Los Angeles Marathon 5K

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

LA Marathon 5K at Dodger Stadium, March 19, 2011
I ran my second 5K on Saturday! Whoo hoo! I can't believe a year ago I was just a spectator on the LA Marathon route...this year, I was a spectator again! BUT, I ran the 5K (3.1 miles) the day before the rain drenched LA Marathon.

LA Marathon 5K
I joined the Noah's Wish Team to raise funds for services to animals during a disaster. You can still donate on my fundraising page. Thank you to all those who donated to the cause!!! The group raised over $28,000! In the left photo, I'm all ready: Wristband so I can get into the luxury suite at Dodger Stadium hosted by the charities (this was awesome - fancy bathrooms and orange juice!), 5K bib, Noah's Wish running shirt and of course, my I Like Big Bundts button!

The run was not a picnic for me. It went around Dodger Stadium and had three big hills. Well, an anthill is "big" to me...I pulled out my camera to take a shot. See above. That's pretty big for a beginning runner, no? :) I speed walked up the hills.

LA Marathon 5K at Dodger Stadium
I finished in 38:00 minutes. The Olympics trials aren't next up for me, but I'm excited I finished two 5K in the past 12 months and got myself from Couch to 5K! Thanks to Team Noah's Wish, friend and coach Dave and Helen for coming to support me!

And do YOU want to get yourself from the Coach to a 5K? You can. I used the Get Running App on the iPod Touch or iPhone, and miraculously, in nine weeks I was running for 30 minutes! It totally works (well, it works if you get yourself out of bed and on the road...the app doesn't include that part). And the nice people at Get Running gave given me 10 apps to give away! The giveaway will be the next post!

Hope you can join me in my next 5K! - mary
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Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Congrats Mary!

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

You go girl :).

Caroline said... [Reply to comment]

So awesome Mary! Congrats again :)

Leah said... [Reply to comment]

Yay Mary! We knew you could do it!
You, Dave and Noah's Wish are the best!

Meister @ The Nervous Cook said... [Reply to comment]

Congratulations and great on you! I have my first-ever road race coming up in April (a 4 miler), and I'm so nervous… but not too nervous to convince myself to aim for a half marathon in time to celebrate my 30th birthday this August!

Keep on runnin', keep on cookin' and definitely keep on bloggin'!

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

I love hearing about your running progress. This is awesome!

csincsilla said... [Reply to comment]

it's very nice, Mary, congrats!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said... [Reply to comment]

You're so kick ass awesome! Go you! Have you seen this blog http://runningmommy04.blogspot.com/ I think you'll like her

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Congratulations Mary :)

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