White Chocolate Brownies (with Blueberries) - Tuesdays with Dorie

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

White Chocolate Brownies (with Blueberries) - Tuesdays with Dorie
For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, Marthe of Culinary Delights selected White Chocolate Brownies on pages 110 and 111 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.

White Chocolate Brownies (with Blueberries) - Tuesdays with Dorie
Although Marthe picked this, all the TWD bakers know that Clara is cheering this pick as she was involved in heavy lobbying for this one. So I think this week is hosted by both Marthe and Clara! :)

I had to work this weekend so I didn't get a chance to visit the Farmer's Market, and the raspberries at the supermarket looked weak. I substituted blueberries instead.

I skipped the meringue topping because it doesn't keep well, and I'm bringing these into work. I'm sure lots of bakers tried the meringue so you'll have to check their blogs for the meringue covering.

White Chocolate Brownies (with Blueberries) - Tuesdays with Dorie
All by blueberries settled on the bottom of these mini-muffins so I will just serve them upside down! Be sure to check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers! Whew! Sorry it's a day late, baking has been a challenge because my house is getting new windows installed...in the kitchen!

Marthe of Culinary Delights's blog, or...
Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours, page 110
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Patricia Scarpin said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, these are cute! I love it that you baked them in individual pans.
Love blueberries and white choc together!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I went with blueberries too Mary - your brownies are adorable! Hope they're a hit at the office :)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

These are so adorable and look delicious! I think this cookbook is going to have to be the next one I buy thanks to you. Thanks for sharing!

Tia said... [Reply to comment]

Yours look lovely!
mine is totally unrecognizeable. I switched out the chocolate to milk.. no meringue, used brown butter frosting and added a Ritz crust on the bottom! lol

Hindy said... [Reply to comment]

Bravo for cooking at all with workmen tromping through your kitchen. Your minis look delicious!

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

wow these look so nice and delicious!

DailyChef said... [Reply to comment]

Cute and tasty - a great combination!

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

Aahh, love the minis and the blueberries. I wish I would have made mine mini and without meringue. I was one of the underbaked bakers.

Carol Peterman/TableFare said... [Reply to comment]

Upside-down cakes are the perfect solution to the fruit sinking! Not an option with the meringue topping though.

Ειρήνη said... [Reply to comment]

i will take 2 of them..looks delicious

CaSaundraLeigh said... [Reply to comment]

These look interesting and delicious!

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said... [Reply to comment]

These are adorable! :) I think blueberries would be delicious in them!

Nicole@The Dirty Oven via twitter @ovenloving said... [Reply to comment]

Sooo cute. I have been following your blog for some time. Just started my own. Partly due to all the inspiration around. I love your pics and your banana bunt cake was awesome. I just wanted to say thank you for your posts... Keep them coming. I hope someday I can actually have some posts that are as good as yours.. Love It !!!

MsJess said... [Reply to comment]

Were you at the ALA conference by any chance? Dorie did a cooking demon on Monday and then answered questions. She was lovely person and so charming!

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