me and I selectively enjoy coconut desserts now :)

Tavolini said... [Reply to comment]

hahahaha--yes, thai food and mochi indeed :D

Gorgeous cake!

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

Love that, long walks on the beach with lemon curd! Good luck. ;)
I love coconut floss, so this was really good! (Is it still too "flossy" when it's toasted, I find it better that way.)

Leslie said... [Reply to comment]

What a funny post! I never thought about the strand thing with coconut but you're right, it can be disconcerting. Your bundt looks fabulous (of course). Glad the coworkers enjoyed it!

mike said... [Reply to comment]

Bring on the coconut strands! That's hilarious... I'm sure everyone loved it (all those coconut-lovers) - since it looks so incredible. I can never seem to get the lemon curd OUT of the house for a walk. It's usually ingested too soon!

Nickki said... [Reply to comment]

Your cake looks gorgeous!

Edana said... [Reply to comment]

I love coconut almost as much as I love the looks of that cake. Where can I get a bundt pan like that? I think I'd make a lot more cakes if they looked like that! Thanks for sharing!

jIll said... [Reply to comment]

Everyone's bundts are so pretty, I'm almost sorry I chose to make cupcakes!

Dinners and Dreams said... [Reply to comment]

This coconut cake looks lovely!


Jodie said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous as always!

dharmagirl said... [Reply to comment]

hee! love your list of food compatibility!

am thinking of making a coconut layer cake with lemon curd filling for easter dessert...mmmm.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Haha you crack me up Mary! Love the bundt pan you used for this one. I usually toast my coconut so it's not quite as much like floss but I know what you mean.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Your photos are the best of all these TWDers.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hi, Mary. I've just come across your blog, and I think it's hilarious and visually exciting. You have the greatest assortment of bundt cakes (and those jello multi-layer confections - I make those when I have children visiting...or not).



kodi_jo said... [Reply to comment]

I take issue with coconut strands too, but it sure looks pretty!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

It sure looks like the Yum!

I think a food compatibility rating would be key for me too. Funny thing - my dad met his current wife through eHarmony...and she's a great baker! He's learning from her. They are retired, and they bake together. So maybe there is something to this eHarmony business...

Kimberly Johnson said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful cake!

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

you and i were almost a perfect match, but i like the strands!! this is a fab cake!

Ashley aka Eclectic Connoisseur said... [Reply to comment]

I love the design on your cake! I see a new bundt pan in my near future. :)

meg said... [Reply to comment]

your cake looks beautiful! totally agree with you on that whole eharmony thing! :)

Lillian said... [Reply to comment]

It looks lovely -- I'm sorry you couldn't bring yourself to try it!

Heidi Leon Monges said... [Reply to comment]

well, it looks great. I wouldn't mind to give it a try (I love coconut!)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Gosh, I love coconut BUT not the strands. So coconut milk is wonderful. Was that not possible to play around with? Given the depth of your emotions on the subject...

And here's another thing. What in the name of all that is good am I doing wrong with my silicone bundt and other forms (loaf, etc)? Why do mine stick half the time to the pan? Is there some insider's trick I am unaware of? I only have this kind of problem with the ornate pans, like the one you used. Which is GORGEOUS, by the way...

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Mmm I love coconut and coconut strands! Too bad you didn't get to taste this. It looks perfect!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Tammy #40, I don't have any silicon bundt pans so I'm not sure how they work. For my metal pans, I use Pam with Flour or Baker's Joy spray. It is an non-stick spray with added flour. I don't use regular Pam. If I'm out of Pam with Flour, I'll grease and flour the pans generously. If I'm making a chocolate cake, I'll grease and "flour" with cocoa powder. If the pan is ornate, I use a pastry brush to grease all the grooves. But my first choice is always Pam with Flour b/c it is quick and easy. I also spray it right before the batter goes into the pan...not earlier. Hope this helps - mary the food librarian

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks, Mary. Your answer does help. There's nothing like Pam/Baker's Joy here, but I'll try the pastry brush, which I hadn't yet thought of. But, if I'm allowed one more question...I'm just thinking of this now: how long do you generally allow the cakes to cool before you remove them? Thanks from France!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Never mind, Mary, I suppose you do it ten minutes like the rest of the baking world--and me (and as it said in the recipe on Carmen's blog, which I just consulted). Maybe I just have occasional flare-ups of bad unpanning karma. Kudos for a superb-looking cake!

Di said... [Reply to comment]

*laugh* I'm impressed that you made this one anyway. I hate everything about coconut, so I skipped this one. But at least I get to make a bundt cake this week instead. =)

Becky @ Project Domestication said... [Reply to comment]

yours looks great. i really love that pan and cake plate.

oh and i totally upped the vanilla too :).

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