National Library Week 2010 Winners and Hello Kitty Librarian

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hello Kitty Librarian
Hello Kitty Librarian

Can you believe this page?! It's Hello Kitty Librarian!!! Holy smokes! It combines so much in my life...if I could just have her hold a Bundt cake....

Huge thanks to my friend-with-a-cool-name, Mary of Popsicles and Sandy Feet for sending me a photo of this book "What Will I Be A to Z?" by Higashi Glaser from her son's preschool library. The book is out-of-print (ISBN: 978-0810945951) and I picked it up on Amazon for $.99! I'm going to frame this page.

Thanks SOOOO much for celebrating National Library Week with me! Whoo hoo! I loved all your comments about your library. We are facing some tough times, and library staff appreciates your support! Some comments this week:

- I always feel at peace when I am in the library, kind of like I do when I cook, everything just kind of melts away! (Emily)
- We're heading to our library for story hour in an hour. We've had a long lasting love affair with our local library. (Sarah)
- I am sitting in my university's library right now... (Memoria)

I also heard from several people who want to work at my library to eat the desserts I bring in! Hee hee!

Special thanks to my co-workers (Patty, Susan and Karen) who loaned me their Nancy Pearl Librarian Action Figure doll.

Thanks and Hello to the librarians and library staff that stopped by this week! I hope you had a great National Library Week!! Everyone, please visit and support your local library every week of the year! :) - mary the food librarian

Here are the winners of my 2nd Annual National Library Week on the Food Librarian blog! (All picked through

Mini Loaf Pans from Surfas for Giveaway

National Library Week Giveaway - Disney Products

National Library Week 2010 Giveaway - Tulip Cupcake Liners

National Library Week 2010 Giveaway - Chef Set Page Tags
Day 5 Giveaway: Magazine Subscription and Chef Post-its
Amy (#63)

Thanks for visiting and congrats to the winners!
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Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

Congrats to all the winners!

That page is too cute. If only she held a bundt, that would be awesome!

Memória said... [Reply to comment]

Aw, shucks! I should have won just for my awesome, thought-provoking comment! LOL!!!

Congrats to all the winners. Thanks for the great giveaway, Mary. I will not think of you every time I enter my university's library. :) (I'm such a kiss-up!)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, I won! How exciting!! Thanks for hosting such fun giveaways.

Love the Hello Kitty Librarian page - too cute :)

Azusa said... [Reply to comment]

That Hello Kitty image made me laugh—how perfect for you!! Congrats to all the winners!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Hello Kitty Librarian is too cute!

Lori said... [Reply to comment]

Congrats to the winners. I love those cupcake papers.

I buy my daughter a lot of Hello Kitty stuff. I think she is just too cute!

Sook said... [Reply to comment]

How fun!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Congratulations to all! And that HK book is adorable. Being a librarian myself - I'm proud of HK at the moment :)

Shauna said... [Reply to comment]

By the looks of your awesome giveaway goodies, I'd say you shop at Surfas? Single tear. Other than good friends and blah, blah, blah, Surfas is what I miss most about LA.

The Urban Baker said... [Reply to comment]

I love these photos. They make me smile all over!

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