New Year's Oshogatsu at JustJenn's House 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Satsuma Tangerines and Okasane Mochi - New Year's Oshogatsu at JustJenn's House
Happy New Year! It's Year of the Rabbit in 2011!

My friend JustJenn came over for my family's mochi making and walked away with two trays of mochi. Her kids ate it every morning and night. But the main reason for all the mochi is for ozoni soup on New Year's Day!

Jenn made lots of traditional and not-so-traditional but yummy foods for her annual New Year's Oshogatsu luncheon.

Last year, I got some comments that indicated people thought I made all this food. No. JustJenn made everything unless noted! She is a Oshogatsu machine. I'm sure she'll have lots of good luck in 2011!!!

JustJenn's Oshogatsu
Check out this spread! JustJenn is amazing!

JustJenn's Oshogatsu 
Nothing like a mountain of desserts...that I kept returning to over and over!

JustJenn Oshogatsu Collage 1
JustJenn's mom brought sushi from old school Sakae Sushi. This little store has been around forever, and they don't do cream cheese in their sushi. As if. If your grandma made sushi, this would be the kind. They sell out of their New Year's orders in November.

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Traditional JustJenn's story of shopping for these at the Japanese market.

JustJenn's Oshogatsu Collage 3
A few non-traditional, but delicious meats!

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Making Ozoni soup. We used the fresh mochi made with my family! You have to drink this soup or you'll be out of luck for the new year. ;)

JustJenn Oshogatsu Collage 5
All the traditional foods have meaning. Eating shrimp will give you long life, somen or soba noodles will give you more long life (see why the Japanese have the greatest life expectancy of any country in the world?!), those black beans give you health and success, and the little fish give you good harvest and wealth.

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I brought over some Broken Glass Jello and Cream Puffs...yeah, not so traditional, but fun to eat. JustJenn and I made homemade mochi on New Year's Eve (I'll post about that next) and Jenn made delicious Milk Tea Cupcakes.

Happy New Year everyone! Thanks Jenn for inviting me to your delicious celebration! I hope everyone's new year is filled with peace, love, joy, bundt cakes, mochi, friends and family! :)
- mary the food librarian

P.S. Here is JustJenn's post with links to recipes!!
Pin It!


Lisa said... [Reply to comment]

This is so amazing Mary. Happy New Year to you too!

Frankie said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my goodness, what a spread! Everything looks so delicious! I think I should be near your neck of the woods next New Years! ;)

mr. pineapple man said... [Reply to comment]

hamtory! everything looks so delicious!!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Holy WOW, what an awesome array of food! Happy New Year

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, simply amazing! What a wonderful, tasty way to celebrate the New Year!

greydawn said... [Reply to comment]

Happy New Year!! beautiful amazing food!

Nanette said... [Reply to comment]

Love the pics! So great to see you yesterday!

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

JustJenn JustRocks. Wow...that is one happy new year meal!

The Path Traveled said... [Reply to comment]

These all look so good! I made the broken glass this past year and it was a Hugh hit. I will look at all these recipes and some I will tweak but will enjoy! Thanks for sharing your lunch time party!

shaz said... [Reply to comment]

What a fantastic spread, and love the explanations. Happy New Year to you.

KK said... [Reply to comment]

Everything looks absolutely yummy! Looking forward to continuing our conversation from a few weeks ago. Happy New Year!

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Can I come over next time? This is making my mouth water.

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