David Lebovitz's Fresh Ginger Cake

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fresh Ginger Cake - David Lebovitz
Fresh Ginger Cake

Ginger is awesome. It can help prevent nausea, settle your tummy, makes an awesome tea, and is delicious candied. Oh, ginger, you rock.

So, when my Ready for Dessert book by my favorite blogger and pastry chef, David Lebovitz came in the mail, I immediately decided to make this Fresh Ginger Cake first!

Fresh Ginger Cake - David Lebovitz Fresh Ginger Cake - David Lebovitz
The cake uses 4 ounces of fresh ginger. You can chop it by hand, but I pulled out my mini-processor and whizzed it around. I guess that made about 1/2-3/4 cup of fresh ginger.

Fresh Ginger Cake - David Lebovitz
This is a pretty strong ginger cake. Probably not for children...but great for adults with a taste for ginger.

A nice scoop of whipped cream would be lovely! That would provide a nice balance to the strong ginger flavor.

Fresh Ginger Cake - David Lebovitz
Epicurious recipe says to use a 9 x 3 inch pan, but David's book says 9 x 2. You need a 9 x 3 or a tall springform. I believe this will come over the edge on a 9 x 2 pan, and you would lose lots of yummy cake. Look how tall this cake is!

Fresh Ginger Cake - David Lebovitz
I drank ginger tea while eating ginger cake. Yes, I love me the ginger.

Please pick up David Lebovitz's Ready for Dessert, and try this recipe! I have a bunch of other recipes marked and can't wait to try them.

Fresh Ginger Cake
Click here for printable recipe
Adapted from Ready for Dessert by David Lebovitz, page 42, or Epicurious

4 ounces fresh ginger
1 cup mild molasses (I used Grandma's original molasses)
1 cup sugar
1 cup vegetable oil, preferably peanut (I used canola oil)
2 1/2 cups flour (I used King Arthur unbleached AP flour)
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (I used Penzy's cinnamon)
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves (I used Penzy's ground cloves)
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper (I used Shillings black pepper rather than fresh cracked pepper because it is finer)
1 cup water
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 eggs, at room temperature

1. Preheat over to 350°F. Put rack in the center of the oven. The Epicurious recipe recommends a 9 by 3-inch round cake pan or a 9 1/2 inch springform pan (bottom lined with parchment), but Ready for Dessert says 9 inch springform or 9 x 2-inch round cake pan. However, based on the size of the cake, I don't recommend a 9 x 2 inch pan...it'll be too small.
2. Peel, slice, and chop the ginger very fine with a knife, use a grater, or food processor. I used my mini-food processor for quick work.
3. Mix together the molasses, sugar, and oil in a large bowl. I used a whisk.
4. In another bowl, sift together the flour, cinnamon, cloves and black pepper and set aside.
5. Bring the water to the boil in a saucepan, stir in the baking soda, and then mix the hot water into the molasses mixture. Stir in the ginger.
6. Gradually whisk the dry ingredients into the batter.
7. Add the eggs, and continue mixing until everything is thoroughly combined.
8. Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan and bake for about 1 hour, until the top of the cake springs back lightly when pressed or a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. I checked mine after 50 minutes, and it was done at 55 minutes.
9. If the top of the cake browns too quickly before the cake is done, drape a piece of foil over it and continue baking.
10. Cool the cake for at least 30 minutes. Run a knife around the edge of the cake to loosen it from the pan. I let mine cool completely overnight and removed it the next morning. Remove the cake from the pan and peel off the parchment paper.
11. I think a nice dollop of lightly sweetened whip cream would be lovely with this cake. David recommends whipped cream, ice cream or fruit compote. His book has a recipe for a raspberry plum compote.
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Nazarina A said... [Reply to comment]

This ginger cake with old tyme molasses is exactly what my tummy yearns for right now.You put so much love in here, I can't stand it!

David said... [Reply to comment]

Glad you liked the cake...looks spectacular! (And three cheers for the mini food processor.)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

What an exciting recipe. I will HAVE to bake this. His book was on my birthday present wish list. Thanks.

Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

I use a recipe very similar to this one but it's worth giving this a try because I'm a huge fan of ginger too! Yum :)

Jane said... [Reply to comment]

Wow--that's a lot of ginger in one fine looking cake! My copy of Ready for Dessert came yesterday and, browsing through it, I just can't decide which delectable item to try first. I like that you took the plunge for us. You are an inspirational dynamo that way! As a librarian, did you get the book earlier than the rest of us? :)

Really a lovely cake!


Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

oh this looks so good. I love ginger too and this cake must be an overdose of ginger. yummy

Memória said... [Reply to comment]

The cake looks beautiful!! Wow. Thanks for sharing this recipe with us, Mary!

Tuty @Scentofspice said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you for sharing this recipe and the tips too. We love ginger flavors (just made ginger coconut confections). The stronger the flavor, the better for us.

tasteofbeirut said... [Reply to comment]

The photos are beautiful! I have never made a ginger cake but since I have a lot of ginger in my pantry I am tempted!

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

I can't wait to get this book. The cake looks wonderful!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I almost bought this book recently! I love ginger and this cake looks delicious. Thanks for sharing!

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

Now that I really like ginger, I will probably have to attempt this cake at some point.

Lisa said... [Reply to comment]

I got the book this week and this recipe is one I've already flagged to make, you've inspired me to check how much ginger I have in the house, it looks divine. Do you think it would work divided into muffin cases?

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Lisa #13, I think muffins would work out too. Isn't the book great? Can't wait to make some more treats! - mary

The Cilantropist said... [Reply to comment]

This looks delicious and I also LOVE ginger. I just made some cookies that had fresh ginger, crystalized ginger, and powdered ginger, probably right up your alley. ;) I will definitely be trying out this cake soon, or maybe making muffins as Lisa suggested!

the pastry kook said... [Reply to comment]

i can smell the ginger halfway across the globe. :D this is looking awesome

DailyChef said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! I'm often reluctant to put ginger in desserts, but this might cause me to change my policy.

Amie said... [Reply to comment]

Wow this looks scrumptious...I'm gonna have to make this soon!

Tonight I'm going to make Molly Wizenburg's Banana Bread with Ginger and Chocolate Chips from The Homemade Life...I Love ginger too!

gfs said... [Reply to comment]

wow - if ever there was a reason to eat cake whilst you're ill this is it! it looks so fabulously moist and ginger-ish - can't wait to bake it gluten free.

LinC said... [Reply to comment]

If you don't have a deep pan, you can get around that by making a paper collar for your pan. Cut a strip of parchment paper the height you want. Butter the side of your pan and stand the parchment up around the edge. The weight of the batter will hold the paper at the bottom so the cake can rise along the parchment.

Hilary said... [Reply to comment]

Ginger is indeed awesome. Thanks for sharing this fantastic looking recipe. I can't wait to try it!

Nancy/n.o.e said... [Reply to comment]

Eeek! a comment from David!! I love this book and can't wait to try the fresh ginger cake - I can just imagine its deliciousness with whipped cream. YUM!

Gastronomer said... [Reply to comment]

Swoooooon! I think this will be my husband's birthday cake this year ;-)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Yes ginger, you do rock. I have been eating it candied chased by a piece of dark chocolate for the last couple of days. I really like ginger and need to make this cake!

tracieMoo said... [Reply to comment]

I've never had ginger cake but it sounds good to me. I would love to try this out soon :)

Juliette said... [Reply to comment]

Just made this cake, it's really delicious!I love how light it is too. Next time I'm invited to dinner, I'll be bringing one of these...

Nancy/n.o.e said... [Reply to comment]

I just made this cake a few days ago; loved it! Mine doesn't look as nice as yours, though!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I just made this today. Mine was also dark and a little sunken in the middle, so I was looking for images to confirm if that's what it was supposed to look like. :) Our house smells incredible, so warm and spicy! It was the perfect thing to make on such a cold, gray day. My 7 year old loves it.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love this recipe! I usually make it as a bundt because I can't make it cook evenly as a single layer. But tonight I reduced the oil to 2/3 cup, added fresh cranberries, and made "muffins" -- they were also delicious.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Made this cake and it was an instant hit!! I served it with rum flavoured whipped cream. Spectacular! I'll definitely make it again!

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