Ultimate Streusel Bundt Cake - Day #18 of Food Librarian's I Like Big Bundts 3

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ultimate Streusel Bundt Cake - I Like Big Bundts 2011
Ultimate Streusel Bundt Cake
I Like Big Bundts - Day #18

Hellllloooo! Today's Day #18 of my third I Like Big Bundts - 30 days of Bundt cakes!

Martha Stewart has a baking show on Hallmark Channel and she made this monster bundt cake - The Ultimate Streusel Bundt Cake! It has two big layers of streusel and a moist cake.

I Like Big Bundts 3 Logo by JustJennDesigns I Like Big Bundts 3
All these bundts are leading up to National Bundt Day! Submission info can be found here. Bake a bundt for National Bundt Day on November 15th! Then submit a photo or blog post by November 24, 2011 and I'll send you a 1 1/4" button for baking along with me!

Ultimate Streusel Bundt collage 1
This makes hella streusel with pecans. In fact, when I make this again, I might make 1/2 the streusel and put only one layer of streusel in the middle. Because this has a layer on the "top" (in the pan) that becomes the "bottom" when inverted, it was a little different than other layered bundts (such as Day #6: Maida Heatter's Budapest Coffee Cake Bundt).

Ultimate Streusel Bundt Cake - I Like Big Bundts 2011
Topped with powdered sugar and milk glaze, this cake is perfect for Sunday brunch, Monday breakfast, Tuesday lunch, and Wednesday tea time. :) - mary the food librarian

Recap of I Like Big Bundts 3:
Day #1: Buttercake Bakery's Marble Bundt Cake
Day #2: Lemon Bliss Bundt
Day #3: Double-Chocolate Bundt Cake with Ganache Glaze
Day #4: Spice Bundt Cake with Brown Butter Vanilla Bean Glaze
Day #5: Gingery Pumpkin Breakfast Bundt
Day #6: Maida Heatter's Budapest Coffee Cake Bundt
Day #7: Dark Chocolate Bundt
Day #8: Banana Chocolate Chip Bundt
Day #9: Apple Spice Bundt
Day #10: Pumpkin Spice Bundt
Day #11: Doll Bundt Cake
Day #12: Light Chocolate Bundt with Coffee Glaze
Day #13: Spiced Cranberry Bundt
Day #14: Brown Sugar Bundt
Day #15: Buried Alive Bundt Cake
Day #16: Leftover Halloween Candy Bundt
Day #17: Lemon Bundt Cake

Recipe: Click here for printable recipe
Adapted from Martha Stewart's Ultimate Streusel Cake

Bundt Pan: Traditional 12-cup Bundt Pan
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Mary said... [Reply to comment]

Yum. Sounds like another winner Chocolate and streusel should be present in every meal.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I think I made this out of her everyday magazine and we devoured it. Absolutely and very quickly. It's an awesome cake and well deserves to be in your line-up. I'm loving this month and might be making that brown sugar bundt today. Keep them coming!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, heavens, your cakes look fabulous!

The Path Traveled said... [Reply to comment]

Another great Bundt! Looks so good, I wish I had a slice now...But, I will have to bake it first.

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

LOVE streusel. I would eat this up in second

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

LOL!!! I literally laughed when I saw the "big bundts", probably made my day. That bundt cake does look quite tasty, though!

Rachel @ Bakerita said... [Reply to comment]

I love the title of this - but the bundt looks even better. I am a huge streusel person, this is seems like a great amount. ;)

Jenn said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my gosh! Could this be any more tempting?

kimberleyblue said... [Reply to comment]

Definitely gonna make this one! Streusel will always be my weakness, so two layers sounds like heaven.

Donna said... [Reply to comment]

My husband's favorite cake is Struesel! I am saving this recipe to give it a try. Thanks so much for sharing! I love your Big Bundt Series!

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