Lemon Bliss Bundt - Day #2 of Food Librarian's I Like Big Bundts 3

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lemon Bliss Bundt Cake - I Like Big Bundts 2011
Lemon Bliss Bundt
I Like Big Bundts - Day #2

I Like Big Bundts 3 Logo by JustJennDesigns
It's Day #2 of 30 Days of Bundts because I Like Big Bundts. Every year, I need to post at least one lemon bundt because lemon is definitely my favorite flavor. This cake doesn't disappoint! It's from King Arthur Flour recipes.

Picnik collage
This cake is simple to make. It has lemon zest or lemon oil in the cake (I used zest) and is glazed with lemon-sugar mixture while it is still warm from the oven.

Lemon Bliss Bundt Cake - I Like Big Bundts 2011
I really liked the crumb. It was soft and you can eat a few pieces without realizing it...not that I'm speaking from experience or anything.

Lemon Bliss Bundt Cake - I Like Big Bundts 2011
Lemon. Cake. No frosting. Curvy Bundt. Sweet!

Come back tomorrow for another Bundt!! - mary the food librarian

Recap of I Like Big Bundts 3:
Day #1: Buttercake Bakery's Marble Bundt Cake

Recipe: Click here for printable recipe

Bundt Pan: Traditional 12-cup Bundt Pan
Adapted from the King Arthur Lemon Bliss Cake. I used Meyer Lemons from my Dad's backyard.
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Barbara Bakes said... [Reply to comment]

I'm a lemon lover too. Looks like a perfect bundt!

Patsyk said... [Reply to comment]

I love the flavor of lemon, too! So fresh and makes me think of warmer months!

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

Love it. Nothing better than a meyer lemon :)...

erinhoulihan said... [Reply to comment]

i. am. so .excited. for ILBB #3!!!!!

Jen said... [Reply to comment]

Count me in on wanting to make this one!!! Yum!

Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

Hooray it's that time of the year again! Also, hooray for lemon bundts...yum!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

A simple lemon cake...perfection! I have that problem with disappearing cake pieces, too.

Sacha from Eating In or Out said... [Reply to comment]

I absolutely love your enthusiasm for Bundt cakes! Since you like this cake, you'll probably also enjoy Rose Levy Beranbaum's Golden Lemon ALmond Cake from her Rose's Heavenly Cakes. It's a big, beautiful bundt.

webmailaddress2 said... [Reply to comment]

I bought my first bundt pan over the weekend. So excited to test it out soon!

Mavis said... [Reply to comment]

I made a Lemon Poppy Seed bundt yesterday and sang "I like big bundts!" while I made it. LOL. Thanks for the inspiration—I'm definitely going to have to do a Kitchen Bitch post on Bundt cake day. My curvy bundt pan is in the mail!

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

I'm a chocolate kind of gal, but really, really like lemon baked goods when I break away from the chocolate. ;)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

So glad you enjoyed our Lemon Bliss Cake recipe! Your pictures look great...but I'm sure it tasted even better! Happy Baking! ~Mel @ KAF.

Champa said... [Reply to comment]

I wish I could find people to eat cake. I would've made bundts every day for a month. I am a big fan of your bundt cakes.

Winnie said... [Reply to comment]

I really loooooooooove lemon cakes, and your look wonderful and delicious.
Wonderful photos too :)

Baking is my Zen...sweet nibbles for the soul said... [Reply to comment]

Absolutely love anything with lemon. Your cake looks wonderful. Am a fun of KAF too.

~ Carmen

Baking is my Zen...sweet nibbles for the soul said... [Reply to comment]

Meant to say earlier...I'm a FAN of KAF.

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Love lemon! The shot of the slice looks like the perfect lemon cake to me.

Nico said... [Reply to comment]

I make it yesterday, it is super good, I used lemon zest and lemon oil, we like it very very lemony...;)

karrie said... [Reply to comment]

I made this bundt today and it was very good. I ended up using sour cream in place of the milk because that was what I had on hand. And I used meyer lemons from my yard. Very light cake.

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