The Food Librarian Loves... Siggi's Icelandic Style Skyr Yogurt

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Siggi's Icelandic Yogurt
Siggi's Yogurt
Icelandic style skyr strained non-fat yogurt

Just a quick post to tell you about my new favorite yogurt/dessert. Yes, this stuff is instant dessert.

Siggi's Icelandic style Skyr yogurt is delicious! It is a non-fat super thick yogurt. I mean super duper thick. Not too sweet and very smooth.

I've had the Orange & Ginger, Pomegranate & Passion Fruit, and Grapefruit yogurts. Because I'm a gingerphile, I love the orange & ginger flavor...this is the ingredient list: Skim Milk, Agave Nectar, Candied Ginger Orange Extract, Live Active Cultures, Vegetable Rennet; things you can actually pronounce! :) Here is the nutritional information.

This stuff ain't cheap. This isn't your Yoplait 10 for $5 yogurt...and luckily, it doesn't have all the junk that Yoplait has. I've purchased it for $2.39 at Whole Foods, and they were having a sale recently: 2 for $4.

But it is delicious. I often have it for dessert at the end of the day. Click here to find places that sell this New York product.

From their website:
Skyr is the traditional yogurt of Iceland. It is made by incubating skim milk with live active cultures. The whey, the water naturally found in milk, is then strained away to make for a much thicker, creamier, concentrated yogurt. So to make just one cup of skyr, with all that water going out, you need 3 - 4 times the amount of milk required to make a regular cup of yogurt. As a result of this process skyr comes out with 2-3 times the protein count of standard yogurt.

Please note: I am not being compensated in any way by Siggi's Skyr Yogurt. Heck, they have no idea who I am. I'm just a fan and I want to give them a shout out. In these tough economic times, supporting small businesses with awesome products is important...if we want them there tomorrow. So, here is my little Saturday shout out for Siggi's. I'm off to enjoy some now... :)
- mary the food librarian
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for sharing. My kids are "yogurt snobs". They would never eat a Yoplait. My daughter is hooked on Liberte yogurts at the moment.I will look for this brand at our Whole foods or Vitamin Cottage and have her try it.

Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous) said... [Reply to comment]

I have never seen this before but it sounds delicious. I will have to see if my local Wegamans carries it.

Nancy/n.o.e said... [Reply to comment]

This is my very favorite yogurt, too! I love the orange ginger, but I've never seen the grapefruit - will have to keep my eyes peeled. The blueberry is good, too. Now I want some!!

vanillasugarblog said... [Reply to comment]

super thick and super good. i am hooked on them as well.

Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

I haven't seen this yogurt, but just went to the site and they have it nearby! I am definitely going to get some and try it out.
Thanks for sharing!

Caroline said... [Reply to comment]

I am with you on supporting small businesses so would gladly shell out almost $3 a pop for these! Pomegrate & Passionfruit flavor sounds good. Thanks for the heads up!

DailyChef said... [Reply to comment]

How interesting! The grapefruit flavor would be the first one I try.

Sook said... [Reply to comment]

I have never had these before but they sound really yummy!

The Nervous Cook said... [Reply to comment]

This is the only yogurt I eat anymore! I love how thick and tangy it is. I also always use the plain variety as a substitute for sour cream in recipes, and it's the perfect fill-in.

You might be interested to read this post ( from the Amateur Gourmet about Siggi's! Apparently the owner is a friend of friend, and the AG got to learn how the skyr is made. It's one of my favorite of his posts.

kirbie said... [Reply to comment]

This looks like something I would really like. I've never heard of it before. I need to go to Whole Foods this week and try this out!

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

i love this yogurt! whenever i see it on sale i snag it!

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Ooo I wonder if they carry this in Canada at all! Sounds so yummy.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I'm eating this yogurt right now (as in, a spoon is in my mouth!) and was wondering if I could cook with it, like make a healthy flan or cheesecake with it. Orange Ginger is my favorite by far, though they recently had a sale at Sprouts for $3 for a 16 oz tub of plain. I mix in strawberries, granola, and a tablespoon of agave nectar and it is wonderful. Now that I know it's actually a soft cheese, I can imagine spreading it on bagels and making ranch dips for parties with it! I love this stuff...and it's healthy too!

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