Happy Halloween from Cidney the Girl Dog

Monday, October 31, 2011

Cidney the Girl Dog Halloween 2011
Happy Halloween from Cidney the Girl Dog!

Cidney just turned two years old, and is the perfect model. She just sat on the lawn for 5 minutes in this pumpkin costume! I picked it up at Target in November for 75% off and waited all year to put it on her! Oh dear, I've become that person who dressed up the dog....

Cidney the Girl Dog Halloween 2011
Next year, I'll need to find her a Bundt cake costume.... Just kidding!

Happy Halloween everyone!!!

- mary the food librarian
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Joana Galvez said... [Reply to comment]

ohhh she looks so cute! happy halloween Mary

curator said... [Reply to comment]

It's great! Put a smile on my face, certainly...I chickened out from getting our dog a Yellow Submarine costume, and now I wish I had.
Happy Halloween!

Darlene said... [Reply to comment]

Adorable! Cidney does NOT look amused.

looloolooweez said... [Reply to comment]

What a cutie! I love the look she's giving you, like, "Seriously? You're seriously going to ask me to sit here while you take photos of this? *sigh* I better be getting an extra biscuit later."

Bec said... [Reply to comment]

Just kidding? A Bundt cake would be the BEST costume ever :)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

What a sweet pup Mary, she's gorgeous!

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