Bakesale for Japan - Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I hope you are heading out to one of the many locations hosting a Bakesale for Japan! Here are the locations throughout the USA.

I'm contributing two items:
Bake Sale for Japan 4/2/2011
Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt 

Bake Sale for Japan 4/2/2011
Furikake Chex Mix 
(post with recipe and instructions coming soon)

This is an Asian / Hawaiian version of Chex Mix. A buttery, sweet syrup covers any number of cereals, chips and popcorn and a bottle of Furikake tops the goodness. Furikake is a rice topping of seaweed, sesame seeds, salt and sugar. I'll post the recipe next week!

Being Japanese American and knowing people in Japan who are affected by the quake, I hope my little contribution raises some funds. I hope everyone gets to pick up some yummy food too! - mary the food librarian

**Updated to add: This was scheduled to be posted early this morning...but I messed up the time on the "schedule at" on Blogger. However, you still have time to hit up a place on the West Coast! Open from 10 am - 2 pm**
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

What a great way to raise funds for Japan. Hope it is a big success.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I make arare using Crispix every year for Christmas, but I like how you put bugles and popcorn in yours. Can't wait for your recipe!


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

We Japanese and all of us here in Japan really want to thank you!!!! This is such a selfless sentiment

Maris (In Good Taste) said... [Reply to comment]

Such a great cause!It is so important that we all stick together and help each other

Yuko said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Mary,

I truly appreciate your personal contribution to the fund-raising event for our country. (And they look very yummy!!:)


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