Capital Seafood Dim Sum, Monterey Park

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Capital Seafood, Monterey Park
Happy Graduation Alison!

Celebrating high school graduation of Alison (left) with her cousins, Jessica and Dominic!

My friend Jessica treated her cousin to a dim sum brunch recently. Dim Sum and Los Angeles County can only mean a drive to the San Gabriel Valley. We went to Capital Seafood in Monterey Park. It shares a parking lot of several other Chinese stores and a big Ranch 99 supermarket. There may be a billion people in China, but I think half of them were fighting for parking in that lot. Hint: Look for street parking around the block.

Capital Seafood, Monterey Park
As with most Chinese restaurants serving dim sum, they ain't messing around. Service is fast and it's crowded. We waited about 30 minutes for our party of five to get seated.

Capital Seafood was recommended for dim sum served on carts by Jonathan Gold (yes, he answered my tweet! How freakin' awesome is that?). I really like Elite for non-cart dim sum.

Capital Seafood, Monterey Park Capital Seafood, Monterey Park
Capital Seafood, Monterey Park Capital Seafood, Monterey Park
Capital Seafood, Monterey Park Capital Seafood, Monterey Park
Capital Seafood, Monterey Park Capital Seafood, Monterey Park
There were only five of us and we were super hungry so I didn't get photos of everything! But it was yummy...although I never found the Chinese broccoli cart. Oh well, we finished off the meal at Yogurtland!

Capital Seafood
755 W Garvey Ave
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 282-3318
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Maria said... [Reply to comment]

Looks like fun!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thank u for this blog, I reside in San Gabriel & DO NOT trust the local dim sum locations. I will now try Monterey Park since it is sooo close. Love it!


Damaris @Kitchen Corners said... [Reply to comment]

I love Dim Sum. I've had good dim sum in Hawaii and in NYC but am yet to find a good place in NorCal.

Carmen said... [Reply to comment]

Great photos of the dim sum and the restaurant interior! Very yummy!

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Hmmmm - looks so delicious.

Che-Cheh said... [Reply to comment]

Yummy! I love dim sum. They're favs on Saturday and Sunday morning. :)

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