Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - Day #30 of I Like Big Bundts

Monday, November 15, 2010

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt

Pull the yellow tape across the kitchen.
I'm crossing the finish line!
Happy National Bundt Day to you! Whoo Hoo!

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
If this bundt looks familiar, that's because it's my favorite! It was also the Day #30 Bundt last year. You just can't improve on this champion Bundt. This bundt is super easy (no KitchenAid needed) and bakes up in about 30 minutes. It's moist and delicious. If I was coming over to your house, I'd bring this Bundt. It rocks!

I Like Big Bundts 2
It's Day #30 of I Like Big Bundts 2. Whew! I made it! I can't believe I've made over 70 Bundts on this blog!

Thanks everyone for your comments, encouragement, and fun tweets. And big thanks to Jessica and Susan who guest posted during my wedding dessert bar madness!

The best part? Seeing all your Bundts today! I can't wait!!! As I'm writing this last post, I've been getting emails from Australia, Canada and India about Bundt cakes! How totally awesome is that?!

I started this blog as a personal record of me learning to bake (with lots of failures), and it is surreal and wild to think that people are making Bundts around the world! Thanks for baking along with me...what a thrill is has been!

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
I'm looking forward to sending you this JustJennDesigns I Like Big Bundts button if you baked a Bundt for today's National Bundt Day! Whoo hoo! Here are the details:

Please email me: (1) Link to your blog post (I will use one photo from your post for the round-up) or (2) One JPG photo if you don't have a blog, (3) Your name (that you want published on the blog) and title of your Bundt (4) Mailing address for the button (including your name for mailing). You have until Monday, November 22nd to send me the information. You need to bake something fresh for National Bundt Day to qualify for the button (doesn't have to be a new recipe).

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Happy Happy Happy Bundt Day to you! 

Come back tomorrow, not another bundt. :) I haven't completely burnt myself out, but I'm looking forward to some cookies, pies and layered cakes! But never fear, the Bundt will be back and always have a home on the Food Librarian blog. Have a great Bundt day! - mary the food librarian

Click here for a printable recipe
Adapted from Vintage Victual who adapted it from a recipe printed in the Atlanta Journal Constitution in the 1980's
See last year's post for step-by-step instructions
Pin It!


Miri said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Bundt Day! It's been so much fun seeing you create all of these great cakes! Thanks so much for sharing.

Alex Boake said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Bundt Day! This bundt is definitely a crowd-pleaser, I've made it a few times and I need to find time to fit it into my baking schedule sometime soon. I have a different bundt planned for today, however... : )

Jessica of My Baking Heart said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Bundt Day, Mary!! You're finished! :) Love the look of this one - I'll definitely try it out soon!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Congratulations!!! These all look fantastic! You've inspired me to make a bundt. I think it will be your favorite cinnamon choc one... Will send a picture if all goes well!

Saira said... [Reply to comment]

Congratulations on finishing this project! Happy Bundt Day!

Maggie said... [Reply to comment]

Congrats! I love your bundt pan. Do you know how I could find one like it?

Velva said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Bundt Day to you! Awesome.

I am stopping by to say hello from A Chica Bakes blog.

Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

If this is your favorite bundt, it's got to be good! I love chocolate and cinnamon together. And feeling more confident in my bundting abilities, I want this pan! Congrats on your final bundt!

Spencer @ Moo-Lolly-Bar said... [Reply to comment]

What a fantastic selection of cakes! I'd love to give those a good taste!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I'm a new reader, I followed your name from a comment you left somewhere else (because I'm a librarian, hehe). I can't believe you made so many bundts, this is astounding and they look delicious. I think bundts are so underrated, because they cook so evenly in that shape. My favorite pan is an old metallic bundt pan that I got for 50 cents at a garage sale.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

i made this and folded in cinnamon chips and chunks of pear. it was pure wonderfuless. thanks!!

Hindy said... [Reply to comment]

I just made this one and it's definitely the best chocolate bundt I've ever tasted. Wonderful! Can't wait to see what you'll come up with this year. ::g::
Thanks, Mary.

miss selene said... [Reply to comment]

hi mary,
i just made this on fri night for my visiting family this weekend. it was a huge hit, even for my sister who dislikes chocolate!
i'm definitely now a bundt convert, having previously used only box mixes (with varying degrees of results) in my bundt pans. now i know better and i intend to try out a lot more of the recipes on your site.
thanks so much!!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@miss selene Rock on Miss Selene! Glad to hear this recipe worked out!!! - mary

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