Fat Witch Brownies

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fat Witch Bakery Brownies
Fat Witch Brownies

One of Oprah's favorite things are treats from Fat Witch Bakery (their website opens with music). They published a cookbook in 2010 and it is filled with many yummy bars and brownies. I started with their signature item: The Fat Witch Brownie.

And just let me say...November 30th?! What? It's December 2011 tomorrow? How in the world did that happen?!

Fat Witch Brownies collage
The recipe is very simple! Melt chocolate and butter. Mix up some eggs and sugar...and bake away!

Fat Witch Bakery Brownies
When my official testers (my library co-workers) tried a brownie, one of them said, "Oh, a cocoa brownie." But this brownie doesn't have any cocoa in it. It's definitely more cakey than fudgy.

Printable recipe here
Fat Witch Brownies
Adapted from "Fat Witch Brownies" book by Patricia Helding & Bryna Levin, 2010, page 26-27. Find the book in your library (WorldCat) or on Amazon

14 Tablespoons (1 3/4 sticks) unsalted butter
1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp bittersweet chocolate chips (I used 120 grams of 72% Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate - see my notes)
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar (I used 250 grams sugar)
4 large eggs, room temp
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp unbleached flour (I used 88 g flour)
Pinch of salt

Oven Temp: 350 F. Be sure to preheat.
Pan: 9 x 9 square baking pan

1. Grease and flour the baking pan. I lined it with parchment paper and sprayed it with a bit of Pam with Flour.
2. Chocolate measuring: I did not have bittersweet chips, but I did have a Trader Joe's bar of 72% chocolate. I ended up weighing semi-sweet chips and then cutting enough of the 72% chocolate to match the weight. Oh, how I wish all cookbooks just gave us the weight (especially since the measurement 1/2 cup + 2 T signifies that this was originally a weight measure and they had to convert it to measuring cups). You don't need to have chips because you are melting the chocolate so weights would have been great to have. Hint, Hint to all cookbook publishers!)
3. Melt butter and chocolate in a small saucepan over low heat, stirring frequently. Set aside to cool. (I melted the butter and chocolate in a double boiler (large bowl over low simmering water that doesn't touch the bowl)).
4. Cream sugar, eggs and vanilla together. Add cooled chocolate mixture and mix until well-blended.
5. Measure flour and salt and then sift together directly into the chocolate mixture. Mix batter gently until well combined and no trace of the dry ingredients remains. (I used a spatula and folded in the flour mixture).
6. At this point, if desired, stir in any extras like walnuts. (I did not include nuts)
7. Spread batter evenly in the prepared baking pan and bake 33 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean or with only crumbs, not batter, on it. (I baked mine for 33 minutes...probably could have taken them out at 31 or 32 minutes).
8. Remove from oven and cool on rack for at least 1 hour.

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Starbuck's Pumpkin Scones

Monday, November 28, 2011

Starbuck's Pumpkin Scones
Starbuck's Pumpkin Scones

Lori of RecipeGirl recently posted a better version of the Starbuck's Pumpkin Scone! Anything straight from your oven is better than what you can get in the store!

Starbuck's Pumpkin Scones collage 1
You know you have some leftover pumpkin puree from all your holiday baking... if you have a few minutes, bake up these scones. Scones are so easy to make!

Starbuck's Pumpkin Scones collage 2
These scones have TWO layers of glaze. The first layer is a simple plain glaze and the second glaze is spiced with nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger and cloves. (If I remember my baking teacher correctly, many commercial scones are glazed to keep them from drying out..thus, a longer shelf life.)

Starbuck's Pumpkin Scones
I made my small scones for the library staff. The original recipe yields six large scones...but I think I got around 18 or so.

Find the recipe on RecipeGirl's great blog here! She is writing a cookbook now too! :) Go Lori!
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Eat My Blog Los Angeles Dec 10, 2011 Bake Sale

Friday, November 25, 2011

Come! Buy! Support the Foodbank! Eat! Yum!
Saturday, Dec 10, 2011 at the Pita Jungle in Pasadena

I'm bringing Fuyu Persimmon Mini Bundt Cakes with Maple Glaze and there will be sooo much good stuff to eat! I'm bummed I have to work at the library this day, but hopefully some friends can get me some goodies!

Los Angeles friends, book this date in your calendar now! More information on the Eat My Blog LA website!
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National Bundt Day 2011 Round-Up

I Like Big Bundts 3 Logo by JustJennDesigns
National Bundt Day 2011 Round-Up

November 15, 2011 was International/National Bundt Day! After making 30 Bundts in 30 Days (see them here), I invited you to make a bundt to celebrate! And, boy, did you!

In 2009, there were 41 Bundts in the Round up. Last year it was close to 90! And this year?! OMG. 145 Bundts!

I loved reading each entry! Some of you made your very first bundt or used this holiday as an excuse to get another Bundt pan. Many of you brought them into work or shared with friends and family. Love it! You all said the nicest things and I'm touched that this crazy project inspired you to bake a bundt!

My twitter buddy, Nikki of Nikkilooch said: (this totally cracked me up...many used the word "crazy" to describe my commitment to the Bundt)
There’s a woman out in California named Mary. She’s a librarian who loves to bake. She started baking 30 bundts in 30 days. She’s a little bit crazy. That makes me like her a little bit more than I did before the bundts happened.

I Like Big Bundts 2011 Baker ButtonI listed the states and countries of the entries...Bundt love is all over the map! I've linked to the blog, so please click through to find some yummy recipes and new blogs. If the baker doesn't have a blog, you'll see an asterisk by their name. I ended up placing order after order for buttons! (Those who sent me a photo of their recently made Bundt by 11/24/2011 will receive a JustJenn Designs "I Like Big Bundts 2011 Baker" button.) You can't get these buttons in stores, but you can get fantastic "I Like Big Bundts" buttons and cards on the JustJenn Designs online store.

I think putting this round-up together and getting the buttons out is taking me longer than baking 30 different bundt cakes! Although I used the Wufoo form for submission and hella concatenation on Excel (my favorite formula ever! Yes, that is a total nerd comment, I'm aware of that), I'm sure I erred someplace... please email me if you have any questions: thefoodlibrarian [at] gmail [ dot] com

I also randomly picked a baker to win a copy of Cake Simple - a lovely book full of bundt cakes! The winner is #41: Di of Di's Kitchen Notebook!

Thank you soooo much for your enthusiasm for the Bundt. You make rockin' bundts!

With much Bundt love and appreciation, 
   - mary the food librarian

Disclosure: The author of Cake Simple gave me a copy of the book (because the I Like Big Bundts project is on page 82!!). However, I'm paying for the buttons and their domestic and international postage, and postage for the book (yes, I might just put the postal service back in the black! ;)

Here is a round up of Bundts made for National Bundt Day 2011!

#1 Cathy (Los Angeles) of Gastronomy @GastronomyBlog made an Orange Cardamom Bundt Cake

#2: Delia* made a Apple Cinnamon Bundt

#3: Jill (East Lansing, Michigan) of East Lansing Public Library @elplibrary made a Pumpkin-Pecan Bundt Cake

#4: Lisa (Flushing, NY)* made a Carrot Bundt Cake

#5: Jennifer (Alabama)* made a Banana Chocolate Chip

#6: Corinne (Washington, DC) of sparecake made a Olive Oil Cranberry Bundt

#7: Jenni (Denver, CO) of The Pursuit made a Key Lime Coconut Bundt

#8: Mela (Portland, OR)* made a Chocolate Stout Cake

#9: My friend, justJENN (Los Angeles) of justJENN recipes @justjenndesigns made a Banana Nutella Bundt

#10: Heather (Virginia Beach, VA) of Tasty Messes @BaronessHeather made a Peanut M&M Bundt

#11: Sandra (Ontario, Canada) of Sandra Sews made a Tomato Soup Bundt

#12: Heather (New Haven, Connecticut)* made a Apple Cinnamon Bundt  

#13: Putri (Newport Coast, CA)* made a Double Ginger Gingerbread Bundt

#14: Catherine (Connecticut)* made a Pumpkin-Apple Spiced Bundt

#15: Jenny (Minnesota)* made a Bundt Fail: Fudge Marble Mahem

#16: Chef Pandita (Dominican Republic) of Chef Pandita @chefpandita made a Pumpkin Bundt Cake with Buttermilk Icing

#17: Jessica (Austin, TX) of bake me away! @bakemeaway made a Pumpkin Stout Gingerbread Bundt with Brown Butter Icing

#18: Teri (McCalla, AL)* @teribossard made a Pretzel Reuben Monkey Bread

#19: Marie (Antrim, NH)* made a Pb & J Bundt (pictured) & Budapest Coffee Cake

#20: Mavis (Cincinnati, Ohio) of Kitchen Bitch made a Kiss My (Red Velvet) Bundt

#21: Dulcey (Minneapolis, MN) @dulcey made a Cream Bundt

#22: Alexa (Wisconsin)* made a Persimmon Spice Bundt

#23: MaryJane Robbins (King Arthur Flour baker/blogger) of Baking Banter @KingArthurFlour made a Chocolate Caramel Stuffed Monkey Bread

#24: Ros (London, United Kingdom) of themorethanoccasionalbaker @bakingaddict made a Apple, Chocolate and Nut Bundt Cake

#25: Sally (London, UK) made a Chocolate Bundt

#26: Judy (California) of Judy's Gross Eats made a Lemon Yogurt Bundt

#27: Yoko of Spilt Wine and Sticky Rice @yokoeats made a Pumpkin Spice Bundt

#28: Ashley (Oklahoma) of Cinnamon and Vanilla @ashleyscakes made a Cinnamon Vanilla Bundt

#29: Hilary (Los Angeles) of Nosh With Me @noshwithme made a Chocolate Chip Marble Bundt

#30: Divya Kudua (Chennai, India) of Easycooking @divyakudua made a Coffee Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake

#31: Tania  (Colorado)* made a Lemon Bliss Bundt

#32: Miriam (New York) of Tales of an Overtime Cook @overtimecook made a Cream Cheese Swirled Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake

#33: My friend, Shannon of Clarity Perhaps made a Pumpkin Spice Bundt

#34: Fabi (Madrid) of fabsfood @fabsfood made a Ferrero Bundt Cake

#35: Bea (Spain) of Simplemente, mi cocina @Simplemente_Bea made a Red Velvet Bundt Cake

#36: Larissa (Canada)* @purlgurly made a Brown Sugar Bundt

#37: Eva Flores (Sabadell - Barcelona - Spain) of Ma Petite Boulangerie made a Lemon Yogurt Bundt Cake

#38: Lorraine (New Jersey) of With a Grateful Prayer and a Thankful Heart made a Bicardi Rum Bundt Cake

#39: Angie (Louisville, KY) of Life in Progress @angielu101 made a Honeycake and Black Pepper Spice Bundt Cake with Lemon Glaze (pictured)

#40: Beth (Baltimore) of 990 Square @990Square made a Chocolate Pumpkin Bundt

#41: Di (Georgetown, TX) of Di's Kitchen Notebook @diskitchennotes made a Ruby Bundt Cake

#42: Diane (Canada)* made a Banana Chocolate Chip Oat Bran Bundt

#43: Blathering (New Orleans) of Blathering 504 @blathering made a Orange Poppy Seed Bundt

#44: Yummy Chunklet (Chicago) of Yummy Chunklet made a Cinnamon Pear Pistachio Bundt Cake

#45: Isabel of Brian & Isabel made a Pineapple Upside Down Bundt

#46: Kimberley-Blue (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) of montcarte @montcarte made a Chocolate Root Beer Bundt

#47: Alyson (Brooklyn, NY) of Made From Scratch made a Sour Cream Pound Cake Mini Bundts

#48: Ruhama (Burlington, WI) of rumahama made a Lemon Bliss Bundt

#49: Katie  (Bedford, UK) of Apple & Spice made a Roasted Banana & Pecan Bundt Cake with Maple Glaze

#50: Carolyn (Alexandria, VA) of Information Center Connections @triviachick made a Double Chocolate Bundt

#51: Anna (Spartanburg, SC) of A Yankee in the Piedmont @annalibris made a Lemon Bliss Bundt Cake

#52: Rebecca (Los Angeles) of The Baking Sisters made a Buttercake Bakery Chocolate Chip Marble Bundt Cake

#53: Mrsblocko (Illinois) of Tomatoes for Apples made a Chocolate Cheesecake Tunnel Bundt

#54: Nicole (Bonn, Germany)* made a Lemon Poppy Seed Bundt & Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt

#55: Sara (California) of Cupcake Muffin @cupcake_muffin made a Meyer Lemon Bliss Bundt Cake

#56: Marina (Seattle, WA) of The Salcedo Kitchen Garden made a Gingery Pumpkin Breakfast Bundt

#57: Danielle (Evansville, IN)* made a Brown Sugar Bundt Cake(tastrphe -- it fell apart)

#58: Janine LoBue* made a Pumpkin Streusel Bundt

#59: Jen (Annapolis, MD) of Eat. Swim. Shop. made a Lava Flow Bundt

#60: IFeelCook (Barcelona) of IFeelCook @IFeelCook made a Dark Chocolate & Rosewater Frosting Bundt Cake

#61: Clivia (Toronto, Canada) of Bubies Little Baker @clivia_gardens made a Lemon Yogurt Bundt with Lemon Glaze and Caramel Sauce

#62: My friend, East Coast Mary (Connecticut Shoreline) of Popsicles and Sandy Feet made a Lithuanian Bundt Cake

#63: Shelley (Fort Worth)* made a Sherry Bundt Cake

#64: Nikki of Nikkilooch @nikkilooch made a Lemon Poppyseed Bundt

#65: Elisa (California)* made a Blackberry Buttermilk Bundt

#66: Paula (Pittsburgh)* @Qsprite made a Rum Bundt Cake with Orange Glaze

#67: Lisa (United Kingdom) of United Cakedom made a Brown Sugar Bundt

#68: Jackie (Apex NC)* made a Chocolate Beer Bundt Cake

#69: Carol and Janice (Minnesota (2 houses equal distance from the Nordic Ware store))* made a California Lemon Pound Bundt Cake and Chocolate Pomegranate Bundt Cake

#70: Jessica (Pennsylvania) of cookbookhabit @cookbookhabit made a Coconut-Filled Lemon Bundt Cake

#71: My friend, Melissa* made a Lime Chocolate Bundt

#72: Mary (California) of Alpineberry made a Bourbon Chocolate Bundt with Luxardo Cherry Glaze

#73: Eve (Woodstock, NY) of The Garden of Eating @evefox made a Apple Spice Bundt Cake

#74: Jojo (Palo Alto )* made a Sour Cream Chocolate Bundt (Recipe by Lick the Bowl Good)

#75: Bonnie (Eugene, Oregon) of Cathartic Ink @TheBon made a Blueberry Lemon Bundt

#76: Rebecca S. (Detroit, MI) of MichiGirls made a Neapolitan Bundt Cake

#77: Andrea (Iowa)* made a "Recycled" Halloween Candy Bundt

#78: Heidi (Ohio) of It's a Wicked Good Life! made a Root Beer Bundt Cake

#79: Glee (California)* made a Fuyu Persimmon Bundt  

#80: jek in the box (San Luis Obispo) of scrumdillydilly @jek_in_the_box made a Ginger Ale Bundt with Black Pepper Glaze

#81: Jenn (Ohio) of JennBlogsStuff @bentoforkidlet made a Eggnog Bundt cake

#82: Rebecca (California) of What's For Meat made a Buttermilk Bundt Cake with Vanilla Icing

#83: Elizabeth (Chattanooa, TN) of A Girl In Her Kitchen made a Coconut Pecan Bundt

#84: Panya (Indiana)* @PanyaV made a Snickerdoodle Bundt

#85: Lauren (New York, NY) of The Dough Girl made a Marble Bundt Cake

#86: Kyla (Australia)* @kylapoyner made a Rich Chocolate Mini Bundt presented on my Grandma's platter

#87: Andrea (Orange County, CA)* made a Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake

#88: The fun-loving library staff of the City of Fairfax Regional Library (Fairfax County, Virginia) had a bundt party!

#89: Ma Kettle (Oregon)* made a Blackberry Buttermilk Bundt

#90: Natalie (White Rock, BC)* made a Boozy Marble Bundt (or the reason I need a new pan)

#91: Raji (Dubai) of Vegetarian Tastebuds @vegtastebuds made a Vegan Beet Bundt

#92: Megan (South Carolina) of My Goodness @MeggieG25 made a Sour Cream Pound Cake

#93: Sarah (Dallas, TX) of Like The Dickens made a Vanilla Toffee Pound Cake

#94: My friend, Gina Q.* made a Pumpkin Spice Bundt

#95: Kim (Waverly, IA)* made a Pina Colada Bundt Cake

#96: Paula (Jacksonville, AL )* made a Lower-Fat Deep Chocolate Bundt

#97: Vanessa (Berkeley, California) of the beet goes on @vvvanessa made a Chocolate-Beet Bundt Cake

#98: Dessert By Candy (Toronto, Canada) of Dessert By Candy @DessertByCandy made a Rum Cake with Coconut Caramel

#99: Nancy (Georgia) of The Dogs Eat the Crumbs made a Helen's Sour Cream Bundt Cake

#100: Dee (Crescent Township, PA)* made a Chocolate Peanut Butter and Applesauce Spice

#101: Meredith (Elizabethton, TN) of Garden in the South made a Spiced Cranberry-Almond Bundt

#102: Harlean (California) of Naked in Public & Other Things I Didn't Know I'd Be When I Grew Up @poeticpinup made a Tiramisu Bundt with Orange Mascarpone Glaze

#103: Andrea (Virginia)* made a Brown Butter Banana Bundt

#104: Trevor Sis. Boom. (The OC) of Sis Boom Blog! @sisboomtweet made a Vanilla Bourbon Bundt

#105: Barbara (Calgary)* made a Blueberry Cornmeal Bundt Cake

#106: DPLK (Pennsylvania) of De Baking Psychopath made a Double Apple Bundt with Caramel Frosting

#107: Betty of Scrambled Henfruit (Virginia) of Scrambled Henfruit made a Gingerbread Bundt

#108: Tessa (Arizona) of The Cookin' Chemist made a 1 Step Pound (Bundt) Cake with Vanilla Glaze

#110: Alison (Houston, TX)* made a Whole Grain Applesauce Bundt

#111: Caroline (California) of When Adobo Met Feijoada @carolineadobo made a Coconut Pandan Chiffon Flan Bundt Cake

#112: Lori (Philadelphia, PA)* made a Glazed Lemon Bundt Cake

#113: Melissa (Grand Rapids, MI) of Live Better Books @livebetterbooks made a Chocolate Whiskey Bundt Cake

#114: Karen (Houston)* made a Way Overdone Apple Spice Bundt  

#115: Lisa (Birmingham UK) of Spatulas At Dawn @Spatulasatdawn made a Olive Oil Banana Bundt

#116: Veronica (Portland, Oregon) of Tiny Sandwiches made a Strawberry Aloha Bundt

#117: yoko of foodie in progress made a double ginger sour cream bundt

#118: My friend, Dave (Culver City) of Dave's Travels @davery90230 made a Persimmon Spice Bundt

#119: Jen (Colorado) of Jen's Blog made a Sour Cream Bundt Cake

#120: The Peterson Family (Ohio)* made a No amount of pony magic can save this bundt!

#121: Katrina (Utah) of Baking and Boys! @koismith made a Chocolate Chip Bundt Cookie Sundaes
National Bundt Day shares the day with Katrina's birthday!

#122: Carlene (Southern California)* made a Maida Heatter's Budapest Coffee Cake Bundt

#123: Auntie Nettie (New York) of Auntie Nettie's Attic @nettiesattic made a Gingerbread Cake Bundt

#124: dharma (Madrid (España)) of tan dulce como tu made a Bundt Cake marshmallows and krispies (post in Spanish)

#125: Tracey (Rhode Island) of Tracey's Culinary Adventures @twilhelmsen made a Eggnog Pound Cake with Crystal Rum Glaze 

#126: Sandra (New Haven, Connecticut)* made a Philadelphia Apple Cake

#127: Amanda (Washington)* made a Grapefruit Bundt & Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt  

#128: Estibaliz Martín (Bilbao, Spain) of Sweet Aurora made a Spicy Pumpkin Bundt

#129: Kelly (London) of An American Cupcake in London @Cupcake_Kelly made a Cranberry Bundt Cake

#130: Subhadra (India) of Pure Randomness! made a Cream Cheese Bundt  

#131: Beth (Oakland, CA) of Exploring with Beth made a Spice Cake with Brown Butter/Vanilla Glaze

#132: Hannah (Texas)* made a Never Enough Chocolate Bundt

#133: Jen (Boston, MA) of Beantown Baker @beantownbaker made a Sour Cream Coffeecake Bundt

#134: Kelly (Pittsburgh, PA) of No Empty Chairs made a Pear Cardamom Bundt Cake

#135: Christa (Seattle, Wa)* made a Spiced Pumpkin Bundt with Orange Liquer Glaze

#136: Ruth (New York State)* made a Pistachio Inside Outside Bundt Cake

#137: Janice (Mississauga, Canada)* made a Red Velvet Bundt

#138: Sammy Jo (NC)* made a Chocolate Bundt with Chocolate and Caramel Glaze

#139: Sandy (Downingtown, PA) of Luck, Faith and Love @SandraDee1 made a Key Lime Bundt Cake with Margarita Icing

#140: Andrea (California)* made a Chocolate/Vanilla Marble cake

#141: Carolyn (Windsor, Colorado)* made a Lemon Bundt Cake

#142: Jessica of My Baking Heart (Texas) of My Baking Heart @hornedfroggy made a Glazed Chocolate Pumpkin Bundt

#143: Canadian Information Professionals (Canada) of Oh la vache! made 5 Bundt Cakes

#144: Candy&Dana (Spokane, WA)* made a Devil's Food & Lemon Bliss Bundts

#145: Aimee of Food, Je t'Aimee (Canada) made a Spiced Cranberry and Buttermilk Bundt Cake

* No Blog...yet!

Whew!! This round up of Bundts is overwhelming and awesome!! Thanks everyone for baking along with me on National/International Bundt Day. I hope you continue to bake Bundts all year long! - mary
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