Chocolate Velvet Bundt - Day #2 of I Like Big Bundts

Monday, October 18, 2010

Chocolate Velvet Bundts with Ganache - I Like Big Bundts 2
Chocolate Velvet Pound Cake

It's Day #2 of I Like Big Bundts - a crazy marathon of Bundts. I hope you have November 15th circled on your calendar as National Bundt Day!

Chocolate Velvet Bundts with Ganache - I Like Big Bundts 2
I used my mini bundt pans to make these chocolate bundts. I have one that has 12 mini-bundts without the hole (more like a pretty upside down cupcake) and one that has 6 mini-bundts with holes in the center.

Chocolate Velvet Bundts with Ganache - I Like Big Bundts 2
Topped with chocolate ganache, this is rich pound cake with a tight crumb.

Chocolate Velvet Bundts with Ganache - I Like Big Bundts 2
This is from the beautiful book The Art and Soul of Baking by Cindy Mushet and the folks at Sur La Table. I'm glad I bought is now full of post-it notes! It got a Starred review in Publisher's Weekly!

Chocolate Velvet Bundts with Ganache - I Like Big Bundts 2

Chocolate Velvet Pound Cake

The Art and Soul of Baking by Cindy Mushet and the folks at Sur La Table, page 313-314
This website, inmamaskitchen has the recipe and they say it is reprinted with permission.
See if your library has it on WorldCat

Bake the individual (6 bundts) for 16-19 minutes. Mine took 19 minutes.
Bake the mini Bundt (12 bundts) for 13-15 minutes. Mine took about 14 minutes.
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Lisa said... [Reply to comment]

These do look rich, but oh so good. No one could say no to chocolate.

Bea Roque said... [Reply to comment]

Wow... That chocolate velvet is on my list since I saw it on the book... I've got to do it now!!

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

Wow...I want to eat this and it is only 10am my

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Those look so rich and I'm really in a chocolate mood today.

greydawn said... [Reply to comment]

that cake is food porn!

Sandra :) said... [Reply to comment]

This looks yummy - I don't have any mini bundt pans and the original recipe doesn't state a pan size (that I could find, anyways) - what's the volume of your mini and individual pans - I'm guessing 1 cup and 1/2 cup? I have several mini loaf pans that might work as a substitution, but the volume varies from pan to pan, lol.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said... [Reply to comment]

I really want a mini bundt pan. I love this recipe. I want to kiss this recipe with tongue. It looks so freakin good!

Sugar Swings said... [Reply to comment]

these look yummy....! chocolate ganache is my favorite icing these days---so simple yet complex at the same time....can you do a bundt with white chocolate ganache?? Looking forward to the rest of your "bundt" posts..!


Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Perfect excuse to buy my first bundt pan! LOVELY LOVELY

Anne said... [Reply to comment]

Oh I love this event and can't wait to see more! I have to say, the third picture has me drooling, it just looks so delicious!

Silvia said... [Reply to comment]

I love those mini bundts and they look delicious. Mmmmm. Chocolate.

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Whoa! And yum.

The Urban Baker said... [Reply to comment]

i did not know that national bundt day is 11/15. now i do and i am so grateful for the info. these are adorable!

bigFATcook said... [Reply to comment]

Yea! That's what I'm talkin' about!! :)) It looks great!!

Greets from BFC !!!

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Oh man - this is one of my favorite cookbooks. So many great classic recipes. I made this cake recently into a loaf and it turned out awesome. Your mini bundt here looks super cute.

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

The ganache on top looks like heaven.

Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

Mmmmm ganache :) I need to order a mini bundt pan...I can't find one anywhere around here!

Sandra :) said... [Reply to comment]

I bought a mini bundt pan in the States during our vacation to Pennsylvania, and this recipe is now in the oven baking merrily away. It looks totally decadent :D

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