Flour Bakery's Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Flour's Chocolate Chip Cookies
Flour Bakery's Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Continuing my quest to go through Joanne Chang's Flour Bakery cookbook, here are the Chocolate Chunk Cookies.

This cookie has all-purpose and bread flour, 2 sticks of butter and semi-sweet and milk chocolate. Although Joanne Chang baked up lots of Toll House cookies in her youth and through college at Harvard, she suggests getting the best chocolate possible. I used dark chocolate and milk chocolate (from the pound plus bars at Trader Joe's...which is repackaged really good chocolate).

The cookies are soooo big! I used this 6 ounce (the larger box) of Jello for scale so you can see how big they were! The dough is 1/4 cup and only 4 cookies fit on my half-sheet pan. I also made smaller ones (fitting 8 cookies on the half-sheet pan).

Flour's Chocolate Chip Cookies
I wish they were less flat, but they were really really good. I baked one batch for my friends after a 12 hour rest and the remainder after a 24 hour rest. Resting is a really important part of the process.

Flour's Chocolate Chip Cookies
On a side note, I picked up these cute bowls at the Sur la Table once-a-year sale. Only $2.99 each! Whoo hoo. And, I bought them while I was on vacation in San Francisco, so it didn't really count...you know, vacation spending is different than regular spending! :) At least, that's how I rationalize more bowls in the house.

Flour's Chocolate Chip Cookies
I got 8 huge cookies (1/4 cup size) and 16 smaller (but still big) cookies from one batch. 

Available here on the Atlantic 
Flour: spectacular recipes from Boston's Flour Bakery + Cafe by Joanne Chang (page 108): Available on Amazon, your local bookstore, or in your library

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Anna M. said... [Reply to comment]

Those look great! The last thing I made were scones from Baking Illustrated. I will have to look at this book.

Anna said... [Reply to comment]

They are good!! I'm baking some right now using dough I froze. What's crazy is how different yours look from mine. It probably has to do with the brand of chocolate and how much it was plus the brand of flour, type of cookie sheet. Who knows. Or maybe the recipe in her book is different than the one I used, though it sounds like the same one with the bread flour...

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

I agree...they are too big....I just made the snickerdoodles yesterday and apple snacking cake today but haven't written it up yet...

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Whoa - that's one mega cookie! Seems like another must bake from this great book.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I could go for a giant cookie right about now...these look amazing.

The Path Traveled said... [Reply to comment]

Those look so good. I will haver to play with the recipe to see how to get the calorie count down. I love cookies!

Audrey said... [Reply to comment]

I love the idea of baking through this book...I hope Mary likes the apple snacking spice cake; I think it's incredible!

Alicia said... [Reply to comment]

I love this cookbook. I made the chunky lola cookies, and I have plans to make the peanut butter ones as well. I love how specific her instructions are. The book is extremely well written.

Sunset said... [Reply to comment]

I got to eat these cookies by Mary. They were incredible!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I just love those bowls you founds and the cookies inside are even better

isabel said... [Reply to comment]

Whoops. I just tried to comment, but my internet died in the middle of it so sorry if this posts twice! Mary, I wanted to tell you your cookies and photos look amazing!! And I also want to ask if this recipe makes a gooey chewy cookie or a crunchy one... I'm looking for a good gooey one!

Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen said... [Reply to comment]

I've been wanting to get my hands on that book for a while. I'm on a long wait list to get it from the Library. The look of these chocolate chip cookies remind me a lot of Dorie's recipe, a bit flatter and chewier than most cookies.

KK said... [Reply to comment]

couple of things...

vacation spending is totally different from regular spending - i agree...thanks for that validation - i've been telling myself that for years...

resting??? does the dough need to rest or did you rest? you know me - total non-baker, so i'm seriously asking that question...

lastly - sur la table...couldn't ask for better! absolutely adorable bowls

guess that was more than a couple of things...lol

greydawn said... [Reply to comment]

vacation spending doesn't count! I am adopting that idea.

Carol said... [Reply to comment]

They look fantastic!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@isabel Isabel, this is more chewy than crunchy. The edges can get crunchier, but the inside is chewy, but not gooey. Hope that totally crazy answer helps! :) - mary

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Karen, You need to rest the dough...and you can take a nap too. The rest period allows the eggs and liquids to blend into the flour and other dry ingredients. The dough will be drier and that is what you want. Even the inventor of Toll House cookies wrote "we refrigerate the dough overnight"...but those aren't on the instructions anymore! :) - mary

RecipeGirl said... [Reply to comment]

I've been wanting to get this darn cookbook! Guess I'll have to pick it up. I love making big cookies. They seem so "bakery" to me.

Jackie said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Mary

Was there a difference in taste between the 12 hour and 24 hour rest. Also, what size scoop did you use for the smaller cookies.

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Jackie Jackie, I didn't save a cookie from the previous batch to taste test and I gave almost all the cookies away to friends and co-workers who just wolfed them down. Both batches were tasty. I don't know the number of the smaller scoop - sorry I don't have much info for you.

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