Peanut Butter Cookies - Miette Cookbook

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Peanut Butter Cookies - From Miette Cookbook
Miette Peanut Butter Cookies

Have you been to Miette in San Francisco? You have to go! I usually visit their Ferry Building location on every trip to the Bay Area! The store is so cute and all the treats are yummy. I was excited when they published a cookbook so I could try their treats at home.

Miette cookbook collage
I was so thrilled when this book came in the mail. Look at those die-cut pages! So cute. However, when I started baking these cookies, I read that it made 24 (2 1/2 inch) cookies or 120 (1 1/2 inch) cookies. I'm no engineer, but I made it to calculus and could not figure out how they got 120 cookies out of a dough with 1 1/2 cups of flour!

Then, the very next week, I received an email from Amazon that they are going to send me a whole new book because there were so many errors. Look how many calculation errors were made! Whew, I wasn't crazy. This recipe makes 16 three-inch cookies or 48 two-inch cookies. I got 52 cookies.

Peanut Butter Cookies - From Miette Cookbook
Miette uses a meat mallet to make their indentions. I couldn't find mine... really, where could that big old mallet have gone? That is a great idea and I'll try it again once I hunt down that mallet. Anyway, I just did the traditional cross-hatch with a fork.

Peanut Butter Cookies - From Miette Cookbook
Pour yourself a big cup of milk and have some cookies. These would be great for your back-to-school soon kids!

I can't wait to make their cakes and cupcakes. This book is really charming. See if your library has it here on WorldCat!

Miette cookbook, page 133

Peanut Butter Cookies, adapted from the Miette Cookbook

1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon kosher salt
½ cup (4 ounces) unsalted butter, softened
½ cup granulated sugar, plus more for sprinkling
1/3 cup packed light brown sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1 large eggs
½ cups plus 2 Tablespoons creamy or chunky peanut butter (I used creamy)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
2. Sift together dry ingredients (flour, soda, salt)
3. Cream together butter and sugars and vanilla until light and fluffy (4-5 minutes)
4. Add egg and beat until incorporated. Scrape down sides of bowl.
5. Add peanut butter and mix.
6. Add dry ingredients until just combined. Finish off by hand.
7. Form into balls. Flatten with meat mallet or cross-hatch with a fork. Sprinkle with sugar.
8. Bake 10 minute. Cool and enjoy!
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vanillasugarblog said... [Reply to comment]

aren't typos grand? hey you got another cookbook, i would have said something too.
i've been dying to get my hands on that cookbook--with or without errors.

Azusa said... [Reply to comment]

I love Miette! And those cookies look divine... thanks for sharing the recipe, Mary. I'm making these for sure!

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, that is a lot of typos. Kind of makes me wonder if the editor is still employed...anyway, I NEED this book. Going to SF again this weekend, but I haven't been to Miette in nearly 2 years!

La Table De Nana said... [Reply to comment]

I recently made peanut butter cookies.. I have made them for 37 yrs:)All different recipes...

Haven't made these..I'll try..and I have a meat mallet..they look great!What a good idea the mallet is!

AllThingsYummy said... [Reply to comment]

I'm headed home to break out the meat mallet and make these cookies. They look delicious.

Elizabeth - said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, those errors are CRAZY! And I agree, the cookbook is lovely and the bakery is cute...but... (here's where I put on my grumpy pants) I thought it was *so* overrated. Maybe I went on a bad day, but I bought a 3-inch chocolate tart and a slice of mousse cake and paid over $13. The tart was fine but the mousse cake was actively terrible, rubbery and stale and flavorless. [This happened just last week so the disgust is fresh in my mind.]

But your cookies are adorable, and hey! Now you have two cookbooks!

Tracy said... [Reply to comment]

Haha, 120 cookies made me laugh. Although a book like that would be great for a bake sale or something. ;-)

Bea Roque said... [Reply to comment]

Yep....what a shame about the book. I am waiting for the copy of the second edition.... corrected I hope, as I cancelled my first order.

The editorial posted a full page of errors which I downloaded about a month ago. But now, for some reason they have eliminated it .Now they just made a very reduced errata card, available for download on their web site ( the editorial ). Just mail me If you want the original corrections page, and I will send it to you.

The writer/ owner of Miette left a comment on page one the readers started wondering about the mistake, with a comment of the type: we should hire you guys as proofreaders.... Yeah,sure we will pay the money for the book, and do the work....

Anyway, I am so pleased you tried these cookies and they were nice!!! Just loove peanut butter cookies.

Thanks for sharing


Sashquatch said... [Reply to comment]

Would you believe me if i said ive never made peanut butter cookies? crazy i know! Ive been wanting to change this fact with a passion lately and THIS looks like the recipe for me! :) Lovely photos too!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Peanut butter cookies are so simple, I rarely think to make them, but your post makes me reconsider. They look wonderful. Sorry you've had such trouble with the book - especially from such a great bakery. Cookbooks with multiple errata annoy me to no end. At least yours is being corrected - I have a few books that could use a re-do!

Shannon Riley said... [Reply to comment]

Those look amazing! :D

Janine said... [Reply to comment]

I would have been frustrated with all that typos but at least you got a new book :) First time dropping by and I love the recipes you feature on your blog! Esp these peanut butter cookies, they're my fave type of cookies!

kickpleat said... [Reply to comment]

That cookbook is so adorable - I love anything with scalloped edges! And I love the trick with the meat mallet - I think my parents have one in their basement. Anyway, the cookies look amazing.

myFudo said... [Reply to comment]

Now all I need is a glass of milk :)The cookies look great. Nice photos

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Can you help , I made the miette gingerbread cupcakes and they were a disaster ! They sank and then they stuck to the paper . Is this recipe wrong in the miette cookbook ?

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Anonymous I don't see that recipe on the correction list. You can click on the link in the blog post (click on "Look how many calculation errors were made!") or here:

I haven't made these yet.

Raela Drigger said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, a Miette! I love these cookies! I'm practically drooling right now! I will try this one tonight. I bet the kids are gonna love this one.

Caroline Petersen said... [Reply to comment]

Can't wait to start my Miette book! I really want to try the cookies! they look so good!

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