Basic Biscuits - Tuesdays with Dorie

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Basic Biscuits - Tuesdays wit Dorie
Basic Biscuits

For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, Jennifer of Cooking for Comfort chose Basic Biscuits on page 21 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.

Basic Biscuits - Tuesdays wit Dorie
I made 1/4 of the recipe and pulled out two biscuits...that I ate piping hot from the oven with some blueberry jam. The look is "rustic" (read: I didn't roll them out and cut them into cute circles...just sorta balled them up and threw them into the oven!)

These would be great with a big bowl of soup or just more butter and jam. Try them soon!

Check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers and see their creations!

Jennifer of Cooking for Comfort blog,
or, Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours (page 21)
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Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

These look perfect Mary. I especially love them with the blueberry jam :)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I love the idea of just balling them up like that instead of rolling and cutting. Rustic is a good thing. Almost as good as the blueberry jam looks!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

roll them!! We were supposed to roll them?? Nope, just patted out and cut. Still good.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

They look great - I wouldn't have guessed they were "balled up" at all! And that blueberry jam...perfect.

Rachell como perder peso rapido said... [Reply to comment]

Se me abrio el apetito con estas fotos, se ve deliciosooooooo.hmmmm

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