Homeboy Industries Chips & Salsa

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Homeboy Collage 1
Homeboy Industries Chips & Salsa

Just wanted to let my Southern California friends know about Homeboy Industries new line of chips and salsa available at Ralphs.

Homeboy Industries is a great organization that helps at-risk and former gang-involved youth with job skills, education, counseling and tattoo removal. Founded by Father Greg Boyle, it has really changed the lives of many people in Los Angeles.

With the motto,"Nothing stops a bullet like a job" and "Jobs not Jails", Homeboy Industries has a bakery and the Homegirl Cafe in Los Angeles. Now, they have a line of chips and salsa for sale in Ralphs grocery stores!

This Los Angeles Times article (Feb 17, 2011) discuss the agreements (chips and salsa are made by commercial companies with Homegirl recipe). I brought the chips and salsa to the library and they were enjoyed by all. Shout out to Ralphs/Food for Less company for waiving the placement costs and donating $50K to the project. If you are hungry for some chips and salsa (and who isn't?!), pick up some Homeboy Industries chips and salsa and help this vital and important non-profit organization!

Homeboy Collage 2
I bought the Pico de Gallo (hot) salsa and the Mango salsa...it was on sale at Ralphs for $2.99. I forget the regular price. Enjoy! - mary the food librarian
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Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

That Pico de Gallo salsa looks like something you just whipped up in your kitchen. I love the freshness of it!

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

Yum. That looks great. It is nice when food for a good cause actually tastes good too.

Nanette said... [Reply to comment]

Love it! I'll have to try the salsa, for sure! I have a hard time containing myself around yummy chips.

AllThingsYummy said... [Reply to comment]

That's awesome. I'll have to stop by Ralphs and see if my store has them. Hopefully, I'm not too far north.

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said... [Reply to comment]

This is a fantastic idea! My brother is a superintendent (warden) in a jail and no one knows better than him that a thriving economy makes for a low prison population. Great post!

Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen said... [Reply to comment]

I just saw those the other day at the store! I'll to pick some up next time I go and support the organization.

KK said... [Reply to comment]

What! Really? I had no idea... Thank you so much for this post. I'll buy some today - I'm a huge chips and salsa freak! LOL

Great cause - thanks for sharing!

luvlyloops said... [Reply to comment]

I am glad that all the Ralphs locations are now carrying this great product. We need to keep causes like that of Father G (rehabilitating prisoners; Homeboy Industries) going. Prisoner/ex-gang members need to be taught that there are other things they can do and thereby be contributing individuals to society. Thanks for posting this Mary because this sheds some light on the work of Father G and his work.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I read the article about Homeboy Industries in the LA Times during a recent visit to CA, and stopped at Ralph's to purchase "Chips & Salsa." I'm sold! Upon my return to Park City, UT, I stopped at Smith's to inquire if Homeboy Industries products could be sold in Utah, as both Ralph's and Smith's are Kroger subsidiaries. Kroger's Corporate Offices in Ohio need to be contacted.
Mary in PC

emilyskehan said... [Reply to comment]

Just stumbled across this- thanks for the post! hope you don't mind that we linked to you from the Homeboy blog.


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

My son was able to help Homeboys out at the Farmer's Market yesterday thru Microsoft's give back to the community program. He said it was great to help out such a worthy organization and they even gave him a bags chips & salsa at the end of the day. They were yummy! I will be sure to purchase some on my next trip to Ralph's.

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