Guppy House - Kimchi Udon and Popcorn Chicken, Irvine, CA

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Restaurant Week...or a bit longer" continues on the blog. I'm cleaning up unfinished restaurant posts, and sharing all the eating out I've been doing lately. Today it is two posts about Orange County eatin'.

Guppy House Restaurant, Irvine, CA

After the sugar coma we got from the Cupcake Camp OC at the beginning of August, JustJenn and I went to Guppy House on Jamboree in Irvine, CA.

JustJenn got the Popcorn Chicken Plate with potato salad. The chicken was mildly spicy but the potato salad was the "sweet" variety. Not her favorite kind of salad. ($7.99)

Guppy House Restaurant, Irvine, CA
I ordered the Kimchi Udon Noodles with Pork ($7.99). Holy smokes. When this Harry Potter size cauldron of boiling soup arrived, my eyes grew big. It was quite enormous and suitable for a family of four.

Guppy House Restaurant, Irvine, CA
I ordered it mild and it was pretty spicy. Remember, I'm Japanese American and can't handle the heat the some Koreans and Chinese can take! ;) The soup had udon noodles and pork slices. I wish there were a few more noodles and a few less gallons of soup.

Guppy House also has these MASSIVE shave ice with fruit monster dishes. You often see a table full of college students munching on it. And they do serve smaller sizes.

This dinner gave us our strength to stand in line... at 85 C, the most popular bakery in the area. More on that in the next post!

Guppy House
(949) 851-9788
2730 Alton Parkway STE 101
Irvine, CA 92614
They have other locations in Southern California
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Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Lordy - now I'm starving. This all looks awesome.

Justin said... [Reply to comment]

i go out for korean food a lot with my girlfriend, and my theory for a while has been that they actually make every dish less spicy for me. so now when i get those big soup pots, i ask for them to make it the most spicy they can, just to make my point.

faithy said... [Reply to comment]

I love anything Kimchi! Looks yummy! I'm hungry now after looking at your photos! :D Popcorn chicken my son's fave..and he always eat the KFC's version. :)

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