Buttermilk Butternut Squash Bundt with Spiced Vanilla Icing - Day #26 of I Like Big Bundts

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Buttermilk Butternut Squash Bundt with Spiced Vanilla Icing - I Like Big Bundts
Buttermilk Butternut Squash Bundt with Spiced Vanilla Icing

Happy Veteran's Day! Thank you for your service!

It is Day #26 of I Like Big Bundts. The Food Librarian presents 30 Bundts in 30 Days leading up to November 15th National Bundt Day. By the way, 11/15 is Katrina's of Baking and Boys' birthday too. Let's all make a Bundt in honor of her birthday!

Buttermilk Butternut Squash Bundt with Spiced Vanilla Icing - I Like Big Bundts
Tracey of Tracey's Culinary Adventures suggested trying this Bundt, and I remember Mary Ann of Meet Me in the Kitchen made this Bundt last year for National Bundt Day. Do you follow their blogs? They are fantastic and always making something so yummy.

Buttermilk Butternut Squash Bundt with Spiced Vanilla Icing - I Like Big Bundts Buttermilk Butternut Squash Bundt with Spiced Vanilla Icing - I Like Big Bundts
Since it includes shredded butternut squash, it falls into the veggie category. Just kidding. Sorta. I did roast the remaining squash while the Bundt was baking.

Buttermilk Butternut Squash Bundt with Spiced Vanilla Icing - I Like Big Bundts

My little adventure was featured in this week's American Library Association's e-Newsletter ALA Direct! I hope there are several libraries across the land that have Bundts on National Bundt Day! :) (Scroll to the bottom, second to last entry, or just search for "bundt") As my friend says, I wonder if this is the first time Sir Mix-a-Lot appeared in the newsletter...

Buttermilk Butternut Squash Bundt with Spiced Vanilla Icing - I Like Big Bundts 
Don't forget to enter my Amazon $39 11/12 giveaway for my 39 11/12th birthday. I will also donate to two charities in your name. I'm less than one month away from my 40th birthday so please help me celebrate! :) The giveaway ends Sunday, November 14th.

I Like Big Bundts Button
If you make a Bundt for National Bundt Day, I'll send you a JustJennDesign's I Like Big Bundts button! (head over to JustJenn's site for her free shipping week!) They are small and stylin'.

You will need to email me: (1) Link to your blog post (I will use one photo from your post for the round-up) or (2) One JPG photo if you don't have a blog, (3) Your name (that you want published on the blog) and title of your Bundt (4) Mailing address for the button (including your full name for mailing). I'm going to do a round up after National Bundt Day (Nov 15th) so this stuff is due by Monday, November 22nd. Please don't rummage through your archives for an old Bundt, you need to bake something fresh for National Bundt Day to qualify for the button (doesn't have to be a new recipe, just something made this month please :) Your family, friends and co-workers will thank you! :)

I've been getting comments and tweets that some of you are making a Bundt! Whoo hoo! I hope I need to double my order of pins! :)

 Buttermilk Butternut Squash Bundt with Spiced Vanilla Icing - I Like Big Bundts
Need Bundt recipe ideas?
I Like Big Bundts 2009 (30 different recipes listed here!)
I Like Big Bundts 2010

Come on back tomorrow as we head toward National Bundt Day! - mary the food librarian

Buttermilk Butternut Squash Bundt with Spiced Vanilla Icing from Fine Cooking
Pin It!


Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Now I can have my Thanksgiving veggie side dish for dessert! Score!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Oh this one looks great Mary! I've got to try it before squash season ends this year. By the way, I'll definitely be making a bundt for Monday - wouldn't miss it! :)

Saira said... [Reply to comment]

This one looks amazing! I especially like the picture of the batter with orange shreds of butternut squash mixed in. I was thinking of using up my unopened buttermilk when the recipe I bought it for didn't go through. This is perfect....and perfectly tempting! can't wait to make this next week. It's perfect too because the 14th is Eid, a religious holiday...this cake will be gobbled up in no time:)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

That is a wonderful looking bundt! I will take the recipe to try. Thanks!

Smitten Sugar said... [Reply to comment]

So pretty! That drizzle looks like perfection of the top of this bundt!

Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

I've been wanting to try butternut in dessert, but hadn't thought about grating it (I assumed it would be pureed like pumpkin!). Love that you used spiced vanilla icing...seems like most people would put cream cheese on this!

DailyChef said... [Reply to comment]

Amazing! I haven't used butternut in this way before. Add in the buttermilk and I am sold!

Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

I'm glad you made this bundt- I thought it was so good and really pretty. Plus, you have to love when cake can be considered a veggie, right?

I made some mini bundts for the round-up!

Jen said... [Reply to comment]

This looks great. I think I'm going to make it into cupcakes to take to work.

Erin said... [Reply to comment]

Awesome for fall! MMMM.

Avril said... [Reply to comment]

Crazy delicious and unique!!!

bakies said... [Reply to comment]

gorgeous looking cake. i'll definitely be trying this out.

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