Apple Spice Bundt - Day #9 of Food Librarian's I Like Big Bundts 3

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Apple Spice Bundt Cake- I Like Big Bundts 2011
Apple Spice Bundt
I Like Big Bundts - Day #9

An apple a day. Or at least an Apple Bundt a Day.

It's Day #9 of my I Like Big Bundts extravaganza - 30 days of bundts leading up to National Bundt Day! Thanks for following along. I love, love hearing that you are planning to make a bundt for National Bundt Day (November 15th). What are you planning on making? Remember, I'm doing a round-up and sending you a special something if you bake along with me.

I Like Big Bundts 3 Logo by JustJennDesigns

Apple Spice Bundt Cake- I Like Big Bundts 2011
As you know, I bring in my baked goods to the library and that has established a lot of goodwill! :) I'm very lucky to work with a great group of people.

The other day, I was writing my To Do list: Apples, buttermilk, Brita filter, Dog toy. 

Then, magically, my co-worker Ruth Ann came up to me with a 3-pound bag of apples from Oak Glen (near Los Angeles). Amazing!

I immediately went back to my list and wrote "George Clooney."

Sadly, he hasn't popped by the library yet. But the apples were put to good use.

Apple Spice Bundt Cake- I Like Big Bundts 2011
This is a Martha Stewart recipe. I've made it before and it is a great Bundt. Definitely something to keep in your recipe book. It is made with veg oil and no butter so the cake is dairy-free (dairy in the caramel sauce).

Apple Spice Bundt
A caramel sauce is poured over the top. I didn't let it go very long because last time I made this, I let it go too long and ended up with a crazy tough caramel that would have ripped out fillings. So, the sauce should be somewhere in-between. Martha's website also has a video of Dorothy Mae Brown making the cake on her show. She's a sweetie.

Apple Spice Bundt Cake- I Like Big Bundts 2011
I'm keeping "George Clooney" on my list...just in case...

Recap of I Like Big Bundts 3:
Day #1: Buttercake Bakery's Marble Bundt Cake
Day #2: Lemon Bliss Bundt
Day #3: Double-Chocolate Bundt Cake with Ganache Glaze
Day #4: Spice Bundt Cake with Brown Butter Vanilla Bean Glaze
Day #5: Gingery Pumpkin Breakfast Bundt
Day #6: Maida Heatter's Budapest Coffee Cake Bundt
Day #7: Dark Chocolate Bundt
Day #8: Banana Chocolate Chip Bundt

Recipe: Click here for Martha Stewart recipe

Bundt Pan: Traditional 12-cup Bundt Pan
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Mary said... [Reply to comment]

George Clooney should be on everyone's list :). I love the picture with the apples in the background. Nice bokeh.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

When you first wrote "George Clooney," my eyebrows came together. Then I laughed out loud. I'm a little slow on the take sometimes. Good luck with that one though.

I'm making this bundt. Apples and caramel. The world should be made of these things.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I'll try hugh jackman :p

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