85 C Bakery, Irvine, CA

Thursday, August 19, 2010

85 degree C Bakery in Irvine, CA

"Restaurant Week...or a bit longer"
continues on the blog. I'm cleaning up unfinished restaurant posts, and sharing all the eating out I've been doing lately. After eating at the Guppy House, JustJenn and I headed over to the much loved 85 ° C Bakery in Irvine, CA.

A few weeks ago, the LA Times Food Section profiled the Taiwanese 85 ° C Bakery in Irvine, California (Los Angeles Times, July 13, 2010). Irvine is in Orange County and I don't pass through it very frequently. However, since the Cupcake Camp OC was held in Irvine, JustJenn and I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

85 degree C Bakery in Irvine, CA
The line is long and they limit the number of people in the bakery. But the line goes pretty fast and you can spend your time thinking about what carbs you are going to pick up! :)

85 degree C Bakery in Irvine, CA 85 degree C Bakery in Irvine, CA
The LA Times article describes customers waiting around for staff to bring out a tray of hot bread. When I was in the shop, a man came out and yelled "Taro Bread" - and I grabbed two purple ovals of goodness!

85 degree C Bakery in Irvine, CA
85 ° C Bakery has a large display of refrigerated desserts and cakes, but I was all about the breads! See JustJenn's earlier visit for more photos, including the famous Sea Salt Coffee.

85 degrees C Bakery & Cafe, Irvine
This place is totally worth the wait. I love, love the Taro Bread. I could eat it everyday...and would probably end up looking like a taro. This bread had a swirl of taro paste in it.

85 degrees C Bakery & Cafe, Irvine
JustJenn said these cakes were yummy so I picked up a strawberry and blueberry jam cake. It wasn't until I was home did I discover that coconut surrounded the cake, trapping in the wholesome goodness. A paring knife sliced off the offending coconut! Hey, a girl has to salvage her carbs. The sponge cake was light...and I could eat a bunch of these.

I wanted to fill my tray with so many other goodies, but I did just eat cupcakes all day so I had some self-control. So, if you head into the O.C., I would definitely stop by 85 ° C Bakery

85 ° C Bakery
2700 Alton Parkway, No. 123 (Diamond Jamboree Shopping Center)
Irvine, CA
(949) 553-8585
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Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

This place does look like it's worth the wait. Now if they would only come to NYC.

Kirbie said... [Reply to comment]

I love this place. Always stop by if I am in the area or about to pass by the area. The taro bread was a good choice. It's my family's favorite one. And it says really soft for quite a few days. I don't know what they put in it. Probably something that is not very good for me..Oh well. Sometimes it's better not to know =) The chocolate bread and giant brioche are yummy too.

Sunset said... [Reply to comment]

O boy. Mary, you are hitting my spots! I used to go to 85C with my mom after hitting South Coast Plaza on weekends. Didn't know I was so O.C., did ya? That line looks longer than I remember. Their savory breads are pretty delicious as well. And I have to try those jam cakes. I have never had them. Time to revisit. Thanks for reminding me about this place :)

yuko said... [Reply to comment]

you must take me this bakery when I visit you next time!!

faithy said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! Such long Q! The taro bread looks delicious and looks like the type of soft sweet-Asian-bread that is popular here in Asia and in most of our bakeries. They are always in bun, either sweet or savory with various fillings. :D

Coco Cake Land said... [Reply to comment]

wow. looks crazy... are there always lines like that?? i love how a bakery can open up in a random strip mall and people will line up. i adore asian style baked goods...! ;)

the red bungalow said... [Reply to comment]

I LOVE 85C! I live near it and pass it everyday on the way to work. The line is always long, but it moves pretty fast and definitely worth the wait. :)


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I'm drooling all over my keyboard. I can't believe you and JustJenn were in OC visiting a bakery and didn't call me! Let's all get together soon to get taro bread!

ceemehere said... [Reply to comment]

I love, love, love the Maple Taro Bread, tooo!! And also the Rose Cheese bread. love.

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