Mocha Muffins with Chocolate Chips - Bon Appetit

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mocha Muffins with Chocolate Chips (Bon Appetit)
Mocha Muffins with Chocolate Chips and No pecans

I started these muffins yesterday morning...until I realized that I forgot to replenish my espresso powder. Flash forward a few hours to work. I mentioned that I needed to go to Target for more espresso powder (yes, you can get instant espresso powder at Target)...and my co-worker says she has some in her desk and doesn't like it (as a drink...she's quite happy with it in baked goods). How perfect is that?! Thanks J for the espresso powder...and here it is in these muffins.

Mocha Muffins with Chocolate Chips (Bon Appetit) Mocha Muffins with Chocolate Chips (Bon Appetit)
I adapted the Mocha Muffins with Chocolate Chips and Pecans recipe from Bon Appetit. Ditched the pecans and upped the espresso. I also used Trader Joe's dark chocolate that I chopped up.

Mocha Muffins with Chocolate Chips (Bon Appetit)
I got 15 muffins out of the batter. The recipe says 12. Either they make big o' muffins, or I got bonus muffins. I'm going with the bonus muffins. Always love with you get a little bit free.

Mocha Muffins with Chocolate Chips (Bon Appetit)
I just had 1/2 a muffin and there is lotsa espresso. Our library will be the one with people bouncing off the walls.

Mocha Muffins with Chocolate Chips (Bon Appetit)

Click here for printable recipe

Adapted from Mocha Muffins with Chocolate Chips and Pecans (Bon Appetit, April 1995 via Epicurious)

1/4 cup hot water
1 1/2 tablespoon instant espresso powder (I used Medaglia D'Oro. Original recipe was 1 T)

1/2 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup vegetable oil (I used canola oil)
2 large eggs (Always use room temp eggs for baking...sit in warm water for 10-15 minutes)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 3/4 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder (I used Penzy's Dutch cocoa)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips (I used chopped dark chocolate from Trader Joe's instead)
The original recipe has 1 cup pecans but I skipped.

Preheat oven to 375°F. Line muffin tin with liners. The recipe says it makes 12 muffins, but I got 15 muffins. Dissolve espresso powder in the hot water.

Wet ingredients: Whisk together the buttermilk, oil, eggs and vanilla in a medium bowl, then add the espresso mixture. Dry ingredients: Mix flour, sugar, brown sugar, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt in large bowl. Add buttermilk mixture and stir just until combined. Mix in chocolate chips and pecans (if using). Do not overmix your muffin batter!

Pour into muffin pan. I use a scooper to dish out the batter. Bake until tester inserted into center of muffins comes out clean, about 20 minutes (recipe says 25 minutes but mine were done in 20 so check early!) Transfer muffins to rack and cool.
Pin It!


miss bee said... [Reply to comment]

your photos always make me want to eat everything that you post!

Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! I'm definitely making these soon! I've used that same espresso powder with good results.

DailyChef said... [Reply to comment]

Delicious! I could use an espresso pick-me-up right now, and what better way than in a muffin?

Sara said... [Reply to comment]

how do you think a sub of applesauce for oil would work out for these muffins? sometimes when i use applesauce the finished product is denser..would that be bad for these muffins?

Federica Simoni said... [Reply to comment]

adoro i muffin...golosissimi! ciao!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Sara, I never sub applesauce so I'm not sure how it would turn out. Give it a try and let me know! :) - mary the food librarian

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

Perfect pick me up for the morning!

Amanda said... [Reply to comment]

They are so perfect! I wish I could have one right now :)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Ooh...I'd love a stash of those in my freezer for breakfasts! Caffeine is my friend.

Di said... [Reply to comment]

Ooh, yummy! I haven't gotten my espresso powder out in a while, might be time. I love pecans, but I'm not that fond of nuts in muffins, so I think I'll go your route and leave them out.

Memória said... [Reply to comment]

You made me stop in my tracks on this post! These muffins look so tempting! I almost got up to make them right away, but I'm trying to reduce my dessert intake haha. I have that same espresso powder; I love it. I'm still going to bookmark this recipe, though.

Apples and Butter said... [Reply to comment]

I love it and I think I will be having those for breakfast instead of my normal cup of tea to get me going in the morning.

mike said... [Reply to comment]

A bean after my own heart. What a great "rush" that must have been to have powder so close, and not in use! These look like they're right up my alley. And I just bought a new bottle!

Jennie said... [Reply to comment]

Those look so yummy!!! I could eat that for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert!

Giving you some blog love: :)

queenscook said... [Reply to comment]

I always feel that if I get extra servings out of a recipe, like your three extra muffins, they have no calories !!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

These are like my dream muffins.

Bethie said... [Reply to comment]

Okay, these are on my to do list! They look delicious.

collin said... [Reply to comment]

Wow.....yummy!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I will try this out.

Take the Dessert Personality Test and find out your personality on the basis of your favorite dessert. Have Fun!!

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

Chocolate for breakfast, yes please:)

Sippity Sup said... [Reply to comment]

Perfect little muffins! I just figured out the fact that you are REALLY a librarian! GREG

KK said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, I still don't know were you find the time to create such beautiful masterpieces...! Great work.

BTW - I'm in need of fresh raspberries (green stems attached) - do you know where I can find them?


eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Ooo I love your modifications - up the espresso and ditch the pecans. These look amazing!

From the Kitchen said... [Reply to comment]

I keep telling people that today's libraries are about much more than books--now I can add "picking up espresso powder" to the list. I might keep the pecans or, maybe not.


Bit of Butter said... [Reply to comment]

I absolutely love these! Yum!

Andre of Cocoa said... [Reply to comment]

Yum...Yum...This looks fantastic, absolutely no one can't resist muffins. I think everyone loves it. The photos were also great. Two thumbs up for a job well done.

pookiepantry said... [Reply to comment]

These look so yummy, I'd love one (or more) for breakfast. Off to buy some espresso powder!

FOOd/t STEPS said... [Reply to comment]

i ran out of buttermilk & milk, so i sub in soymilk, cant believe it still work!!
taste wonderful :D oh, i also add in chopped almond. thx for sharing the recipe.

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