Self-Frosting Nutella Cupcakes for World Nutella Day 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Nutella Cupcakes
Happy World Nutella Day!
Make some Self Frosting Nutella Cupcakes today!

World Nutella Day celebrates its 5th anniversary today! Ms Adventures in Italy and Bleeding Espresso are the masters of ceremonies for this delicious foodie holiday.

Nutella CupcakesWho doesn't love Nutella?! I hope indulge in some Nutella today...on toast, with peanut butter, on a crepe, or in a cupcake...or just straight from the jar! :)
Nutella Collage
After making the batter, one teaspoon of Nutella is marbled into the cupcake. The crumb is more muffin than light cupcake. The Nutella topping is rich and gives it enough sweetness.

Nutella Cupcakes
Each one is very unique depending on how much your marble the Nutella. This would be a fun and easy recipe to make with kids!

Nutella Cupcakes
Find the complete recipe on Esi's Dishing up Delights blog

P.S. I'm running in the LA Marathon's 5K in March and raising money for Noah's Wish animal rescue during disasters. Check out my fundraising plea (with cute doggie!) here and thanks for the support! 
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NerdGirl said... [Reply to comment]

Those look delightful! I think that I may have to make some to bring to work. I know the Nutella will make them a big hit!

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

I am up right now trying to pick my Nutella recipe for today!

Ana Degenaar said... [Reply to comment]

Those look delicious! Nutella is a must of my every day!

The Path Traveled said... [Reply to comment]

I have to try these!!!!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Those look so good Mary! I'm working on my Nutella Day treat right now :)

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said... [Reply to comment]

Who doesn't love Nutella! Would you believe I've only tried it this past summer? What a great idea with the cupcakes! Happy Nutella Day!


MegSmith @ Cooking.In.College said... [Reply to comment]

I don't know how I missed out on Nutella Day! That has to be the best day ever!!! These cupcakes look anything self frosting :-)

I am going to check your fundraiser plea out now! It looks like a great cause.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

They will be baked soon since we all LOVE Nutella! We have Nutella day daily at our house!

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

Oh yay!! I love these little suckers. Perfectly simple way of enjoying Nutella!!

Amanda said... [Reply to comment]

oh my gosh these look amazing! i am totally going to make them for Marshall. he breaths nutella

Lysa said... [Reply to comment]

Anyone out there tried Nutella on a toasted piece of sourdough bread? Oh, but you must! Such a simple yet truly special snack!

Kat @ Cupcake Kat said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful pictures!
I've made these before they were wonderful

Leslie said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Nutella Day! I made these, too, except I buried the Nutella in them and. I like yours better, but that doesn't mean mine went into the trash. :-)

Paula said... [Reply to comment]

when I`m looking at this I`m really hungry :) with such delicious combo it must be awesome! I`m so glad I found your blog and I`m going to stop by your blog more often :)

Chris and Amy said... [Reply to comment]

Fabulous idea, and a great way to use Nutella!

briarrose said... [Reply to comment]

These look just perfect. Beautiful job.

Rachel said... [Reply to comment]

yum! these look delicious--awesome photos!

Open Roads Mama said... [Reply to comment]

these are super delic! I just made them and posted about them a couple days ago too! :-D

KK said... [Reply to comment]

you had me at "self-frosting"! funny - my niece Kennedy just discovered nutella this past weekend... introduced by the grandparents (of course)... she was so excited because she had finally eaten all of her strawberries for breakfast... her mother was not so excited to learn that the strawberries were dipped in nutella first! EGADS!

jenelle said... [Reply to comment]

Fantastic! i love everything about this post!!!

The Food Hunter said... [Reply to comment]

Such a nice little Nutella treat. Thanks for sharing.

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

These little beauties could not look more perfect (and delicious, of course).

Sara @ Our Best Bites said... [Reply to comment]

Self-Frosting?? I like the sound of that! Beautiful!


NutellaLoveAffair said... [Reply to comment]

Self frosting- Brilliant! I just might get to making these tonight :) I have a slight obsession for Nutella...

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