Fundraising for Noah's Wish in the LA Marathon 5K

Friday, January 14, 2011

Cidney the Dog on New Year's Eve
We're running and raising funds for Noah's Wish!

I'm running in the LA Marathon's 5K! The 5K (3.1 miles), not to be confused with the Marathon! :)

The 5K will take place on Saturday, March 19, 2011 at Dodger Stadium. The 26 mile LA Marathon is the next day, Sunday, March 20 all throughout Los Angeles! I'll be rooting for my friend Dave (remember the Davey Pop from last year?!) and the rest of the Noah's Wish team.

Noah's Wish is a unique animal welfare organization dedicated exclusively to rescuing and sheltering animals in disasters, throughout the United States and Canada.

I've been training for my second 5K with my cousin's doggie, Cidney. She's always up for a run around the neighborhood, and helps keep me motivated. If the "big one" hits us in Los Angeles (as it eventually will), I hope Noah's Wish will be able to help our animal friends like Cidney. Noah's Wish also educates and prepares individuals, communities and organizations in mitigating the impact of disasters on animals. Do you have pet food in your earthquake kit?

I'm raising funds for this great organization. I would appreciate your support - any amount will help me towards my goal! Click on the Food Librarian's Fundraising Page!

Thanks you so much,
Mary the Food Librarian and Cidney the Dog
Our Fundraising Page for Noah's Wish

Cidney with her Clifford Toy 
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Davery said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for the awesome post! Team Noah's Wish is proud to have the Food Librarian on its team!

KK said... [Reply to comment]

Food Librarian - you are AWESOME! I applaud you for the're making out like it's no big deal... I can barely run up a flight a stairs! Good luck with the 5K (I know you still have a bit of training time left) and Cidney is awfully cute :-)

Christine said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for spreading awareness about this organization! I had no idea it existed, and animal welfare is something I worry over any time a natural disaster strikes.

Future Grown-Up said... [Reply to comment]

What a wonderful organization. Cidney, you make a great spokesdog for your auntie!

Nikki said... [Reply to comment]

What a great cause. Good luck with your run, and Cidney is adorable! What kind of dog niece is she?

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