Banana Nutella Bundt - Day #10 of I Like Big Bundts 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Banana Nutella Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Banana Nutella Bundt

In a Bundt.

Yeah, I think it is pretty awesome too. (Except for JustJenn who is strange and hates bananas!)

I had three really ripe bananas on the counter and I knew they weren't going on my cereal in the morning. Last year, I made a Banana Chocolate Bundt and a Nutella Bundt. I was inspired by both of those to make this Banana Nutella Bundt!

Banana Nutella Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
I'm on a quest to post 30 bundts in 30 days leading up to November 15th - National Bundt Day! I hope you'll make your family and friends a Bundt cake to celebrate!

I Like Big Bundts
My friend JustJenn has a line of stationery and pins to celebrate the love of Big Bundts!

Banana Nutella Bundt - I Like Big Bundts Banana Nutella Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
You make the banana batter. Then you pull out 1 cup of the batter and fold in some Nutella. Then you marble with a butter knife.

Banana Nutella Bundt - I Like Big Bundts

Right now I'm at a conference in Monterey, CA and it finally stopped raining. Just in time for the conference to start and for me to sit in a room all day. Timing is everything, no? Because I don't WiFi in the room (sorry, not paying $13 a day for that privilege) nor an OVEN, I found myself at the hotel's gym before 6 am this morning! Perhaps if I lived in a hotel, I'd be in good shape. :)

Banana Nutella Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
This was really tasty. I love banana bread so it was a nice banana bread with some nutella. Can't go wrong with that, huh? See you back here tomorrow for another Bundt cake! - mary the food librarian

I was inspired by this Cooking Light recipe for a Marbled-Chocolate Banana Bread...but changed it up with Nutella and made it more fatty than Cooking Light's original...hum, sorta a Cooking Heavy with the Food Librarian version.

Banana Nutella Bundt

2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter, softened
1 1/2 cups mashed ripe banana (I used 3 medium bananas)
2 eggs
1/3 c plain yogurt (I used non-fat Greek yogurt)
1/2 c Nutella

1. Heat over to 350°. Prep a 10-cup Bundt pan (I used my 10-cup Fiesta Bundt).
2. Combine flour, baking soda, and salt in a bowl. Stir with a whisk to combine.
3. Scoop Nutella into a medium bowl. Mix with a spoon to soften, but do not heat.
4. Cream butter and sugar at medium speed with the paddle attachment.
5. Lightly beat the eggs and slowly add to the batter.
6. Add banana and yogurt. Beat until well blended.
7. At low speed, add the flour mixture until just combined.
8. Scoop out 1 cup of the batter and fold into Nutella.
9. Spoon plain batter into Bundt pan. Top with Nutella mixture.
10. Swirl batters together with a knife.
11. Bake until toothpick comes out clean, about 50 minutes, depending on your oven.
12. Cool for 15 minutes and then invert from pan onto wire rack. Cool completely.
13. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top of cooled cake.
Pin It!


DPLK said... [Reply to comment]

I'm with JustJenn on that... I am okay with eating fresh bananas, although they're not my favorite thing in the world, but twinge of over-ripe banana aftertaste in banana baked goods makes me rather pick other quickbreads instead. (I heart zucchini bread!) But this bundt looks delicious with the Nutella swirl =)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

What a yummy combination - and I always like Cooking Heavy!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Oh love this combination so much!! Luckily, I've got a big bag of bananas in my freezer and 2 containers of Nutella in the pantry so I won't have to wait long to make it :)

DailyChef said... [Reply to comment]

Just wanted to drop a line to say that I'm enjoying your bundt series - never seen so many bundt recipes before!

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

Okay, this might have to be my birthday bundt! I can't imagine not liking bananas.

librariane said... [Reply to comment]

So we tried an applesauce spice bundt last night... it's good (and healthy!), but a little too dry. I'm still searching for the right bundt to celebrate the nat'l holiday. :)

I've starred a couple of yours in GoogleReader!

Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

Ahh! I am such a banana AND Nutella nut. Think this one would be my favorite so far. :)

Annie's Dish said... [Reply to comment]

Totally perfect combination. I love Nutella. In fact I made cookies just the other day with it. Thanks for the recipe!

Donna-FFW said... [Reply to comment]

I think Id enjoy this combination. I favor baking with bananas and this combo is new to me.

Cherine said... [Reply to comment]

Looks yummy!

Hearty Bakes said... [Reply to comment]

With all these beautiful bundt posts, i'm so eager to get one to try out the various recipe shared.

Bakeolicious said... [Reply to comment]

Delicious looking bundt cake. I love the banana nutella combination.

Good luck with your 30 bundts in 30 days challenge too!

I’d love for you to submit one of your beautiful photos, and a link to your post, to my new baking photo gallery showcasing the beautiful baking, sweets and desserts.

bigFATcook said... [Reply to comment]

Banana AND nutella?? Now I'm officially in love :DD Looks very tasty.

Greets from BFC !!!!

Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

I always have bananas and I always have nutella...that means I could make this whenever I want! :)

dining room tables said... [Reply to comment]

I am planning to make mini versions of this for a birthday party. This can be a nice giveaway for all the mothers that are going to attend.

Hindy said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, I'm looking at making this recipe soon. It says that 1 stick of butter is 1/4 cup. In my boxes of butter, 1 stick is 1/2 cup. Can you remember which you used, the quarter or the half? Thanks!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Clivia, #16, Sorry, I copied the recipe incorrectly. Changed to 1/2 stick or 1/4 cup butter. - mary

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

OMG.....was it beautiful and deliciously moist or what. Am not a huge fan of banana anything, but This was 'love at first bite'. Thank you

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