Pasta with Swiss Chard and Shrimp

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pasta with Swiss Chard and Shrimp

Sometimes, when I channel surf, I run into the Duggars. The family on TLC with a zillion children. Once, I saw them go shopping. Damn. That was crazy.

Me? I'm the person at the meat counter saying:

I would like to buy one sausage link, please.

For this recipe, I bought 5 shrimp (shell-on) at the counter. They were on sale so it was $.50 worth of protein! Yes, 50-cents. Well, since they were previously frozen, I couldn't refreeze them so I just got enough for dinner. Me and my 5 shrimp.

I boiled some whole wheat pasta. Chopped half a head of red Swiss chard from the farmer's market. Sauteed in some garlic and olive oil. Then I tossed in the five shrimp and cooked for a few seconds before adding in the pasta. The Swiss chard dyed the pasta...that is why you see a pink tint. I finished it off with some salt, pepper and parm cheese. Dinner for one!
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Five shrimps, that is funny.
A delicious and light dinner. Love it.

Audrey said... [Reply to comment]

Good for you! I'm tickled by the 50 cents part.

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

5 shrimps...hee..hee.
My sisters and I are obsessed with the Duggar's Tater Tot Casserole and I always think about trying it.

Monet said... [Reply to comment]

Such a light and healthy dinner. I love shrimp and swiss chard, and I also like buying small portions of fish. Yum!

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

My dinners for one are usually a lot less elegant. Love this one, Mary!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Well I think that looks delicious! And great 50 cent buy!!

DailyChef said... [Reply to comment]

Hahaha - looks delicious!

shrimp recipe said... [Reply to comment]

50 cents for shrimp, wow, you got yourself a good buy there, lol! Well 5 or less shrimps, still, it is shimp, so I'm with you here! I simplylove shrimps! That pasta looks great, not bad for a solo dinner at home. That one looks like it was served by some chef in a restaurant. I love the contrast of greens with the pinkish pasta and shrimp.

Susan C said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my gosh! That is too funny. I'd write more, but I have to go now. I need to go buy two slices of bacon for breakfast. ;)

Nicole@The Dirty Oven via twitter @ovenloving said... [Reply to comment]

Looks great.. Love shrimp and what a great deal. My little one is only 7 months, but I can only imaging the shopping bill when he is older.
Thanks so much for posting. Keep it up!

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