Peach Buckle - Martha Stewart

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Peach Buckle
Peach Buckle
Fruit in baked goods. I'm home.

I picked up some peaches at the farmers market and peeled three large ones for this delicious buckle.
Peach Buckle collage 1
Easy peasy. Fruit, batter, and a topping of cinnamon sugar and sliced almonds. Since one of my co-workers doesn't eat nuts (but not allergic) I sprinkled the nuts over 1/2 the buckle.

Peach Buckle
This is a recipe from Martha Stewart...she makes it in a iron skillet. That makes are great presentation. However, I popped mine in a 9" square pan because it is easier to cut into squares to serve at the library.

Peach Buckle
Peach Buckle from Martha Stewart
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Esi said... [Reply to comment]

Baked goods are best when they have fruit. Looks awesome!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

it really is a pretty cake, love it

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

It looks delicious. I'm sure the skillet version is gorgeous, but your square there is downright edible too. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Hmmm...I have extra peaches in my fridge right now...your post is tempting me to make a buckle right now! I think the squares are really pretty.

Shannon Riley said... [Reply to comment]

This looks extremely delicious! I just love peaches! :D

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said... [Reply to comment]

I saw some beautiful peaches at the store yesterday and brought a couple home to taste test. This looks so delicious and I love the almonds on top!

Jeff S. said... [Reply to comment]

You are SERIOUSLY challenging my third week of Weight Watchers!!!! This recipe looks AMAZING!! I'm making your previous post recipe for strawberry cake, but have it figured out that one slice (8 total) is only 8 points, so I'm GOING FOR IT!!!!

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

I love that you did half nuts...I need to become a librarian so I can get in on all these baked goods :).

Meister @ The Nervous Cook said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous! Do you think this would be okay without peeling the peaches?

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Meister @ The Nervous Cook Hi! I'm not sure...I almost always peel my peaches in baking unless the recipe says you shouldn't. The skin will probably fall off during baking so you might feel little pieces of skin when you eat it. Good luck with whatever method you try. - mary

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

This has comfort written all over it Mary. Love the extra crunch from the almonds on top.

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