Girl Scout Thin Mint Brownies

Friday, March 5, 2010

Girl Scout Thin Mint Brownies
Girl Scout Thin Mint Brownies

NPR has a collection of "Driveway Moments" - those stories so compelling you find yourself sitting in the car to catch the end of the piece. I have often found myself in that situation, along with "Cry on the Freeway Moment" (damn you, Storycorp).

Today, I had a NPR Baking Moment.

All Things Considered had a story about Girl Scout cookies and how you can bake & cook with them. Samoas Fried Shrimp, anyone? See here for the story and taste test. By the way, I have new respect for host Michele Norris because she too hates coconut :)

Girl Scout Thin Mint Brownies
The Girl Scout website has Thin Mint Brownies, but they use a boxed brownie mix. I made the brownies from scratch and added Girl Scout Thin Mints.

I think it is appropriate to make Brownies with Thin Mints because that was my maximum level of participation. I never made it Girl I'll be a Brownie forever. ;)

Girl Scout Thin Mint Brownies Girl Scout Thin Mint Brownies
Girl Scout Thin Mint Brownies Girl Scout Thin Mint Brownies
I took Everyday Food's (Martha Stewart empire) Chocolate Chip Brownies recipe, deleted the chocolate chips, and added a sleeve of Thin Mints. It is triple chocolate: melted bittersweet chocolate, cocoa powder and the Thin Mints!

Girl Scout Thin Mint Brownies
I purchased these cookies from my college roommate's awesome girls, Lucia and Julia.

Girl Scout Thin Mint Chocolate Cupcakes
Last year, I made Girl Scout Thin Mint Chocolate Cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Post here.

Girl Scout Thin Mint Brownies
Adapted from Everyday Food's Chocolate Chip Brownies recipe

Printable recipe here

1 cup all-purpose flour, spooned and leveled
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (I used Scharffenberger Natural cocoa powder)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, cut into pieces
8 ounces semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, chopped (I used bittersweet chocolate)
1 1/4 cups sugar
3 large eggs
1 sleeve Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies, chopped. (Okay, Thin Mints keep shrinking to keep the price at $4 a box. So, it is 3 1/2 ounces of Thin Mints or 16 cookies)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 9 x 9 square pan with parchment paper and butter or spray with Pam with flour (that's my method). In a small bowl, whisk flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salt; set aside.

2. Place butter and semi-sweet or bittersweet chocolate in a large heat-proof bowl set over (not in) a saucepan of gently simmering water. Heat, stirring occasionally, until smooth. Remove bowl from heat. Add sugar; mix to combine. Add eggs one at a time, and mix to combine. Add flour mixture; mix just until moistened (do not overmix). Fold in chopped Girl Scout Thin Mints. Transfer batter to prepared pan; smooth top.

3. Bake until a toothpick inserted in center comes out with a few moist crumbs attached, 40-50 minutes. (Be sure to check them early. The recipe says "50-60 minutes" but I checked mine at 50 minutes and they were way done). Cool in pan for 30 minutes. Using paper overhang, lift brownies out of pan; transfer to a rack to cool completely (still on paper). On a cutting board, using a dampened serrated knife, cut into squares.
Pin It!


Beth said... [Reply to comment]

I had the same baking moment with NPR yesterday afternoon as I was driving home from work! And I was seriously tempted to dig out that box of thin mints I think is lurking in my pantry to make these!

vanillasugarblog said... [Reply to comment]

samoa fried shrimp? oh hello. why do I always miss the good stuff on NPR?

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

I'll pass on samoas shrimp, but I'll take 15 brownies please! Can you bring some to class tomorrow? :)

Jelli said... [Reply to comment]

I love Thin Mints a little too much to be able to spare even a sleeve for brownies, though I won´t deny I´d be pleased beyond measure to receive a plate of these. Good work!

Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

OH MY GOSH! I need these now! This recipe is amazing. I'm sooooo going to try them...yum!

Tamara Marnell said... [Reply to comment]

I sort of made it to Brownies...I was a Daisy for a few months, then I walked over the little plastic bridge and got my pin. Then my mom got fed up with the mom who was running it, so that was the end of it :p

Lori said... [Reply to comment]

Drooling drooling drooling. I love Thin Mints.

Sharon said... [Reply to comment]

I am a hugh fan of Thin Mints so these look so yummy so do the cuocakes!!

Rebecca said... [Reply to comment]

Oh Mary, how I wish you had made these before I ate the last of the thin mints. They are on my list for next year!

Memória said... [Reply to comment]

YUMMERS!!! The brownies and cupcakes look amazing!!! You're so awesome!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Can't believe I missed that on NPR - that would have been a driveway moment, for sure! These look delicious. I have a few boxes of thin mints headed my way, so I'll try this recipe soon.

Cindy said... [Reply to comment]

Those sound insane! But then I'd have to stop myself from eating them long enough to use them as an ingredient. Somewhat unlikely.

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

I like chocolate and mint. and making in brownie form must be delicious!

Fathima said... [Reply to comment]

I love the Girl Scouts thin mints.... now I should try these out!

Federica Simoni said... [Reply to comment]

wow che meraviglia!! complimenti!

DailyChef said... [Reply to comment]

As if I needed another excuse to buy Girl Scout Cookies! Jut picked up some samoas today...

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Samoa fried shrimp - that has this chica written all over it!

diva said... [Reply to comment]

Golly these look so fudgy and rich I gotta have one!

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

I don't have any girl scout cookies to make these, sad day:)

Amanda said... [Reply to comment]

Oh they look marvelous! No one here likes mint in their baked goods (stomping feet), so I would end up eating them all myself. They look fab!

Katie said... [Reply to comment]

God, I LOVE NPR. I am embarrassed by how often my sentences start with the words, "I was listening to NPR the other day, and..."

I would love to, for once, be able to say something that the other person found interesting. Like, "And then I made some friggin' brownies! Also, there was an interview with the woman who inspired the song My Sharona, and it was great."

Samantha Kate said... [Reply to comment]

It's girl scout cookie season :) Sadly, the boxes shrunk in size, I didn't grow.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

These look so good - I love chocolate and mint! Thin mints are my favorite but sadly I haven't had any Girl Scout cookies this year. I wonder if it's too late...

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said... [Reply to comment]

this looks so good. send me some :)

Jane said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, those sound pretty dog-gone good! I was a Girl Scout until 11th grade, but it never once occurred to me to bake with the cookies--what was I thinkin'? Well, anyway, your brownies look quite delicious!

Cocoa Sensations said... [Reply to comment]

I love both mint and chocolate. If they are combined together, I can't help myself craving for it. This would surely a great recipe if I was to say so.
Well, thanks for sharing and two thumbs up for a job well done......:)

Carrie said... [Reply to comment]

I have crazy mad love for thin mints! These brownies sound heavenly!!

Gaby said... [Reply to comment]

Its not even an option for me to NOT make these. In fact I am willing to steal a box of thin mints from anyone to make these tomorrow. They sound AMAZING.

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

I have thin mints in the freezer...I must make these this weekend. Thanks :).

Bit of Butter said... [Reply to comment]

Ohhh, lovely! A local ice cream store up here in Seattle buys up as many boxes of Thin Mints they can and makes some amazing icecream with them. But this looks even better!

Liz said... [Reply to comment]

I baked these up for my husband's birthday (also on St. Patrick's Day) because he likes brownies and mint. They were so easy to make and the baked up so deliciously. I forgot my Thin Mints at work so I used Keebler Grasshopper cookies instead. They still turned out wonderfully. This is a keeper in my recipe book!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I've got one word for these...AMAZING!!!! I made them today for St. Patrick's Day dessert. Oh my goodness, they are wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe.

Miss. Tarrah Dame said... [Reply to comment]

Great minds must think alike! I just made my own version of thin mint cupcakes for st patricks day and posted them on my blog! these brownies sound fabulous by the way! :)

Caroline said... [Reply to comment]

How did those brownies turn out, Mary? I myself made those brownies when Girl Scout cookies were in abundance (I bought 13 boxes...I know, I'm crazy, right?). As much as I loved them, I think it could have used more than one sleeve of Thin Mints. That or some mint/peppermint extract? They were still delicious, nonetheless! Thank you for the recipe!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

So glad I found your recipe online. What a treat. Made them, and everyone loved them. Thanks!!!

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