Chocolate Chip Espresso Scones - National Library Week Day #4

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Chocolate Chip Espresso Scones
Chocolate Chip Espresso Scones

Yippee! It's National Library Week! Every day, I’m highlighting a library thing, baking something and giving something away. It has been so inspiring to read your comments about your local library and your sweet memories of librarians. I hope you take some time to recognize the awesome information professionals in your life!

The Library Thing:   
Yesterday, I was the Food Librarian Fairy and delivered assorted baked goods to friends at two different special libraries. What's a special library? Special Libraries include, but are not limited to, corporate, museum, law, newspaper, medical, and private company libraries. These librarians can get data out of Lexis Nexis faster than anyone, and help you find a treasure in a museum's special collection. When you think of librarians...don't just think storytime. Think way beyond someone with a law degree, PhD or a medical background in addition to a Master's degree in library science or information studies. In short, special librarians are special!

Chocolate Chip Espresso Scones
The Baking Thing:
What else?! Scones!! I think scones are the best! They quickly come together and you can make them in one big bowl and your little fingers. You can even make them the night before, pop in the freezer and bake off in the morning.

Espresso Choccolate Chip Scones collage 1
I really like the square scone because it is really easy to form and you can just go at it with a knife or bench scraper. Cream is brushed on top and sanding sugar or raw sugar is sprinkled on top. I used mini chocolate chips because you get a bit of chocolate in every bite!

Chocolate Chip Espresso Scones
Printable recipe here
Adapted from Karen DeMasco's The Craft of Baking (Amazon or your library)

1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 Tablespoon plus 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 cup plus 2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
6 tablespoons (3/4 stick) chilled unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
1/2 cup semi-sweet mini chocolate chips
1 Tablespoon instant espresso powder
1 teaspoon hot water
1 cup heavy cream

2 Tablespoons heavy cream
Sanding sugar or Turbinado sugar

Note: The cookbook's instruction include using a KitchenAid with paddle attachment. I made my scones by hand. Please get this lovely cookbook The Craft of Baking and see page 24 for the chef's instructions.
1. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Add the butter pieces to the bowl. Place the bowl in the freezer for 5 minutes.
2. In a measuring cup, mix espresso powder with 1 teaspoon hot water. Mix to dissolve. Add 1 cup cold cream and combine together.
3. Remove bowl from freezer. Using your hands or a pastry cutter, cut in butter until it is pea size.
4. Toss in chocolate chips.
5. Pour the espresso-cream mixture over the flour mixture and blend with your hands or a spatula until dough just comes together.
6. Remove dough onto floured surface. Gently knead a couple times, but don't overmix. Form into a circle for wedges or a square, about 3/4 to 1 inch thick.
7. Place the pieces on a baking sheet. Cover with plastic wrap. Freeze for 15 minutes, or chill for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
8. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
9. Brush scones with cream and sprinkle with course sugar.
10. Bake scones until edges and bottom are golden and they are firm to the touch, about 20 minutes. Cool on a wire rack.
11. Enjoy!

Chocolate Chip Espresso Scones
The Giveaway Thing:
Day #4: I'm giving away a Silpat. You know, the wonder baking sheet liner. It's great for making most everything...everything just peels off. And if you aren't a big baker, this is great when making savory things like roasted sweet potato fries. Oh yes Silpat, you are kitchen treasure. The Silpat is "half-sheet" size.

To enter, just leave a comment on this post. If your email isn’t associated with your Blogger account, please be sure to leave your email in the message.
Note: This giveaway is limited to United States mailing addresses.
Deadline: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at midnight, Pacific Daylight Time
Disclosure: This giveaway and shipping is paid for by me.
*** Updated: Contest is closed. Congrats to Jen (entry #56) ***
Don't forget to enter the Day #1 (Sarabeth Bakery Cookbook) and Day #2 (Crate & Barrel Ramekins) and Day #3 (Everyday Food magazine) giveaways!

And, if you are currently working in a library or in library school...come back tomorrow for a special giveaway just for you. :) Happy National Library Week!
Pin It!


Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Your scones are lovely! I love the mini chocolate chips for the same reason, gotta have a bit in every bite :)

Katie said... [Reply to comment]

Oohh I want one! spiralsandspatulas (at) gmail (dot) com. :)

Amber2Zoe said... [Reply to comment]

Ooo - that has been on my Amazon wish list for ages!

isabel said... [Reply to comment]

These look delicious... and I love Silpats!

Anna said... [Reply to comment]

Those scones look delicious. I never made scones before. Looking forward to trying to make this after the espresso bundt bread. Thanks for another amazing giveway!

SF50 said... [Reply to comment]

Lovely! I made these a little while ago and loved the simplicity and the flavor combo. I went for the square, too! Great minds. :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

silpats are the best! (your scones don't look too bad, either!)

kosherfoodies [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Not only do the scones look fan-freakin-tastic, I love the action figure. AND, I was just thinking 'I might need to buy a new silpat soon.' The current one is wearing out and I just can't go without one now that I have had one!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

You can never have too many scones or silpats!

looloolooweez said... [Reply to comment]

I've heard great things about Silpats but I've never had the chance to try one.

Andrea said... [Reply to comment]

Chocolate and coffee together--what could be better? Thanks for the delicious recipes and library lore!

Divya Kudua said... [Reply to comment]

I want Silpat!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Scones are quite possibly my favorite food ever.

willitellu [at] gmail [dot] com

Judy said... [Reply to comment]

These particular scones sound fabulous.

I've been a Special Librarian for most of my library career, putting my science degree to good use. Those are my most favorite libraries.

Julie said... [Reply to comment]

perfect for these scones! thanks for another great recipe!

Elsie said... [Reply to comment]

Those scones look so delicious. I was raised on heavy, dry, stone-like scones made by my sister.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

want want want, these look fantastic

Laurel7221 said... [Reply to comment]

Great idea to add a little topping. I think it make these extra special scones!

Jelli said... [Reply to comment]

I'd love to win this to make these scones. Mmm!

Sara said... [Reply to comment]

Ok, confession time. I have never loved scones. I have wanted to love scones, but I always found them too dry. I want to give them another chance and I love chocolate chips and espresso, and icing!! Thanks for the recipe and great photos!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

This has got to be the best giveaway idea ever! I have been coveting a Silpat for years now but can never justify the purchase. It would be great to win and no longer ruin my nice cookie sheets!


Panya said... [Reply to comment]

There used to be a deli here that made the most wonderful lemon poppyseed scones. I miss them!

Meister said... [Reply to comment]

Normally you'd have me at "scones," but today you had me at "espresso!" These are beautiful; I wish I were eating one right now with this cup of French press I just brewed myself. Sigh…

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Love square scones!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

i love the scones and i want a silpat so bad!

Shannon said... [Reply to comment]

We need a Silpat, I have not gone out to buy one yet but I hear they work great.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

These scones looks amazing!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

The scones look delicious!

Catie said... [Reply to comment]

Yum, yum, YUM!

Charity said... [Reply to comment]

Can't wait to give these scones a try!

Dianna said... [Reply to comment]

The glaze and sugar on those scones look amazing - can't wait to try them :)

Fathima said... [Reply to comment]

Love these scones!

Mandy said... [Reply to comment]

There is no comparison to the magic that is Silpat!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Those scones look AMAZING. And the librarian action figure really makes me laugh :)

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

These scones would be perfect...with coffee! Must make soon.

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

So cute...I love Library Week.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I just made Scones for the 1st time last week...I didn't realize they would come together so easily. I'll for sure be trying this recipe soon.

Meghan said... [Reply to comment]

Oooooo! I've never actually had a scone I liked.... I should try this recipe. I also do not have a slip mat!

Elizabeth said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! Those look so good!


Shannon Riley said... [Reply to comment]

These look so good! :D

Jan said... [Reply to comment]

The scones look great. I finally made my first batch of scones last month and loved 'em, so now I'm looking out for different recipes. What was the texture like inside?

SkyeTwelve said... [Reply to comment]

I've been thinking about scones all day, so bless your heart for posting such a wonderful recipe. Off to bake! :)

Corriendo said... [Reply to comment]

i can't wait to try these scones! i tried the chocolate chip cream good. so good my mom made them again a few days after the first time she tried the recipe.

sharonjo said... [Reply to comment]

You're so nice to have all these giveaways to celebrate National Library Week--and to educate us on libraries and librarians. I have to admit I've thought in recent years that both may become obsolete in our digital age, but reading your posts has given me confidence that we'll always need them!

sharonjo at gwtc dot net

Lindselicious said... [Reply to comment]

These scones look great and I have never thought of making the dough the night before and baking in the morning. Great shot with the librarian action figure.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Have always wanted one of these!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for the chance to win...Your blog is full of good recipes,girl...e*

Kat said... [Reply to comment]

Again...totally digging the square shape. Also totally digging the librarian action figure. ;)

Alicia CP said... [Reply to comment]

Love scones! "a ch a vez 2007 AT gmail DOT com"

Sarah said... [Reply to comment]

Scones are one of my favourite sweet treats to eat for breakfast! These sound delish! Thanks for the great recipes!

Melanie said... [Reply to comment]

Whny have I not thought about making scones. These look like big yummy cookies, and I love cookies, but I hate making them. These scones would be so much easier. Thanks!

Mikki said... [Reply to comment]

ooh I'd love to try out the silpat!! bet its wonderful for making things like meringues!

Erin said... [Reply to comment]

I have totally come around to scones (after finally have GOOD ones). And if I had a Silpat, it would be even easier to make them...along with cookies, and any kind of pastry goodies! PS. I'm a librarian! That gets me double points, right? Right?
libgirl9 at hotmail dot com

Tiffany said... [Reply to comment]

I've never made homemade scones, but I sure do get them at Starbucks a lot!

jpetroroy said... [Reply to comment]

This would be so helpful!

jpetroroy at gmail dot com

Jill said... [Reply to comment]

Love silpat, have needed favorite line about them is David Lebovitz once said on his blog something to the effect of "don't go telling me they're hard to clean, just put them in the top rack of your dishwasher!" it really hit my funny bone at the time, as I'd just decided that I could do the same thing.

Andrea said... [Reply to comment]

I love scones, but I've never actually made them myself.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I would love to have a silpat! It seems that there's never enough money in the budget for one. What a great idea! acartainoatgmaildotcom

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

i could definitely use a new silpat!

Kitchen Runway said... [Reply to comment]

Your action figure cracks me up!! LOVE IT!!

veronica said... [Reply to comment]

Silpats rule! (vvichit * at * gmail)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Mary ~

Happy Day National Library Day #2!!!
Gadzooks, I want me some of these SCONES.
(Seriously - have you considered opening a bakery/cafe with JustJENN?! You could choose Las Vegas as the location of your flagship store, and I would be oh so happy to manage it for you!) I'm just sayin'...

PAX, Lola
*this is the correct address*

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

The square scones are adorable...but any shape of scone with espresso in it is fine by me! said... [Reply to comment]

I want to make these scones so bad. Is the espresso flavor really there? I thought about adding it to some cookies instead :-)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Have always wanted one of these. Your food inspires me!
Jennifer Buch
Youth Services Librarian
Ida Rupp Public Library

Bec said... [Reply to comment]

My silpat mats are one of my favorite baking accessories.

Heather Davis said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you for the opportunity to win a Silpat! I have been coveting one of these for a long time! :)

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

At first glance, these totally look like cookies! Awesome. Scone cookies would be cool but confusing.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Seriously?? Espresso AND chocolate chips AND a cookie all rolled into one?? I'm SO making this!!!!

Tara said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you for the opportunity for this drawing.

Lynn said... [Reply to comment]

yum! i have to try this!

Memória said... [Reply to comment]

Oooo! I need a new Silpat! The edges of the one I have now are just fraying away :(. Your scones look so good. I'm bookmarking this recipe. Thanks for the giveaway! I love library week! As a graduate student, I depend on libraries. Thanks for all you do!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I've been wanting a Silpat for years! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Looks yummy!


SavoringTime in the Kitchen said... [Reply to comment]

At first, I thought I was looking at big, beautiful chocolate chip cookies! These look wonderful and I'm thinking of making a batch today! I've put The Craft of Baking on my library list.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, do I need a Silpat! I have a generic one and it's just not as good as the real thing. Love the National Library Week posts!

LizG said... [Reply to comment]


em²ile² said... [Reply to comment]

I've been needing a Silpat for a while now!


Angie Tee said... [Reply to comment]

"OMG" moment! The librarian action figure beside those cookies looks so cute.

Hennifer said... [Reply to comment]

Scones were on a TV segment last Sunday and now I read this today. I might just need to make some!

I'd love a Silpat and as always love when the Librarian makes her appearance.

erinhoulihan said... [Reply to comment]

thank you for being a librarian!!

lilylee said... [Reply to comment]

Love the Nancy Pearl action figure! Sadly, I think she retired this past year... Great recipe - sounds delicious! geraldinelilly(at)gmail(dot)com

Tazeen said... [Reply to comment]

I have wanted a silpat for years!!!

karen said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful scones! Happy library week!

Amanda Thompson said... [Reply to comment]



Trisha said... [Reply to comment]

Lovely scones ... wonderful flavors too!

Catharine said... [Reply to comment]

Silpats!! I love 'em!

Sophia said... [Reply to comment]

Oh yummy!! This looks so good!! :)

Norma said... [Reply to comment]

Looking forward to making them, thanks for the recipe!
snostorm55 @ yahoo dot com

Norma said... [Reply to comment]

Sounds like a great recipe, I can't wait to try them! Thanks!

snostorm55 @ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

i love the flavors here. :) fabulous!

pajamachef (at)

jeannette said... [Reply to comment]

I never thought to put espresso flavor in a scone. Will have to try this one!

Japinnick86 (at) gmail (dot) com

maria said... [Reply to comment]

Those look amazing...

cookingmama925 (at) gmail (dot) com

Ashley Maynor said... [Reply to comment]

Wow--silpats are awesome1

Miriam said... [Reply to comment]

Okay, I tried to make these, but failed miserably after leaving out the sugar--they seemed way too "wet" however, as this generally the case?

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Miriam #96 - Miriam, Sorry for the delay, your comment slipped by. You definitely need the sugar :) (I have done that on many occasions). The "wetness" can be affected by your area's humidity and how you measure your flour (you might have a light hand at measuring unless you weigh the flour), plus missing the sugar on the first round can affect it. I make different scones all the time so I don't remember the specifics about this one...sorry. Good luck next time! Hope they turn out. - mary

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