Roasted Romanesco Broccoli / Cauliflower

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Romanesco Broccoli & Roasted Vegetables
Roasted Romanesco Broccoli/Cauliflower, Potatoes and Carrots

In the last post, I mentioned my Tanaka Farms CSA. Today, I tweeted a photo of this green vegetable found in my CSA box with the questions: what is this vegetable and what should I make w it? 

My twitter friends came to the rescue! Thanks dessertbycandy, misschiffonade, valgriswold, justjenndesigns, janeofmanytrades, michele_james, robinreads, bluechefk for the help!!

Romanesco Broccoli & Roasted Vegetables
Some sources call it the Romanesco Broccoli and some call it Cauliflower. I'm going with awesome looking veggie!

My twitter friends suggested some delicious recipes and I'm saving them for later! Today, I simply roasted it (like I would a cauliflower) with Tanaka Farms carrots and potatoes I picked up at the Farmer's Market.

Romanesco Broccoli & Roasted Vegetables
I love the wonderful design and color of the Romanesco. If you haven't picked one up, please do so.

Roasted Romanesco Broccoli/Cauliflower, Potatoes and Carrots
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. I used the "Convection Roast" setting on my is wonderful for roasted veggies. Cut veggies to size and toss with olive oil. Sprinkle with sea salt and pepper. Place potatoes & carrots on a sheet pan and roast for 7-10 minutes. Then add the Romanesco and cook until done (depending on your oven), turning the veggies once or twice. (I started the root vegetables earlier because they usually take longer to roast than the rest of the veggies, but it depends on your preference and size of your veggies.) Next time, I'd like to throw in a handful of pine nuts at the end too. Enjoy!
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Dessert By Candy said... [Reply to comment]

Nice way to cook it. Simple and brings out the veggie's sweetness. Glad you love it!

jane of many trades said... [Reply to comment]

i tried to grow that in my garden one year but it was a bad summer-too hot and dry. now that i know i should plant something like that for fall, winter or spring and not a tennessee summer, i need to try it again!

MegSmith @ Cooking.In.College said... [Reply to comment]

Roasted vegetables are so wonderful and these look great. I have never tried that awesome looking green cauliflower veggie. I will have to pick one up if I ever see it in my store!

Ciao Chow Linda said... [Reply to comment]

This is one of my favorite veggies. I first became aware of it when we were living in Rome years ago. they call it broccoli romano. I've got a couple of recipes for it on my blog, including one with pasta.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

your new camera rocks!

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