Hey Mr. Postman...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Like Big Bundts 2010 - Buttons to send

I received this delivery from justJenn Designs (along with some yummy muffins).

Thanks to all those who made Bundts for National Bundt Day! I'm going through the emails and posts, and am so excited to see so many awesome Bundts...and great stories! One group of librarians and staff had a Bundt Day party! :)

I hope to start sending the buttons out this weekend and the epic round up of Bundts will go up early next week.

Just wanted to say THANKS for an awesome Bundt Day! - mary the food librarian

P.S. I laughed because my friend Jenn wrote "Mary" on the Ziploc bag these came in...just so she wouldn't confuse my order of 70 (yes, seventy) "I Like Big Bundt" pins with another customer's massive order. Hee hee. But do check out Jenn's stationery and other fun stuff. My favorite, besides the Bundt collection of course, is her new card that simply says, "You're Awesome." I'm sure we all have special people in our lives who deserve that card! Or, you can go Stuart Smalley, and send it to yourself.

Cidney with her Clifford Toy
And this photo of Cidney I took this morning? Nothing to do with Bundts, just cuteness!
Pin It!


Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

Wow look at all those pins! I can't wait to get mine. I'm trying to bring the "pins all over my bag" 80's look back into style...haha.

Sandra :) said... [Reply to comment]

70 buttons! That's a lot of bundt baking - I can't wait to see the photos!

Maybe I should make a bundt today to celebrate your buttons arriving ... that's as good a reason as any, lol!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Yah for bundts, adorable picture

Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

I'm excited about my button, but even more so for the round up! You've started a bundt revolution. Also, Cidney is so cute!

justJENN said... [Reply to comment]

Next time I will write NERD on the bag.

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

I'm sad I missed the boat on bundt day if for no other reason than scoring this awesome pin. At least now I have a bunch of recipes to choose from!

Sandra Dee said... [Reply to comment]

YAY! More dog pictures on blogs = happiness in the world....

I also realized that making my bundt and participating actually brightened my mood this week. The pin will be the, ahem, icing on the cake!

{groan} that was really awful, but I couldn't help myself.....

dena said... [Reply to comment]

Cute dog!

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said... [Reply to comment]

Oh so sorry I missed bundt day! This is my first visit to your blog and I've really enjoyed it! I also enjoy making bundt cakes! Gee, I just made a beef stew, maybe we can trade . . . LOL!!! If you'd like to visit me in New England for a bowl of stew, we love company and new Followers are always welcome! I've enjoyed my visit today!

chibi said... [Reply to comment]

I love the pins and your dog is so cute.

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

That is total cuteness!

I wish I had time to make a Bundt this week, but I've been so busy lately. Sad face :-(

Oh, and I'd love to meet you too!

Heidi said... [Reply to comment]

I got mine in the mail yesterday, and you might have thought it was a pair of diamond earrings, I was so excited. I immediately pinned it onto my shirt. My husband and my kids were impressed (we're that bloggy family:). My 9 year old started singing, "I like big bundts!" Then he said, "Mom, is that a real song?" Cute! Thank you so much!

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