Earl Grey Milk Tea Cupcakes with Mascarpone Frosting

Friday, January 14, 2011

Earl Grey Milk Tea Cupcakes
Earl Grey Milk Tea Cupcakes with Mascarpone Frosting

I went over to JustJenn's house for New Year's Oshogatsu yumminess...along with tons of traditional Japanese foods she created Royal T Milk Tea Cupcakes. They were delicious and I couldn't wait to try them myself!

Milk used in the cupcake is heated and the tea steeps in the milk. The frosting is so light and delicious. An easy combo of mascarpone cream, sugar and whipped cream...it is just so good!

Earl Grey Milk Tea Cupcakes
Remember my 40th Birthday? I went to Bouchon's pop up bakery in Beverly Hills with justJenn and stopped by Crate & Barrel. I gifted myself this new cake stand...and had them gift wrap it!! I brought it home and put it aside...then came Christmas and mochi making and I forgot about it. Imagine my delight when I opened this Perfect Gift this year! :)

Earl Grey Milk Tea Cupcakes
This absolutely cute and beautiful cupcake stand is handcrafted by Oakland, CA-based ceramic artist Whitney Smith. Thank you so much my dear friend Sumi for this delightful birthday gift!

Earl Grey Milk Tea Cupcakes
These are just lovely cupcakes! Be sure to give them a try.

JustJenn's Milk Tea Cupcakes (I used 4 bags of Trader Joe's Earl Grey tea instead) (I got 22 cupcakes and they baked for 23 minutes. Jenn and I have very different ovens :)
Just Jenn's Mascarpone Frosting (This frosting is my favorite!!)
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Lisa said... [Reply to comment]

They look lovely and I cannot imagine the green tea flavour, so I will definitely give these a try. Thanks!

Lisa said... [Reply to comment]

... And the cupcake stand with little bird is adorable.

Mr. P said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, they look gorgeous!!! I have a real problem with wasting all my salary on cans of hot Royal Milk Tea from jihanki.

Sugar Swings said... [Reply to comment]

Wow these look so great including you mad pic taking skills! love the cupcake stand too how pretty. Is there a big tea flavor or is it more subtle. I have to try these regardless!

briarrose said... [Reply to comment]

What cool cupcakes. I love the tea flavoring.

Gloria Baker said... [Reply to comment]

I love these cupcakes, look amazing! gloria

Azusa said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous!! I have to make these ASAP!

Jen said... [Reply to comment]

These look perfect for my next family birthday (mom and sister) -- not too sweet! :)

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

Cutest cupcake stand ever. Great gift.

vanillasugarblog said... [Reply to comment]

that dish is adorable! perfect cupcakes with even better frosting

Ana Degenaar said... [Reply to comment]

Those look simply delicious!

Hazel - Chicken in a Cherry Sauce said... [Reply to comment]

Earl Grey is my favourite! Love these cakes. Sweet cake stand. Isn't it amazing how much the citrus flavour comes out when you bake with Earl Grey? Yum.

justJENN said... [Reply to comment]

Oh I get it now it's a BIRD. I still thought tooth up until just now.

Annie's Dish said... [Reply to comment]

Those cupcakes are so sophisticated and grown up! I think that the earl grey flavor would be just wonderful!

Viv said... [Reply to comment]

earl grey is my absolute favourite type of tea....its got such a pretty perfumy scent! i love the idea of mascarpone for the icing too....must bookmark this!

KK said... [Reply to comment]

you're like a blogging ninja! I can't keep up. these cupcakes look delicious, but that little cupcake stand is AWESOME! Love the simplicity and the color...beautiful. what's that little piece over on the right hand side? a little bird?

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said... [Reply to comment]

I love cupcakes, and these look delicious! I will be giving them a try. You might like my recent post about maple muffins for a brunch . . . Thanks, and have a wonderful weekend!

Nicole@Arctic Garden Studio said... [Reply to comment]

I have had Whitney Smith in my favorites for years on Etsy, just hoping my boyfriend would get the hint one of these birthdays. What a generous friend you have. Your photos really are beautiful.

siri said... [Reply to comment]

Yum, yum, yum. I once made earl grey ice cream which is great. I'm sure these are too. Love the idea- maybe I'll make a batch for my husband, the earl grey lover.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hi! Gorgeous cupcakes. They sound delicious too.

Anna M. said... [Reply to comment]

I have to try these. Reading the title kind of made me salivate.

YourTeaLife said... [Reply to comment]

I absolutely adore the single cupcake stand-so charming.

Quyen - Kitchen Runway said... [Reply to comment]

Earl Grey Milk Tea Cupcakes! I love it! It would be great for a sweet morning treat or dessert with a warm cup of tea! Yum - I can't wait to try this! BTW - love the super cute cupcake stand!

Christy K Martin said... [Reply to comment]

the justjenn website with the recipe is not working. :(

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Christy K Martin The JustJenn website it working for me. Are you using this link? http://justjennrecipes.com/mascarpone-frosting/2010/04/20/ and http://justjennrecipes.com/milk-tea-cupcakes/2011/01/04/

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