How to Grow Golden Beets

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Golden Beets

Yeah, this blog is called The Food Librarian.
Doesn't mention my gardening skills.
So, here they are.
How to Grow Golden Beets

1. Go to the interwebs. Go to Seed Savers. Pick up a packet of Burpee's Golden Beets.

2. When they arrive, call your dad and ask him about his up the fact that golden beets are sweeter than his usual planting of red beets. Um, I guess it would be helpful to mention that your dad should have a backyard garden. That is helpful in this process.

3. Give the seeds to your dad on HIS BIRTHDAY. Didn't you know that the most appropriate gift to give your dad on his 78th birthday is Golden Beet seeds?

4. Have you dad start seedlings in a pot. Check them daily. Keep the birds away. Transplant when ready.

5. Have your dad grow the beets until they are big enough for YOU to drive over and pick them. Yes, YOU have to do some work here! :)

Golden Beets
This photo is from April 2010 as the beets were coming up!

Golden Beets
Love me my gardener dad! Next time, I'll review how to grow cucumbers, China peas, heirloom tomatoes and other veggies. Yeah, shockingly, it'll be a pretty similar process. :)

Golden Beets
Fresh from the garden... I like to clean them up and roast them with other veggies, or steam them and slice them for a salad. Golden beets are great because they don't stain your hands like red beets and are sweeter. If you don't have a retired gardening papa, pick some up at the Farmer's Market! :)

Red & Golden Beet Salad with Goat Cheese (Food Librarian)
My dad's golden and red beets! Yummmmmmmy!
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deanna said... [Reply to comment]

Aweee your dad is so cute!!!

Audrey said... [Reply to comment]

nice looking beets and nice looking dad! The extent of my gardening is once growing one red pepper in a pot (and some windowsill herbs)...
I've never roasted beets, but they look delicious, so I'm inspired to try.

Caroline said... [Reply to comment]

Love your gardening tips, ;) I have to rely on farmers' market right now due to lack of yard and WOW, your dad is 78!?!

Edana said... [Reply to comment]

Those are so pretty! I would love to make a beet salad with both red and golden beets, I just have to find a farmer's market!

kirbie said... [Reply to comment]

Haha. You are so funny! Wonderful tips ;-)

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

Your dad is such a cutie! I want golden beets, right now!
I have a similar thing with orchids...I have them for a few months, they die, and then instead of learning how to bring them back, I sent them to my mom's house at the Cape and she mysteriously brings them back to bloom, and then drives them back to me :).

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Your dad is adorable! I have never had a beet - crazy, right??

Sarah @ Mum In Bloom said... [Reply to comment]

Love that photo of your Dad :) Those golden beets look delish and you give some good tips, eh? The last photo is so beautiful.

Erin said... [Reply to comment]

Those are the same beets that I bought and planted in my garden. Hopefully, they will look just as good as your dad's :)

Davery said... [Reply to comment]

The beets are gorgeous! I love me some beets but sadly don't have enough direct sunlight to grow them (and I forget to water). Can wait for the golden beet salad recipe!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

you have the cutest dad ever! such pretty beets too!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Your dad might be the cutest gardner I've ever seen!

The beets look great, too.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Lucky girl, with such a sweet, helpful, gardening Dad. (Does he have his own blog yet??)

I love beets, and found some that were pink and white at the market last summer. No joke. They were as highly contrasting (and as pretty) as your Valentine's jello dessert...They tasted nice and sweet, too, which is a good thing since I have no access to jello here in the south of France (sniff). Again, no joke.

Jennie said... [Reply to comment]

Your dad is so cute and you're so lucky to have access to his beautiful garden. I am in awe of anyone who has a green thumb. I love beets and am going to have to add it to my list for the next farmer's market!

Mr. P said... [Reply to comment]

There's no way that your Dad is 78. Lying is a bad habit, Mary.

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

What a cute post, Mary. Love the picture with your dad. I garden just about the same way. ;) But we just bought a house on 1 acre and I intend to learn "real" gardening. I love beets, too!

shaz said... [Reply to comment]

Great gardening tips ;) Go Mary's Dad!

Katie said... [Reply to comment]

They look fabulous! Such a striking colour

Talita said... [Reply to comment]

What a nice smile! I've never seen golden beets before.

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

How cute is your dad! The beets look wonderful too.

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Aw your dad is so cute!!! And I'm most jealous of those beets.

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