Sawtelle Kitchen Restaurant, West Los Angeles

Monday, January 31, 2011

Sawtelle Kitchen, Los Angeles, CA
 Sawtelle Kitchen, West Los Angeles

Recently, my pal JustJenn and I went to the Sawtelle area of West Los Angeles. This area is the “Westside” Little Tokyo. Japanese store: check. Curry place: check. Sushi places: check. Place to buy Hello Kitty: check. Bakeries: check. Yummy Japanese and Asian fusion places to eat: check. Actually, the only thing they are missing is a mochi place. Hum…that’s an idea.

JustJenn and I had lunch at Sawtelle Kitchen. I last came here years and years ago…so it was great to come back. The food is still very good!

They have some lunch specials and while we pretty much wanted to order the whole menu, we picked the following:
Sawtelle Kitchen, Los Angeles, CA
The lunch special starts with a big bowl of miso soup. Jenn, being a bad Asian, didn't have any. She doesn't eat sashimi or kaki either. What am I going to do with her?! :)

Sawtelle Kitchen, Los Angeles, CA
Boneless half chicken, grilled with citrus-soy sauce ($8.95 lunch special with miso soup, salad and white or brown rice). I can drink the citrus-soy sauce. Just pound the stuff. It made the rice so tasty when some of the sauce ran under the rice. Yum!

Sawtelle Kitchen, Los Angeles, CA
Fried chicken wings, dipped in light teriyaki sauce ($7.95 lunch special with miso soup, salad and white or brown rice). I took a couple of these and they were crunchy and yummy. 

Sawtelle Kitchen, Los Angeles, CA
Potato Salad ($2.95 side dish)

Sawtelle Kitchen, Los Angeles, CA
After, you can only imagine what happened. Hello, two food bloggers and bakers together? We headed over to our second bakery of the day: Beard Papa and the strangely named Mousse Fantasy shop. See Jenn’s post about all the deliciousness.

2024 Sawtelle Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 473-2222
Open for lunch and dinner, Monday-Saturday
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miso said... [Reply to comment]

i think i just drooled a bit. ;)
i have been following your blog for quite some time now, and have entered a few of your giveaways. well, this time, i want to pay you back for your kindness. i'm hosting/having a giveaway and wanted to inform you just incase you're interested.

vanillasugarblog said... [Reply to comment]

wait! where's the hello kitty stuff? lol

Tara said... [Reply to comment]

The orange-soy sauce chicken looks sooo yummy!

CaSaundraLeigh said... [Reply to comment]

The food looks delicious! You are lucky you have so many dining out options where you live!

KK said... [Reply to comment]

all looks so yummy! i could go for both the grilled and fried chicken. although that fried chicken seems to have put me in a trance...

must try this place next time i find myself on the "westside"

Sunset said... [Reply to comment]

Was the last time you went when we went with Libbie all those years ago? Because that was the last time I went to Sawtelle Kitchen. I saw this post yesterday, got a craving for a Japanese potato salad, and went home and made my own Japanese potato salad. Your food pics are bad influences.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Glad to see Sawtelle Kitchen's still churning along. That strip of Japanese prime real estate is expensive & the competition seems tough.

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