Tanaka Farms CSA (Los Angeles)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tanaka Farms CSA Collage
Late last year, I signed up for the Tanaka Farms CSA box (Community Supported Agriculture). Tanaka Farms is located in Irvine (Orange County), California and is one of the few farms left in Los Angeles & Orange Counties. My friends and I went on their Strawberry Farm tour, and it is a delight to be able to purchase local produce!

The most convenient aspect of this CSA is that you can pick it up at Whole Foods! And they have hours for working people (some pick-ups are until 9 pm). This shows Whole Food's commitment to local farmers, and it gets people in the store! In addition to picking up the box, I must get some Cranberry Tuna from the deli and am always picking up a few more items. By the way, have you tried the Whole Food's Cranberry Tuna? It is such crack. Sometimes, I eat some in my car, in the parking lot. Total crack.

I get the "small" box for $20 plus $3 delivery. It's awesome! You can check out Farmer Tanaka's blog to see what might be appearing in the box.

Although I'm crazy lucky to have year-round Farmer's Markets available, I often load up on tons of fruit (and kettle corn) and neglect some veggies. The CSA makes sure I fit in some fresh, fresh, fresh veggies. I can't wait to open the box and see what I got this week! It's like a little birthday gift.

Sometimes I share the box with my parents... I leave a bag of produce on their door on the way to work. A nice surprise for them too!

Tanaka Farms CSA collage 2
I started in the Winter so we've been getting lots of greens such as swiss chard, bok choy, broccoli, green beans, lettuce, spinach, kale, Romanesco, and Tanaka Farms delicious carrots. Oh, those carrots are so tasty.

Last week, I squealed in Whole Foods! I opened the CSA box (you pick it up from the produce guy) and there was a box prettier than any Tiffany box. Tanaka Farms Strawberries. These are sooooo delicious! As we head toward spring and summer, I can't wait for more strawberries and sweet corn!

Tanaka Farms doesn't have an orchard so they supplement the box with organic oranges and apples from Cuyama Orchards in Ventura County.

If you are interested in a Tanaka Farm's CSA, they are multiple pick up locations in LA & OC. The small box is $20 and the large box is $30 (plus $3 delivery unless you pick it up at the farm in Irvine). You can get weekly or bi-weekly delivery (I get bi-weekly).

Tanaka Farms CSA - Swiss Chard
Tanaka Farms Swiss Chard Saute

Here is how I enjoyed my first CSA box: Sauteed swiss chard in olive oil. A bit of zest and juice from a Meyer lemon. Enjoy!
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Esi said... [Reply to comment]

This is a great program, especially if you're too busy to go to the FM every week!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Mary. My sister Jojo (bundt cake 74) told me to check u out since we're both in Torrance! I love your blog. I'm glad u posted this about the Tanaka CSA. My sons school used to get the boxes but the pickup was always difficult. We're always at Whole Foods so I love another reason to stop by there and shop! I didn't realize they have the CSA program there! I love the boxes with ultra fresh veggies. Maybe I'll see u at WF sometime!

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