Apple-Apple Bread Pudding

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Apple-Apple Bread Pudding - Tuesday with Dorie
Apple-Apple Bread Pudding

For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, Elizabeth of Cake or Death? decided on Apple-Apple Bread Pudding on pages 408 and 409 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours. Have you visited Liz's blog? It is filled with lovely, absolutely beautiful yumminess. See the wedding cake she made for her brother's wedding!

Apple-Apple Bread Pudding - Tuesday with Dorie
Layer of brioche, layer of caramelized apples and more brioche. Did I mention the custard infused in all this? Yeah. It's like apple pie AND bread pudding. I know...Shut up! It rocks.

I was really good at math growing up. The only part of chemistry that I liked was converting kilograms to whatchamacallit-grams. I've spent years doing accounting work so Microsoft Excel and I are good friends. But this recipe? I just winged it. I think I made 1/8 or 1/12 or 1/4 of the recipe, but I'm not sure. Anyway, this is yummy so I suggest you make the full recipe! :)

Apple-Apple Bread Pudding - Tuesday with Dorie Apple-Apple Bread Pudding - Tuesday with Dorie
(left) I'm sure some bakers made their own brioche or challah bread. But me? Pressed for time and I really can't have that much bread lying around the house. I picked up these brioche buns at Trader Joe's. (right) Caramelized apples are the filling of this bread pudding.

Apple-Apple Bread Pudding - Tuesday with Dorie
Apple butter is spread on the bread to give the second "apple" in the Apple-Apple Bread Pudding. Los Angeles Farmer's Market shoppers may recognize Ha's Apples. Ha's Apple Farm of Tehachapi has great apples and pears. And the son looks like a clone of his dad...seriously! Have you seen them? Anyway, you won't be seeing Mrs. Ha dragging anyone on the Maury Povich show.

Apple-Apple Bread Pudding - Tuesday with Dorie
I knew I wanted to make one large serving in this cute Kings Arthur Individual Pie Slice pans. I got these for my birthday and this was my first time using them! Thanks J for these awesome cute pans!

Be sure to check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers!

Check out Liz's blog:
Cake or Death?
Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours, page 408
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Cherine said... [Reply to comment]

This looks so good!

Hindy said... [Reply to comment]

Love your slice-in-a-dish! A great way to control portions. I could use that.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

That looks like such a wonderful recipe. I love the idea of the individual pie slice pans.
I found the perfect, yes absolutely fool proof Brioche recipe this weekend. You should try to bake it. I will be posting it this week.

Di said... [Reply to comment]

I love the pan--so cute. =) Your pudding looks delicious.

Sarah @ Mum In Bloom said... [Reply to comment]

Your photos are great and this sounds delicious :)

chocolatechic said... [Reply to comment]

Grams? kilograms?

Metric? shoot me now!

You are brilliant though to be able to have mastered that.

Jules Someone said... [Reply to comment]

That looks so delicious! Love the pan.

Ashley aka Eclectic Connoisseur said... [Reply to comment]

Love the one slice pan!

Bella Baker said... [Reply to comment]

your BP looks awesome and that pan is the cutest thing ever!!!!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Oh wow that looks delicious! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

love the pans! i used store-bought bread homemade sourdough would have been great but i didn't make it in time. :(

Linda said... [Reply to comment]

I'm so lovin' your individual-sized pan, especially for this recipe, as I could not stop eating this bread pudding.

Totally chuckled at your comment about Mr Ha's son being his spitting image - so true!

Jodie said... [Reply to comment]

I love those pans! Looks fantastic!

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my gosh, totally love that individual pan! Your bread pudding looks great. It didn't work for me with the wingin' it. But I kept on and came up with a yummy treat!

Hennifer said... [Reply to comment]

Those pans are so cute! And I love apples!
And I can't believe I'm seeing Tehachapi mentioned on a blog :-) My grandmother-in-law lives there after moving from Tennessee a couple years ago.

Apples... drool!

DailyChef said... [Reply to comment]

I love the photos, especially the little plate that you have the bread pudding on!

Natalie said... [Reply to comment]

That is the most adorable little slice! You're too much!

Flourchild said... [Reply to comment]

Perfect! I made two little ramekins full of it!

Judy said... [Reply to comment]

I went the TJs route as well, and made 1/3 of the recipe. Now I wish I'd only halved it. I'll have to search for the apple butter -- sounds and looks delicious.

Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

LOL, that Maury show... crazy! Lucky Mrs. Ha.

Your little slice of bread pudding is too cute for words!

Tia said... [Reply to comment]

such a cute dish!

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

sclaing recipes is about the only action my math degree ever gets these days! love that little slice of bread pudding-pie!

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

You made this one look incredible Mary - the only way you know how.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Your little pan is adorable! I love discovering things like this exist. Glad the bread pudding was a hit for you :)

kj said... [Reply to comment]

they are looking yummy .

hitesh joshi

TeaLady said... [Reply to comment]

beautiful 'slice' of bread pudding. I made 1/2 and wish I had made more, but like you, don't need all that 'bread' in the house.

How To Eat A Cupcake said... [Reply to comment]

I'd just like to say I was speed-browsing through my Google reader. After viewing over 200 entries, yours is the only one that stopped me dead in my tracks and forced me to leave a comment. HOLY. GOD. This looks AMAZING.

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

That pie slice pan is so adorable!! And the bread pudding inside it isn't bad looking either. ;)

emiglia said... [Reply to comment]

Wow... this looks--and sounds--incredible! Thanks for the pictures! I'll definitely be trying it.

Katie said... [Reply to comment]

My owrd that sounds/looks divine!

Nikki said... [Reply to comment]

Where did you get the darling pan? <3

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Nikki (#31), These are King Arthur individual pie slice pans. - mary

AB said... [Reply to comment]

Yum, this looks delicious! I love seeing apple butter used in recipes like this.

emy said... [Reply to comment]

love the one slice pan

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