Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies, or Countdown to 40 Giveaway - I'm 39 7/12 years old!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Happy Pre-Birthday.
To me.

I'm turning 40 in five months. I'll be honest with you and say I'm a little weirded out by this one. I'm THAT person who just loves birthdays. But this one is taking some getting used to...although I just heard 40 is the new 30.

So, to get into the groove, I'm starting the birthday celebration NOW. In my 30's.

Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chunk Cookies
I'll be giving something away each month before my December 7, 2010 birthday.

And don't I know how to get this party started? Yes, by buying myself this cool serving tray at Crate & Barrel. Only $9.95! I'm frugal and 39 7/12!

Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chunk Cookies
For the "5 month" countdown, I'm giving away a $39 7/12 Amazon gift card to one lucky winner! ($39.58 US Dollar gift certificate to To enter, just leave a comment (if you aren't connected to a blog, leave your email address). Deadline is Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at midnight PDT. **Updated: Contest is closed. Congrats to Vicki #8 who won!**

Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chunk Cookies
Here are 39 7/12 peanut butter chocolate chip cookies!

I've made these Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chunk cookies before, but they are a true favorite. This time, I used Cadbury Dark Chocolate Chips that my cousin brought back from a trip to Ireland.

Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chunk cookies
(adapted from Everyday Food - Martha Stewart empire)

My printable recipe here

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (spooned and leveled)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup peanut butter (smooth or chunky) (I used Jif smooth. I really like the smooth PB for this recipe)
4 tablespoons ( 1/2 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup packed dark-brown sugar (I've made it with both light and dark brown sugar)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
8 ounces semisweet chocolate, cut into chunks (I've used Nestle chips, chunks and Cadbury dark chocolate chips...all with delicious results!!)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl, whisk together flour and baking soda; set aside. With a Kitchen Aid and paddle, beat peanut butter, butter, and sugars until light and fluffy...about 3 minutes. Add eggs and vanilla, and beat until smooth. With mixer on low, gradually add flour mixture, beating just until combined. Stir in chocolate chunks.
2. Drop dough by heaping tablespoons, 1 inch apart, onto two large baking sheets. I used half-sheet pans and a Silpat or parchment paper. Bake until golden, 13 to 15 minutes, rotating sheets halfway through. Transfer cookies to wire racks to cool.
Pin It!


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Michelle @ Brown Eyed Baker said... [Reply to comment]

Happy almost birthday! I love that you are celebrating leading up to the big event! I just turned 30 in March - totally should have done that! And thank you for sharing with your readers! The cookies look awesome.

Lara @ GoodCookDoris said... [Reply to comment]

Happy early birthday! Those cookies look so delicious. Thanks for sharing!

Carrie said... [Reply to comment]

happy 7/12ths of a birthday! i just had some cake for my brother's 23 364/365ths birthday (we're always too full to eat the cake after going out to dinner on the actual day)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Happy almost birthday!

Adriana said... [Reply to comment]

i'd say those cookies are one heck of a way to celebrate! keep on celebrating! you know, happy unbirthday!

Tara said... [Reply to comment]

I'm going to say that 40 is going to be a good age. I just turned 40 in May.

Vicki said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Pre-Birthday! I'm a little behind, at 34 10/12 - 4 days, but I'm already lamenting my 30s :)

Cindy said... [Reply to comment]

40 is great--take a nice photo of yourself so when you are my age (54) you can get out your photo on your 40th b-day and say, oh I looked so young!
Cookies look delish, all my favorite flavors.

Steff said... [Reply to comment]

Peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies are among the best things life has to offer. What a great way to start your b-day countdown!
(By the way, I've been a lurker/reading your blog for ages and am a BIG fan!)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

These cookies look delicious! Happy almost birthday! :D

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Birthday

TeaLady said... [Reply to comment]

40!! Just a spring chicken. 40 is a great age. I turned 60 last month and still going strong.

sk8kate said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Birthday to come!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I understand exactly what you mean about the 40 thing....omg... I turn 41 next week and I just can't stand it.... I hated 40 so much coming around so fast and NOW its partner in crime...41... how did it get here sooooo darn fast?

2boysblue said... [Reply to comment]

You are to funny! What a great way to celebrate! Those cookies look so yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe! I am 41 and several months, 42 in October! I was so down about turning 40, after the cake I got over it! You will to! ;o) missytaylor2000 at yahoo dot com

Rebecca said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Almost Birthday! Those cookies look awesome.

Julie from said... [Reply to comment]

Happy early birthday! The cookies look great, photos are gorgeous.

Thelittlekitchenblog (at) gmail (dot) com

polinium said... [Reply to comment]

Man, you celebrate birthdays right, starting 5 months early! My email is polinium at g m a i l

LauraM said... [Reply to comment]

my hubby just turned 40!! I have 4 1/2 years left!!! lol...I'm not looking forward to it at all!!!! good luck!! ;)

Lisa said... [Reply to comment]

What a great giveaway!

Willa said... [Reply to comment]

Love the 7/12 of the cookie in the picture! Good on you for embracing 40 and Happy 39 7/12th birthday!

Mimi&Max ,love,life and soap said... [Reply to comment]

Your still so young , only thirty yrs old with some experience to back it up ;) . Thats what happened to me , i stopped growing older and started becoming more experienced yrs ago . Happy almost birthday!!

Ms. K.I.M. said... [Reply to comment]

Well what a great idea and way to bring in your 40th birthday!!!

Fathima said... [Reply to comment]

Happy 39 7/12 b'Day! Love the plate 'n the cookies!

sathya said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Pre-Birthday !
Cookies looks delcious!

Katie said... [Reply to comment]

Happy almost-almost birthday! Those cookies look so yummy! I will have to try the recipe!

Sugar Swings said... [Reply to comment]

It's the big 39 for me this nov, so I kinda feel your pain!!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy early 2nd 39th birthday. :)

P.S. I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog over the last 7 months... and my tummy has enjoyed many of your recipes.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy almost birthday to you. Today is my real birthday and cookies are my most favorite dessert. Thank you for the recipes. Enjoy your 40's - they will be wonderful. I speak from experience!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Hahaha!! I love the 7/12 made into change. That's such an awesome idea. These cookies look delicious. Congrats on your new serving tray!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy 40th! now you are a true grown up..

Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

Happy 39 7/12 birthday! Hehe :) I hope I remember to celebrate turning 40 in such a big way too!

I'm going to have to make those cookies for the hubs soon...

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

happy early birthday and these cookies look wonderful!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Those cookies look delish! Happy almost birthday!


DPLK said... [Reply to comment]

Wee! Enjoy the rest of your 40th year! Hope you get the chance to throw a big bash for yourself! (I hope JustJenn caters!)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I will be 47 on Friday! My 40s have been great so far and I'm looking forward to it just getting better and better!

CH said... [Reply to comment]

How fun a countdown! Love the idea!

Memória said... [Reply to comment]

WOOHOOO!!!! Happy pre-birthday!! I love that new dish! I can't believe it was only 10 dollars.

K + E said... [Reply to comment]

Those cookies look delicious!


LibraryGirl62 said... [Reply to comment]

Aw Honey-40 ain't nothing but a thing~29 destroyed me but I rebounded and now I am 48 1/2 :) Life is good!

Kristin Pinyan said... [Reply to comment]

That serving tray is pretty awesome. I may have to get one for myself.

Ellen said... [Reply to comment]

I love it! I'll have to remember that as a countdown to big birthdays. Great idea. :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

happy birthday in advance! may your life be as fantastic as how those cookies look! :D

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Birthday! Just started reading your blog. It's great!

e. said... [Reply to comment]

peanut butter and chocolate are the best things in life

can't wait to try these this weekend!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Birthday! Just started reading your blog. It's great!

Nicole said... [Reply to comment]

Meh, people are living to 100 these days, so you haven't even hit the half way point. ;)

I've been following your blog for a while now. Great stuff! Thanks for all the ideas and recipes. So many things to try out.

webmailaddress2 said... [Reply to comment]

What a fun idea! Happy almost 40! That tray is pretty nifty and such a good deal too.

Nina said... [Reply to comment]

wow! I wonder if I'll be as cool as you when I turn almost 40. Still got a long while to go, but we'll see!

Jami said... [Reply to comment]

I love that you're practicing celebrating your birthday in advance! Happy happy! (I'm on the countdown to 40, too, but with a little farther to go - January 2012.)

Kassy said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Almost Birthday! Those cookies look like the perfect way to start off celebrating! Yum :)

Tessa said... [Reply to comment]

Happy pre-birthday. Your cookies look delicious! The perfect size to just pop in your mouth :-)

Panya said... [Reply to comment]

Happy birthday in advance!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

What a fun idea! Doesn't get much better than chocolate and peanut butter :)

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

You're too cute. But wait, if 40 is the new 30 then what is 30?? This girl turning 30 wants to know :)

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said... [Reply to comment]

happy happy pre birthday. I've seen you and you look younger than me! I'm not even joking. Anyway 40 is totally the new 30. I wish I was 40. That would mean that my kids would be teenagers and probably potty trained by then.

veronica said... [Reply to comment]

Happy, happy almost birthday! Thanks for sharing it with us. Enjoy it: you're only 39-7/12 once!

Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

Woo hoo! Happy almost Birthday!

Love the serving tray, too!

Chavi said... [Reply to comment]

You're as young as you feel. Live it up! And bake more cookies and bundts along the way. Happy pre-birthday!

Angie said... [Reply to comment]

My birthday's in December too, awesome!

angelilee91@gmail dot com

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy almost birthday - live it up!! Oh and Cadbury chocolate is delicious!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Happy unbirthday to you! These peanut butter chunk cookies look like the perfect way to celebrate.

Bethie said... [Reply to comment]

Oh 40 ain't so bad, try 44!

Amy K said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Pre-Birthday! Those cookies look like a delicious start to your celebration!

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

Hooray! Can we celebrate your birthday every month all year?! I don't need to win the gift card, but am excited to start the countdown with you.

Melanie said... [Reply to comment]

The only problem with being 40 is that it is harder to lose those extra cookie pounds. But these cookies look worth it.

shaz said... [Reply to comment]

What an awesome idea to stretch out the celebrations! Those cookies look like the perfect way to kickstart festivities :)

Mrs. G said... [Reply to comment]

Happy pre-birthday!

Meister said... [Reply to comment]

I love other people's birthdays! What a great way to celebrate yourself and the people in your blogging community -- bravo!

(Those cookies look delicious -- it's been way too long since I've whipped up a batch of cookies just for the heck of it.)

Beth said... [Reply to comment]

You'll wake up on the morning of your 40th and feel just the same...although I know it's scary now!

pxilated said... [Reply to comment]

Yay for birthdays! =)

The Nifty Foodie said... [Reply to comment]

Happy 39 7/12 birthday!! I totally am craving cookies now. :)

carmen said... [Reply to comment]

Yay for December babies (mine is 12/4 :) )!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

From someone who will turn 40 just 2 months before you, I feel your pain! Those cookies look like just the thing to get me through! Kelly

Cristine said... [Reply to comment]

Happy 39 7/12! :) The cookies look great!

j bird said... [Reply to comment]

Those cookies look amazing! Happy almost b-day!

Sarah said... [Reply to comment]

happy approaching birthday, from one librarian (still in school) to another! :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, I just turned 40, and I will say that you are doing it in style (much better than I)! Great way to start...with cookies!

Carolyn (

Nikki said... [Reply to comment]

Those look delicious! Can't wait to see what you roll out when the big day arrives. ;)

Shari said... [Reply to comment]

Great idea on the countdown!

Patricia @ ButterYum said... [Reply to comment]

Well, well, well... have no fear, 40 is near!!! :)

It was an easy transition for me - turning 25 was the hard one. Anyway, I love that you are celebrating your upcoming milestone in such a fun way.

Love your new C&B Tray - I'm headed over there to grab one. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.


Mrsblocko said... [Reply to comment]

Those cookies look so perfectly round they look like they weren't even homemade. I just ate breakfast and even though I'm full I want to eat that whole platefull of cookies.

Wait, shouldn't you be making birthday bundts for yourself. You are the grand poohbah shamalama ding dong of bundts!

Happy unbirthday!

Tamara Marnell said... [Reply to comment]

Mmm chocolate chunk cookies. I love them, but I'm too cheap to buy the good-quality chunks, so when I make them I use cheap generic chips and the result is always "meh." Actually, that may be a good thing, otherwise every single one of the cookies on that pretty platter would be in my tummy within an hour of emerging from the oven.

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Happy early birthday Mary :) And live it up girl cuz 40 IS the new 30 :)

Rachel said... [Reply to comment]

Yay! I think 40 is the new 20!

Margaret said... [Reply to comment]

Happy almost 40th birthday! Thanks for sharing the love.

Erin said... [Reply to comment]

A very merry unbirthday to YOU! Birthdays are Fun! (Because they come with CAKE!!)

Sweet Pea Chef said... [Reply to comment]

Happy pre-birthday! The cookies look delicious!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy pre-birthday! Can't wait to try your cookie recipe. Looks very delicious!
:D from CA

Liz said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, 40 IS the new 30! 40 is FABULOUS! I just turned 40 in June. Like you, it felt different than turning 30...maybe it's because when I was a kid, I thought 40 was WAY old. Now that I'm here, I'm determined to be the healthiest and sharpest I've been ever. Love the Crate & Barrel serving tray! Thanks for the chance to win the gift card.

Taya@TypeB said... [Reply to comment]

Yea! What a fun and generous way to celebrate your birthday! Thanks for the chance to be a part of it!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

40 is totally the new 30! And what a way to celebrate. Yum...especially with those Cadbury dark chocolate chips.

Nette said... [Reply to comment]

I just found your blog last week and have been checking it regularly. Happy 39 7/12 day! I turn 30 in a month and if 40 is the new 30 - we are almost the same age!

The cookies and platter look delicious. Yes, the platter too.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I love that my husband is going to his 40 before me ;)

MCD (conci9999 at yahoo dot com) said... [Reply to comment]

Happy soon to be birthday!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Pre-Brithday! That is such a cool idea! Those cookies look awesome!

rachel said... [Reply to comment]

I love celebrating my birthday, too--glad you do the same! :)

Edana said... [Reply to comment]

You should have an un-birthday tea party with these cookies. And invite me. Yum!

Kirsten Hansen said... [Reply to comment]

Happy pre-birthday! What a great way to celebrate. Mmmm. Fell in love with you blog between the pictures and the recipes, and promptly shared with my foody friends! I may have found what I'm baking this weekend! Love pb and chocolate.

hannepa said... [Reply to comment]

Enjoy your last few months in the thirties - I'm sure the next decade will be glorious as well :)

Heather MK said... [Reply to comment]

I hope you have a happy birthday - don't let the number bring you down. Enjoy every ounce of life.

JaBLes Mommy said... [Reply to comment]

Happy almost birthday! :)

Karen said... [Reply to comment]

Happy pre-birthday! I hit that milestone a few years ago, it's not so bad!

Julie said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Early Birthday! Now I'm off to make these cookies! Yummm!

kasey said... [Reply to comment]

40 is totally the new 30. ;)


Diane said... [Reply to comment]


I saw Dorie speak at ALA - she is too cute. She had a savory spread from her new french cookbook

Shelly said... [Reply to comment]

I just turned 31 - which seems so horribly old to me. . . so I'm definitely feeling your pain.

Yay for cooking librarians!

bookworm said... [Reply to comment]

40 is nothing to fear (of course, I'm in my late 50's so consider the source....) Peanut butter and chocolate are a match made in heaven. Are you going to serve these on your birthday? Will you send a batch to everyone who comments? (only kidding)

Meghan said... [Reply to comment]

Happy 39.583333333 years old day! I too LOVE the pb and chocolate combo!

kerry.ajohnson said... [Reply to comment]

Happy 39 7/12th birthday!! Those cookies look delicious.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

What a fun idea! Happy almost birthday!

Courtney Peacock said... [Reply to comment]

Those cookies look heavenly. Mmm. Happy 7/12 birthday!

cjpeacockbird at gmail dot com.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Birthday in advance! Love your blog.

Lisa K. said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Pre-Birthday! I love birthdays too. And those cookies look delicious!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hi thanks for the chance to win...e*

grace said... [Reply to comment]

what fun! i like the way you're approaching this milestone, mary. :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

THIS recipe is awesome.
happy almost birthday.
hope i winn.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

You are too funny. Happy prebirthday! Hope you got a new fridge.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you for sharing your birthday and a great recipe.


Keri said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Pre-Birthday. I usually celebrate a whole week before and after, but now that I see your 5 months ahead thing, I think this is a great plan. I wonder if my husband will go for it :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Almost Birthday! Those cookies look delicious!

Jessica M. said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Birthday and blogging...I'll actually take a shipment of cookies for the celebration!

Audrey said... [Reply to comment]

I'm surprised! It just shows that you're very very young at heart! (ps as someone who is 51 and 1 1/2 12ths, 40 is really nothing to worry about!)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Happy almost birthday!! Would love to see a pan cookie adaptation for this recipe - we make pan cookies for a crowd about twice a week and I need new ideas!!!

Hennifer said... [Reply to comment]

Those cookies look and sound so yummy! Happy end of your 30's. I'm turning 35 next week and having a hard time with that for sure!

Robin said... [Reply to comment]

Love the serving tray - it would be perfect for asparagus.

I may make those cookies next week when I have to go back to work (I'm a middle school librarian.)

Natalie said... [Reply to comment]

I might have to make these this weekend-I'm on a huge pb/choc kick lately (okay...always)

what a fun little pre-bday countdown!! :)

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Such perfect little cookies and I love the tray you have them on!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

happy birthday! my husband will looove these cookies!

Flax Hill Gardener said... [Reply to comment]

I hope you have a wonderful 5 month lead-up to your birthday. My friends and I have decided that we're going to be 33 for the foreseeable future...or until it's obvious we're not.

chibi said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Pre-birthday!
I was at Cost Plus this past weekend and saw a lot of chocolates by Cadbury that are usually sold overseas.

Koci said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Early Birthday! This is the way to celebrate! Those cookies do look delicious, by the way. :)

Kath U said... [Reply to comment]

What a fun way to celebrate! 40 IS the new 30, but also, you can officially start counting BACKWARDS after you hit 40! :-) Happy Birthday!

Letícia Castro said... [Reply to comment]

:) now you'll get a lot of happy birthdays until the real day! :))) it's nice to celebrate it all these months!


Laura said... [Reply to comment]

Happy early birthday! I read your blog nearly every day - but I have never commented until now. I suppose I should comment more often to let you know that I really adore reading your posts and seeing your photography. [slaurachang at gmail]

Seanna said... [Reply to comment]

You're right, 40 is the new 30! Trust me, it's just a number - I turned 46 this year and still feel like I'm 25!

You're great and so is your blog. Enjoy those lovely cookies, and your birthday too.

Jenny said... [Reply to comment]

Happy pre-birthday. What a fun way to celebrate your big day.

Marcia said... [Reply to comment]

Once you get over the weirdness of turning 40, you'll find that your 40s are fabulous! Enjoy!

DailyChef said... [Reply to comment]

Happy pre-birthday! Anyone who can make cookies like this is young to me!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy pre-birthday from a fellow librarian.

Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

Happy soon to be your birthday! :)

Parita said... [Reply to comment]

What a way to celebrate your upcoming 40th bday!! Oh those cookies look fabulous, wish i could grab few for myself!

Jennifer Salzberg said... [Reply to comment]

The cookies look delish, as do all of your recipes. Thank you for such an informative and entertaining website. I found you via your friend JustJenn, and enjoy reading about both of your antics. Have a fabulous 40th!


Wafah said... [Reply to comment]

Happy almost birthday! Wish u all the good health and prosperity!

Heather S-G said... [Reply to comment]

Ha! Too cute =) And yes, you definitely know how to get the party started...great giveaway...thanks for the chance!!!

Catherine said... [Reply to comment]

Those cookies look wonderful! My family are big cookie fans, I'll have to make this for them soon!
You have a wonderful site here, I'm so happy I found it. Will be back again soon!
Have a great weekend~

L & K said... [Reply to comment]

Great blog! 5 months is forever away!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

You're just a bay-bee!

Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

Making these cookies tonight. I'm sure my co-workers will love them!

Shannon said... [Reply to comment]

You should have a big party, Katie and I would come :-)

Carolyn said... [Reply to comment]

I'll be joining you at 4-0 soon enough! Great lookin' cookies!

Lauran and Mike said... [Reply to comment]

These look amazing!! Here's to 40 more years filled with delicious goodies!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy slightly-over-half-birthday! The peanut butter cookies look delicious!

Kara Shurtliff said... [Reply to comment]

happy birthday! I'm totally making these cookies!


Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

I just had my birthday a few days ago and I am proud to say I am 52 :-)
Your cookies look ammmmazing.
Happy early Birthday to you & tons more to follow

Brett said... [Reply to comment]

Those are some good looking cookies!

Deeba PAB said... [Reply to comment]

Love the Crate & Barrel tray, and love your 'frugality'! Happy birthday in advance Mary!!

Jane said... [Reply to comment]

Good for you! Celebrate as much and in any way you want. Birthdays are to be celebrated no matter the age and not much beats peanut butter and chocolate to kick it all off!

Eva said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Pre-Birthday! Indeed a very cool serving tray.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy early birthday! Those cookies look very tasty - almost a bit moist. Mmmm. I want some.

linda said... [Reply to comment]

what a lovely way to start the big 40 celebration...wonderful cookie recipe & a giveaway! thanks for including me...

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Pre-Birthday! Awesome blog!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

That serving tray is really cool - and definitely a steal at $9.95 - the perfect way of showing off these cookies! :)

adge said... [Reply to comment]

Those cookies look delicious. gasweetheart211[at]netscape[dot]net

Sarah R said... [Reply to comment]

I think you must be psychic... I was looking for a good PB cookie recipe! Happy pre-birthday (and I'm uber-frugal too - good buy!!

CindyD said... [Reply to comment]

Forty didn't bother me (my daughter was just five, after all), fifty was fun, but now I'm facing 60 in two years and that seems old!

kmarkners said... [Reply to comment]

I would love to win the Amazon gc! I have been watching a few things. Happy Almost Birthday!

Torviewtoronto said... [Reply to comment]

Looks delicious Happy upcoming birthday

Mr. P said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, no way are you going to be 40! You write like you're in your twenties! (Sorry if that sounds rude. I mean that you have a vivacious turn of phrase!)

I am genuinely shocked.

Tiffany said... [Reply to comment]

Happy 40th! I am headed that way soon.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Great looking cookies. If the weather ever cools down I will def bring these to work

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Don't fret over 40!!!!!! This Friday, the 16th, I turn 55 and I am proud of it!!! I love-love-love birthdays. My 2nd daughter was born on the 15th and had me in the hospital on my birthday that year, 1981. We celebrate all month long together. It's what you make of it.

P.S. If you weren't here to celebrate, you would be dead!!!!!!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I too am knocking on 40's door (feb 2011) and feeling weird about it's to a wonderful year for both of us!

Trish said... [Reply to comment]

I just celebrated my 37th on June 3rd and started thinking, wow, I'm closer to 40 than ever before!! It sneaks up on ya doesn't it?! These cookies look delish. Thanks for the recipe.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy happy early birthday!

~Ada^_^ (

Carrie Ann said... [Reply to comment]

I saw this recipe yesterday and really wanted to make them. Until I discovered I was out of peanut butter, that is. After the next trip to the grocery though, I will be trying them. They look so yummy.

Jules Someone said... [Reply to comment]

What a totally fun idea! Happy almost birthday!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hope you enjoy your pre birthday party!!

Dawn C. said... [Reply to comment]

I always love reading your blog, but now it looks like I'll love reading it even more for the next few month! Thanks for being so generous to your readers!


Amy said... [Reply to comment]

I love the idea of starting your birthday celebrating 5 months in advance!!!!

Happy Pre-birthday!

Ed and Kelly said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Pre-Birthday! Those cookies look fantastic :)

Laurel7221 said... [Reply to comment]

Happy almost birthday! Thanks for getting us gifts.

charlie girl said... [Reply to comment]

My birthday too, but it'll be 44 for me. Happy Birthday, do it big, invite all those you love to a place you love and let me celebrate YOU!!!! I did, it was the best birthday ever! oops.

Baking and Mistaking said... [Reply to comment]

Happy almost birthday!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I think i should start celebrating in advance too :D cheers to 5 months of celebration!


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Those cookies look delicious! And 40 isn't so bad.

Rona Y said... [Reply to comment]

I used to hate peanut butter, but peanut butter cookies are another story! And that's a beautiful platter--perfect for fish, too!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I know how intimidating those big numbers can be, so I think it's a great idea to celebrate them for a long time (and get used to and learn to appreciate them ;) ).
I hope you have a great time living up to the big day and of course a killer birthday itself!
And don't forget to never *act* your age! :D

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy pre-birthday!! Cookies are the perfect way to celebrate ;)

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said... [Reply to comment]

Happy 39 1/2 birthday!! :) I hope it is a lovely day!

Pip said... [Reply to comment]

I am making these today for sure!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

this is so cute! i love that serving plate from c&b. i always love reading your posts, happy bday!!! even if it is 39 and and odd number of days.

Jenna H. said... [Reply to comment]

Happy B'day! I already printed your cookie recipe - they look so yummy. Thanks for the giveaway.
jmhamlin826 AT yahoo DOT com

Kitchen Runway said... [Reply to comment]

Happy 39 7/12 birthday!!! =) Woothoo!

Cool Lassi(e) said... [Reply to comment]

Happy 39 7/12 birthday. I will be 40 in almost six years and I am freaked out by it. So I can totally understand what you are going through. What an awesome plate from C&B. Lovely plate and lovely cookies.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Ooh, pick me, pick me. I was an assistant librarian in high school and now I check out numerous library books regarding all things culinary (and a lot of non-culinary topics) plus I have an unhealthy addiction to Amazon. Have a very happy birthday!

Katherine said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Soon-to-be Birthday! I'm new to your blog but i'm really enjoying your back entries.

katherineunderwood AT gmail DOT com

Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

Oooh, I need to win... my birthday's tomorrow, LOL. Nice giveaway :) The cookies look delish!

SimplyJenn said... [Reply to comment]

Happy soon to be birthday!! 40 is the new 25 ;) love the blog :)

caroline said... [Reply to comment]

Happy birthday!!

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