National Bundt Day - I Like Big Bundts 2011 Button!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I Like Big Bundts 2011 Baker Button Design
I Like Big Bundts 2011 button! 
(Um, not actual size)

Last year, if you helped celebrate National Bundt Day, I mailed you a JustJennDesigns I Like Big Bundts button. You were busy in the kitchen, and I was busy in the post office. I mailed out over 90 buttons around the world!

This year, I have something extra special! It's a limited-edition, not available in stores I Like Big Bundt 2011 button! The font color is different than last year, and it has a "2011 Baker" banner. Yes, you now have proof that you are serious about the awesome Bundt!

The actual size is about 1 1/4" round so it'll look swell on your apron, backpack or in your cubicle at work. What a conversation starter as you walk around town... "Oh, you like big bundts?"  "I cannot lie. I like big bundts too."

This year, I'm going to have you submit the photo, link and mailing address info on a form (I got kinda lost in all the emails last year). I'm working on setting that up now and will give you details soon. Just plan on baking a Bundt by November 15th, posting it to your blog (if you have one) and sending me a photo/link by November 24th. Remember, it needs to be a new bundt and a tube pan doesn't count (Bundts need to be inverted and have some sexy curves or designs! ;)  I do hope you bake along with me this year and celebrate all that is good about the Bundt!

Finally, if you are interested in the original I Like Big Bundt button or card, check out JustJennDesign's online store. She has great cards for all occasions, custom stationery, and buttons!

Thanks and Happy Bundting! - mary the food librarian
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Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

I have a bundt cake sitting on the counter, ready for a little glaze. I couldn't help it or wait until the big day. ;) I figured since mine involves a birthday, I better try out a few recipes to see which wins for being at "the big day". ;)

beth said... [Reply to comment]

I hope I'm not being obtuse - you say "it needs to be a new bundt" but I don't know how you mean new - made for this occasion (no problem!) or a new, not-on-your-blog recipe? (big problem! I'm eyeing the spice cake recipe already!)

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@beth sorry beth I wasn't clear. I meant new to you bundt...not something posted on your blog two years ago. You and your friends need to eat a bundt this month or next! Ill clarify on the real instructions for submitting. :) mary

Sharina said... [Reply to comment]

Hi there Mary! Stumbled upon your blog about a month back and I have checked it daily for updates! My..those bundts are beautiful! I have made a few bundt cakes recently using your recipes and they came out really good.

About the buttons, I dont have a how do I go about sending you the picture?


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