Whole Meyer Lemon Bars - Lemon Week 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Whole Meyer Lemon Bars - Lemon Week 2011
Whole Meyer Lemon Bars

It's Day #2 of Lemon Week! justJenn and I are making five days of lemon recipes with my dad's Meyer lemons. I have about 10 minutes to write this post so I'll just say: Crust. Lemon. Done. Yum.

Whole Meyer Lemon Bars - Lemon Week 2011
David Lebovitz created this recipe using one whole lemon. A shortbread crust is topped with a food processor mixture of whole lemon, eggs, corn starch, sugar, and butter. I used a Meyer lemon, but David prefers the regular lemon (I only have Meyers in the house since I get them free from my folk's backyard! :)

Whole Meyer Lemon Bars - Lemon Week 2011
Come back tomorrow for another lemon recipe!

David Lebovitz - Whole Lemon Bars
My adaptations: I used a meyer lemon and I removed most of the pith before putting it into the food processor. I know that runs against the "whole lemon" part of this...but it's just what I did. I also think I should have baked the crust a little longer to get a darker brown like David's.
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Sheena said... [Reply to comment]

I saw these on David Lebovitz too, yours look wonderful! I like my lemon bars super tart, and using the whole lemon seems like the best way to get a very lemon-y flavour. Love your photos too :)

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Not many words are needed to describe these. They look amazingly delicious.

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful. Another good one. I am looking forward to the next lemon recipe! Fellow Lemon Dork, Mary

Kathy Walker said... [Reply to comment]

Meyer lemons are wonderful. Your Lemon Bars look delicious!

Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

These look amazing! I really need to figure out how I can get my hands on some Meyer lemons.....

Nanette said... [Reply to comment]


That is all.

Mary at n00bcakes said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for sharing this lemony recipe; I've been on the lookout for a lemon bar recipe recently with spring creeping up on us...it seems like the right type of recipe to bake!

What exactly is the difference between a Meyer lemon and a "regular" lemon?

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

I love lemon week. You're so lucky to get all those meyer lemons!

Jocie's Mom said... [Reply to comment]

Lemon Week = Brilliant. Can't wait to see what else you've got cooking :)


Dianna said... [Reply to comment]

These look SO good. I just made a lemon truffle pie over the weekend with Meyer lemons. It was awesome. Here's a link if you're interested:

Julia @ DimpleArts Photography said... [Reply to comment]

I actually like your lemon bars with the light crust much more than David Lebovitz's dark crust. The light crust makes the lemon bars seem light an airy, which is appropriate. To me lemon bars project a light and airy feeling :) Awesome job!

KK said... [Reply to comment]

Been out of town for a couple of weeks and thereby out of touch... Gettin' back in the swing of things... Missed your blog!

These look yummy! Do you ever think you'll open a bakery?

Kathy said... [Reply to comment]

That looks divine! I've never had lemon bars before, however.


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