Leftover Halloween Candy Bundt - Day #16 of Food Librarian's I Like Big Bundts 3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Leftover Halloween Candy Bundt - I Like Big Bundts 3
Leftover Halloween Candy Bundt
I Like Big Bundts - Day #16

I'm exhausted. I ate so much candy at work today...then got hit with a sugar coma. We had to counteract that with microwave popcorn. Sweet and Salty. It's all about living a balanced life. :)

We're on Day #16 of I Like Big Bundts...the Food Librarian's crazy quest to post 30 bundts in 30 days. All to encourage you to make a bundt for National Bundt Day on November 15th!

So, did you have a bunch of kids come by your house? Or, were you in a snow storm and had to cancel Halloween (that is soooo sad for the kids)? Or, were you just so shocked and torn up by the divorce of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries after 72 days of marriage that you just couldn't face the trick or treaters...and ate all the candy? Well, whatever happened yesterday, if you have some leftover candy, here is a Bundt that'll help you out!

Leftover Halloween Candy Bundt - I Like Big Bundts 3
Basically, a vanilla bundt cake with chopped up candy. I used a bunch of Snickers, Twix, Milky Ways...but you can add so many others: Whoopers, Butterfingers, Junior Mints, M&Ms... I would be hesitant to put in "sugary, non-chocolate" based candies such as Starburst or Skittles...don't know how they would turn out with melty colors.

I Like Big Bundts 3 Logo by JustJennDesigns I Like Big Bundts 3
The submission info can be found here! Bake a bundt for National Bundt Day on November 15th! Then submit a photo or blog post by November 24, 2011 and I'll send you a 1 1/4" button for baking along with me!

Leftover Halloween Candy Bundt - I Like Big Bundts 3
I saw this bundt on Natalie's Killer Cuisine last year and put it on my list to make! See you tomorrow for another Bundt! - mary the food librarian

Recap of I Like Big Bundts 3:
Day #1: Buttercake Bakery's Marble Bundt Cake
Day #2: Lemon Bliss Bundt
Day #3: Double-Chocolate Bundt Cake with Ganache Glaze
Day #4: Spice Bundt Cake with Brown Butter Vanilla Bean Glaze
Day #5: Gingery Pumpkin Breakfast Bundt
Day #6: Maida Heatter's Budapest Coffee Cake Bundt
Day #7: Dark Chocolate Bundt
Day #8: Banana Chocolate Chip Bundt
Day #9: Apple Spice Bundt
Day #10: Pumpkin Spice Bundt
Day #11: Doll Bundt Cake
Day #12: Light Chocolate Bundt with Coffee Glaze
Day #13: Spiced Cranberry Bundt
Day #14: Brown Sugar Bundt
Day #15: Buried Alive Bundt Cake

Recipe: Click here for printable recipe

Bundt Pan: Traditional 12-cup Bundt Pan
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Clivia said... [Reply to comment]

Oh thank heavens! I've got half a large bowl of tiny chocolate bars calling my name. Your timing is perfect!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

1. I'm glad you posted a leftover candy recipe AFTER halloween. 2. I just wanted to let you know, I FINALLY convinced my husband I NEED another bundt pan. My motivation for a new one comes 100% from 'I Like Big Bundts.' 3. I can not WAIT to try maybe every single one of your bundts. No really, I might just try.

The Path Traveled said... [Reply to comment]

I just saw something like this on our local news this morning about using left over candy. Great minds think alike! Wonderful Recipe! Thanks

Joana Galvez said... [Reply to comment]

Great idea! My kids got lots of sweets yesterday eventhough it's not a big tradition here in UK so I will probably end up doing this recipe to start using my bundt pan because I got it as a present last Christmas and I used it only once :(

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