National Library Week Day 4: Jumbo Cream-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes and Cupcake Liner Giveaway

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jumbo Cream-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes
Jumbo Cream-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes

Whoo Hoo! It's Day 4 of National Library Week!

Today, it's a double duty post. I'm in the Martha Stewart Cupcake Club, and this month, Jess (super fun ex-pat California girl living in Connecticut) of Cookbook Habit selected Jumbo Cream-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes of Martha's fantastic book: Martha Stewart's Cupcake Book

MS Cupcakes Club

Jumbo Cream-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes Jumbo Cream-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes
These were easy to make. A basic sour cream chocolate cupcake filled with...wait for it...Marshmallow Creme or Marshmallow Fluff. I have never purchased this product; it's kinda strange. You are supposed to make these cupcakes in Jumbo cupcake cups but I feel that is way too much Marshmallow Creme for one person. So, I made 1/2 a batch of regular cupcakes and got 16 cupcakes.

Jumbo Cream-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes Jumbo Cream-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes
A quick squiggle of marshmallow creme (see here) is supposed to top the cupcake but where is the chocolate topping? If these are supposed to be Hostess Cupcake wannabes, they need a chocolate topping, right? I topped mine with chocolate ganache and heavy cream/powdered sugar squiggle icing.

Jumbo Cream-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes
I also didn't add butter to the fluff. I just threw it in a piping bag, cut out a little bit of the top (I found a paring knife to cut out a cone works best), and piped in the fluff.

Jumbo Cream-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes
The library staff found this cupcake superior to a Hostess Cupcake and way cute!

Jumbo Cream-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes
The Librarian Action Figure picks out her cupcake.

Each day, I'm talking about one library thing (um, it is called Library Week). Our public library often gets the question, "Can you tell me what I've checked out this past year?" Privacy is a big deal at the library so we purge borrower information when a book is returned. So, how to remember what you read? You may want to sign-up with a free online program that helps you keep track of your books. You can even post a badge on your blog to show what you're reading. Here are three companies to check out: Shelfari, Library Thing, Good Reads.

National Library Week 2010 Giveaway - Tulip Cupcake Liners
I'm having five days of giveaway during National Library Wee!

To celebrate Day 4 of National Library Week, I'm giving away the following to one lucky winner:
A boatload of cupcake liners

These orange, yellow and green tulip cupcake liners are awesome. So pretty. I'm giving away some of each color (big and mini)...probably 200 liners or so (purchased at Surfas in Los Angeles). You'll be making lots of tulip cupcakes!

To enter the Day 4 Giveaway, simply leave a comment below (one entry per person) and I'll pick the winner from a hat (aka Random). Deadline for all contests: Monday, April 19, 2010 at midnight PDT. If your comment isn't linked to a blog where I can find you, please leave your email. Shipping to U.S. addresses only. Librarian Action Figure not included.

Also, don't forget to enter the Day 1 Giveaway: Cookbook and Chef Post-its, Day 2 Giveaway: Loaf Pans, and Day 3 Giveaway: Disney Stuff.

Come back tomorrow for the last day of National Library Week! I hope you are planning your visit to the library! - mary the food librarian

Jumbo Cream-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes
Martha Stewart's Cupcake Book: Jumbo Cream-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes, page 133

The Martha Stewart Cupcake Club doesn't post the recipe, but you can find it online here on Martha's website. You can use WorldCat to see if your library has it in their collection. Be sure to check out the other Martha Stewart Cupcake Club members and their version of the recipe!
Pin It!


Esi said... [Reply to comment]

Can you please bring an extra to the bake sale?? Pretty please?? With sugar (or marshmallow fluff) on top?????

Cherine said... [Reply to comment]

Those cupcakes are mouth-watering!

kirbie said... [Reply to comment]

I've never tried marshmallow fluff before. I did just buy new piping equipment, including a tip meant for filling cupcakes. I've been looking for a recipe to try out my new toys. The cupcake liners are perfect for spring!

Lisa said... [Reply to comment]

Cupcakes look so yummy!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, these look great. I use Goodreads myself and like it a lot.

Bethie said... [Reply to comment]

I am POSITIVE they are better than Hostess. YUM!

Amy K said... [Reply to comment]

As always, your cupcakes look delicious.
Those liners are adorable. Thanks for the chance to win.
the.k.krew at gmail dot com

Robin said... [Reply to comment]

I can't tell you how many of my friends I've had to explain that to - why libraries don't keep records of items you've checked out after you return them. On the plus side, it's an opportunity to get on my soapbox about the 'Patriot Act'.

EricaThomas said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! That looks so good!

grace said... [Reply to comment]

lovely liners! more importantly, though, these cupcakes look amazing. i wouldn't mind having marshmallow creme injected straight into my mouth, but surrounding it with chocolate would be okay too. :)

Melanie said... [Reply to comment]

Cute cupcakes. Lucky staff :)

Dani said... [Reply to comment]

The cupcakes look great! I love the liners, too.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks Mary! I think "super-fun expat girl" will be my new superhero name. I love that you added the chocolate icing - you really need that for authenticity. And I should have skipped the butter and went for straight Fluff. Your Hostess look-alikes are gorgeous. Thanks for baking along with me this week, and happy National Library Week!

Beth said... [Reply to comment]

Oooh I love Library Thing. Such a great way to track my thoughts on books and what I've read!

I love these cupcakes too! So cute! And those liners!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

what adorable cupcakes! i have an event that i will be baking cupcakes for next week, and these may be just the sort i should make.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

i love the filled cupcakes! i've never tried before but have been meaning to.

Cristine said... [Reply to comment]

Your cupcakes look gorgeous!

Amy said... [Reply to comment]

I love Shelfari! Without it, I'd forget so many of the good books I've read.

Hilary said... [Reply to comment]

Haha, gotta love the Nancy Pearl library dolls!

dance247 said... [Reply to comment]

I love cupcakes - and these cute liners!!

slush said... [Reply to comment]

Ive made tons of cupcakes and have never tried to make the hostess cupcake kind. I should really give it a go! They look awesome.

Foley said... [Reply to comment]

I've made these before, but now I had wished I had seen your tip on filling them..would have saved me alot of grief!! Beautiful job!

Mrsblocko said... [Reply to comment]

I wish I had one of those cupcakes for breakfast right now!!!

Patricia @ ButterYum said... [Reply to comment]

Absolutely adorable cupcakes - they look so authentic! The little stack of books is pretty darn cute too!

PS - thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway!

NikiTheo said... [Reply to comment]

I loved the hostess cupcakes! Great job, they look like the real thing, but probably taste WAY better!

Yarnfoody said... [Reply to comment]

I can foresee another late night playing with this recipe.

Renee said... [Reply to comment]

The cupcakes look positively yummy!

Amapanther said... [Reply to comment]

I love cupcakes! yay!

Courtney Peacock said... [Reply to comment]

Those cupcakes look amazing! I'm a huge Hostess cupcake fan, and I imagine homemade ones must be way better than the store bought ones. Also, I love the cupcake wrappers! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Tiffany said... [Reply to comment]

Your homemade Hostess cupcakes look great! I love your week of librarian posts - I actually have the librarian action figure too - from my days working at Lexis.

Susan said... [Reply to comment]

Another cookbook I own, but after a flop (black and white marble cupcakes) I haven't used it much. I did try the red velvet cupcakes which several people loved but I didn't find authentic. These however are cute, and I even have a set of cupcake decorating tips, including the one I can't recall which helps push filling into a cake.

Katie said... [Reply to comment]

Those are so sweet!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love making cupcakes so these liners would be perfect!

d.o.wife said... [Reply to comment]

Ooooh, our kindergarteners would LOVE these!! Too cute!

Hanaâ said... [Reply to comment]

These cupcake liners are super cute!!! Would love to win those.

Btw, as I mentioned before, I will be bringing treats to the library workers tonight. I made the French-style Lemon Yogurt Cake from "A Homemade Life" by Molly Wizenberg. I hope they like lemon :o)

Ms. K.I.M. said... [Reply to comment]

Umm those look sinfully delicious ..

April said... [Reply to comment]

I have got to get some marshmallow fluff filled cupcakes going! I bet that would be good in a few other kinds of cake as well.

I think I might have a slight addiction to cupcake liners. I had to pare down because I am moving soon but I can't resist!

Donna said... [Reply to comment]

Home made has to be better than a Hostess Cupcake. Thanks for sharing.

Sara said... [Reply to comment]

Love love love the hostess cupcakes! Those are super adorable. :) The tulip liners are super cute, too! :)

K + E said... [Reply to comment]

Those liners are SO pretty and the cupcakes look so good! Thank you!

Oh! You Cook! said... [Reply to comment]

Cool liners! Hope I win!

Nina said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, these are so pretty! They look like the iconic hostess cupcakes.

The liners are adorable too! I already too many liners, but I just love liners. They just give the cupcake a new personality haha.

e. said... [Reply to comment]

want! both the cupcakes and liners! <3

Trevor Sis Boom said... [Reply to comment]

I need to get a job at your library. These are wonderful and what pretty liners! sisboomblog at gmail dot com.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Yum to the cupcakes, they look amazing!

I'm surprised people ask for their check out history, it never would have occurred to me that the library would store that, and I'm glad they don't!

I keep a running list of books I've read in a little journal :)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous cupcakes Mary! Love that you added the chocolate ganache - I thought about doing it but laziness got the best of me :) Glad they were a hit!

Rebecca said... [Reply to comment]

Pretty liners and pretty cupcakes! I really liked these (although I made a bunch of changes).

Joanne said... [Reply to comment]

These cupcakes are serious cuties! I used to eat the Hostess ones every day in high school but these look way better.

Those liners are adorable!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

so fun! your cupcakes look great!

Hennifer said... [Reply to comment]

Yummy! I'll have to try these. I'm very curious about the marshmallow center.

Those liners are so cute. I have a citrus bundt recipe that would be fun to try as cupcakes with those liners.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Those cupcake liners are adorable. If I don't win 'em, I may have to make the trek to Surfas.

sk8kate said... [Reply to comment]


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love me some cupcakes! So winning these liners would mean I would have to make cupcakes. Go cupcakes!


Julie said... [Reply to comment]

Those cupcakes look delicious! Can't wait to try them!!

Memória said... [Reply to comment]

I am leaving a comment before reading the rest of your post just to share with you my reaction of the first photo. O-M-G!! Those books are too cute!! I am sitting in my university's library right now, so I'm really "feeling" those books right now haha. So far, the cake looks uber scrumptious!

Okay, I will read the rest of the post now!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

wow these look absolutely decadent!

Future Grown-Up said... [Reply to comment]

Your MSC cupcakes turned our gorgeous...I'm stricken with a tiny case of cupcake envy :)

polinium said... [Reply to comment]

This might be enough to get me to buy marshmallow fluff.
polinium at gmail

Kelly said... [Reply to comment]

I am definitely saving this recipe to make soon (we currently have chocolate cupcakes to eat that I recently made - so I need to wait a bit!).

New York City injury lawyer said... [Reply to comment]

Nice cupcakes. Thanks for the great idea.

Shannon said... [Reply to comment]

Those look so yummy! I use and love Shelfari, without it I would never remember what I have read.

Amy Kelly said... [Reply to comment]

Those cupcakes look amazing!

Amanda said... [Reply to comment]

These cupcakes look great, those liners are adorable! :)

LoriSB said... [Reply to comment]

lorisambol at hotmail dot com

Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

I 100% approve of your changes to this - it looks awesome! And basically, the way I remember what I read is that if I liked it, I proceeded to buy it :) I have a LOT of books...

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

Good call on making these smaller and adding a ganache. they look yummy, but marshmallow fluff really isn't my thing.

BTW, I just blogged about the Sky High strawberry shortcake :-)

Sarah said... [Reply to comment]

OH the cupcake liners are so cutie patootie.
tsboskenhammond at

Soylent said... [Reply to comment]

Those look amazing.

ZRY said... [Reply to comment]

Hi, I'd like to enter the giveaway!

Ashlie and Alfred said... [Reply to comment]

Those cupcake liners are adorable (and using them makes cleaning the pans so much easier)!

Dianna said... [Reply to comment]

Love the entries this week and the giveaways!

Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

Your jumbo cupcakes turned out so adorable, I love the piping on top!

And thanks for the giveaway, too!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

OMG - I've been sick for the last few days, and the two things I crave when I'm sick are hot-&-sour soup and cupcakes. Not at the same time, but definitely each when I'm sick. This isn't helping!

annmao said... [Reply to comment]

yummy!! Another must-try!
annmao at gmail dot come

x3FLO said... [Reply to comment]

oooh i like =]

local_honee[at]yahoo[dot] com

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

i used to love these hostess cakes when i was younger! im sure these are even more delicious without all the mystery ingredients.

i'd love to win some of these pretty liners. so perfect for spring/summertime!

Leticia said... [Reply to comment]

i want to work at YOUR library! :) these cupcakes look delicious! :)

lelinhacastro@ gmail . com

June said... [Reply to comment]

Such cheerful looking liners.

Helen said... [Reply to comment]

I honestly said to myself yesterday, I need some cupcake liners to make salted caramel filled chocolate cupcakes.

tingtingng at gmail. com

Erin said... [Reply to comment]

so this boatload could last me weeks? sweet!

Flax Hill Gardener said... [Reply to comment]

I made these cupcakes for my dad's office last year and they disappeared in less than 5 minutes! I think I'll make these again this weekend and see how fast they go at my office.

Laurel7221 said... [Reply to comment]

Yummy! I love cupcakes for breakfast.

Ari said... [Reply to comment]

These look delicious! Much better than Hostess.

caroline said... [Reply to comment]

I haven't had a Hostess cupcake since I was a kid! This is such a cute idea. Yum!

the kosher foodies said... [Reply to comment]

those cupcake liners are too cute! and the cupcakes don't look too bad, either.

Janssen said... [Reply to comment]

So very darling! I love a pretty cupcake liner.

DPLK said... [Reply to comment]

Yum, cupcakes. Those liners are so cute! Definitely gets you in the mood for spring!

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

oh these look mouthwatering :)

Fathima said... [Reply to comment]

yummy cup cakes...

Sunshine said... [Reply to comment]

Do you know how much Bea loves cupcakes?

Lisa Sewell said... [Reply to comment]

Cupcakes are my new baking fetish (if there is such thing as a baking fetish)... I participated in a craft sale last summer to help raise funds for a little community organization we belong to and because I don't have a crafty talent I baked lots of cupcakes! Regular size, mini size and even those cute ice-cream cone ones we enjoyed as kids. All sorts of flavors: Pumpkin-spice with caramel icing, chocolate with ganache, chocolate with peanutbutter buttercream, coconut filled yellow cake with whipped cream topping and of course chocolate cake with chocolate whipped cream. It was a lot of fun! I love Library School but I miss having time to bake...

Just have to ask, where did you find those adorable scalloped cupcake liners? I gotta get some for this Summer's cupcake extravaganza!



Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

Love the cupcakes. Do you have a recipe for Twinkies? Seriously, they look so good you might get in trouble for "copyright infringement." LOL

Thanks for the great recipe.

kobeed said... [Reply to comment]

I hope my cupcakes come out as great as yours!

Jacqueline said... [Reply to comment]

I'm still amazed that there was no mention of National Library Week at my library! We must be too caught up with finals and such around here! Thanks for these awesome giveaways!

Tracey said... [Reply to comment]

Those cupcakes are gorgeous!

Deeba PAB said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous post Mary... this week has been a sure celebration!

TroubleBaker said... [Reply to comment]

Om nom nom! I...kinda want a fauxstess cupcake right now. :)

queenscook said... [Reply to comment]

Love those cupcakes; I may have to try to make them myself!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hee hee, you have more than 1 Librarian action figure! Too funny!
I saw these cupcakes on Kayte's blog and they look awesome! I can't imagine what a 'jumbo' cupcake looks like, I don't think I've seen any jumbo cupcake molds. Looks so good, wish I had one now...

veronica said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! yum! And Nancy Pearl-approved, too! :)

Bea_Rabbit said... [Reply to comment]

OH YES! Yum yum~ bring it on!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I've seen these homemade cupcakes around for a while and I've wanted to try them. You make them look super easy. I think I might need to be in a cupcake club!

Thanks for letting people know about those reading/book sites. I love Goodreads!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love your blog. My very best friend is a librarian and an amazing cook. I have been try to get her to participate in the wonderful world of food blogs and so far she has not bitten. Until now!.....I sent her this link and she loved it. So thanks for your wonderful blog. As far as the cupcakes go- you are so right about the icing and the squiggle.......

Liz said... [Reply to comment]

These look amazing Mary!

Amy S. said... [Reply to comment]

I need chocolate now! They look amazing!

Laura said... [Reply to comment]

I can always use more cupcake liners. Especially such beautiful ones! And your cupcakes look divine.

Joanna said... [Reply to comment]

Those cupcake liners are gorgeous! I wish there was a similar book/baking vendor in the Boston area.

Anne said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! Those cupcakes look so good! I love those liners, too.

Mermaid Sews said... [Reply to comment]

These look amazing! Thanks for the compliments on my bundt, I totally thought of you when making it, as you are the blogging queen of bundts.

Chats the Comfy Cook said... [Reply to comment]

I didn't get to make these and now I know I have to. They are beauties.

Linda said... [Reply to comment]

Love the library tips.

Hostess cupcakes was my snack of choice in HS. You've just elevated those humble snack cakes to a whole new level. Yum!

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Your cupcakes look perfect!

Sarah from 20somethingcupcakes said... [Reply to comment]

I just started screaming "OMG" at the top of my lungs upon seeing this and my boyfriend came rushing over to see if I was okay. Um - it was just your cupcakes. I NEED to make these - I've been on somewhat of a "healthy eating spree" {don't do diets} and I just may have to throw it to the wind for these! xxSAS

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