National Library Week 2011 Winners!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Giveaway Winners NLW 2011

Congrats to the winners of my National Library Week giveaways! Winner were picked at random. Thanks for entering and celebrating National Library Week with me! :)

Day #1: Ann (entry #95) won Sarabeth’s Bakery cookbook
Day #2: Spike (entry #77) won the 4 Crate & Barrel ramekins
Day #3: Susan (entry #71) won the Everyday Food subscription
Day #4: Jen (entry #56) won the Silpat
Day #5: Frannie (entry #35) won the Dorie Greenspan Around my French Table cookbook
Library staff giveaway: Erin (entry #30) won the Amazon gift card
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Sandra :) said... [Reply to comment]

YAY congratulations to the winners!

Ana Degenaar said... [Reply to comment]

Congratulations winners!

spike. said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for hosting some great giveaways! I'll be putting those ramekins to good use.

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said... [Reply to comment]

I'm very honored to have won. Thank you, and congratulations to all of the winners.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

YAY- Congratulations to the winners!
A huge thank-you to Mary, for the recipes, beautiful photos, and the give-aways!

Lola in Las Vegas

Ann said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you so much Mary!!! You have been super generous!!

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