Vanilla Bean Bundt Cake - Day #19 of Food Librarian's I Like Big Bundts 3

Friday, November 4, 2011

Vanilla Bean Bundt Cake with Vanilla Glaze and Strawberries - I Like Big Bundts 2011
Vanilla Bean Bundt Cake with Vanilla Glaze and Strawberries 
I Like Big Bundts - Day #19

TGIF!! Really, this week was epic long! Glad it's Friday!! And it's also Day #19 of I Like Big Bundts! I'm posting 30 bundts cakes in 30 days...all leading up to National Bundt Day on November 15th. I seriously love the Bundt cake! I love cake and don't care for frosting so the bundt is the perfect ratio of cake to frosting. I hope to inspire you to make a bundt for your friends, family, and random folks on the street.

Vanilla Bean Bundt collage
I made this vanilla bean bundt in the Heritage Bundt...definitely one of my favorite bundt pans. A vanilla glaze covers the cake and it's served with a side of strawberries. I'm lucky to live in Los Angeles and can still find fresh strawberries in local farmer's market.

I Like Big Bundts 3 Logo by JustJennDesigns I Like Big Bundts 3
Bake a bundt for National Bundt Day on November 15th! Then submit a photo or blog post by November 24, 2011 and I'll send you a cute 1 1/4" button for baking along with me! The submission info can be found here!

Thanks to American Library Association's AL Direct eNewsletter for a shout out this week! Here is the newsletter (Nov 2nd - scroll to the bottom). I hope we have a good contingent of librarians and library staff participating in National Bundt Day! :)

Vanilla Bean Bundt Cake with Vanilla Glaze and Strawberries - I Like Big Bundts 2011
I used vanilla paste instead of vanilla beans. Have you used vanilla paste? One of my favorite things in the kitchen because it is less expensive than vanilla beans and gives you all the seeds of the beans. This paste is incredible on a bit of ice cream...just sayin'.

Vanilla Bean Bundt Cake with Vanilla Glaze and Strawberries - I Like Big Bundts 2011
Hope you have a great weekend planned! See you tomorrow for another Bundt! - mary the food librarian

Recap of I Like Big Bundts 3:
Day #1: Buttercake Bakery's Marble Bundt Cake
Day #2: Lemon Bliss Bundt
Day #3: Double-Chocolate Bundt Cake with Ganache Glaze
Day #4: Spice Bundt Cake with Brown Butter Vanilla Bean Glaze
Day #5: Gingery Pumpkin Breakfast Bundt
Day #6: Maida Heatter's Budapest Coffee Cake Bundt
Day #7: Dark Chocolate Bundt
Day #8: Banana Chocolate Chip Bundt
Day #9: Apple Spice Bundt
Day #10: Pumpkin Spice Bundt
Day #11: Doll Bundt Cake
Day #12: Light Chocolate Bundt with Coffee Glaze
Day #13: Spiced Cranberry Bundt
Day #14: Brown Sugar Bundt
Day #15: Buried Alive Bundt Cake
Day #16: Leftover Halloween Candy Bundt
Day #17: Lemon Bundt Cake
Day #18: Ultimate Streusel Bundt Cake

Recipe: Click here for printable recipe on Bon Appetit
by Matt Lewis and Renato Poliafito, April 2010

Bundt Pan: Traditional 12-cup Bundt Pan
Pin It!


Sugar Swings said... [Reply to comment]

this looks delish! you can have that for breakfast, right??

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

Lovely. This is a particularly pretty one. I will be sad when bundt month is over and I can't check this every morning.

The Food Hunter said... [Reply to comment]

loving all your different bundts!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Okay, so this year you're 18/19 for bundt cakes that I would make RIGHT NOW (on one of them I'd have to replace or leave off the coffee glaze, but that' minor). That's amazing. Keep up the good work. I also love bundts and am planning on making your chocolate cinnamon bundt this weekend.

Sara said... [Reply to comment]

This is an extra gorgeous one - love that pan! :)

jane of many trades said... [Reply to comment]

cannot believe i missed half of your bundt fest!!! no worries, i baked one for you and posted it on my page. may the power of the bundt be with you!

Emma Galloway said... [Reply to comment]

Oh wow, that bundt pan is amazing *swoon*

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Your cake is amazing. I have the same Bundt, but I have problems with it: the batter sticks to the baking mould sometimes. Do you think it is necessary to do something special in order to avoid it?

Rachel said... [Reply to comment]

so pretty! and so impressed with bunt month take three.

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Anonymous Eliabel, I spray my pans generously with Pam with Flour or Baker's Joy spray. The added flour to the spray makes it better than regular Pam. Or, you can butter and flour the pan generously. I think it is better to have more spray than a stuck cake! Also, be sure to remove the pan at the suggested time. Hope this helps. - mary

Tessa said... [Reply to comment]

Your pan makes a beautiful cake! This looks great.

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