Apricot Jam Oatmeal Bars (Pioneer Woman)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Apricot Jam Bars
Apricot Jam Oatmeal Bars
Photo taken with cell phone

These were really expensive apricot jam oatmeal bars (adapted from  The Pioneer Woman's Strawberry Oatmeal Bars from her Food Network show). 

 Here's the story:
1. Get up super early.
2. Wipe the sleep from my eyes.
3. Stumble to kitchen.
4. Make these simple jam bars from the Pioneer Woman.
5. Toss them into the oven.
6. Start to clean up the kitchen. (I think I should mention here that my camera is on the countertop.)
7. Move the flour container...and knock off my camera from the countertop...and see it nose dive onto the hardwood floor.

It was horrible! I saw it in that slo-mo action...where you want to yell, "Noooooo..." but it happens so fast you are only able to yelp, "n...."

The lens came apart and I found a piece of it on the floor. Darn.

I've been wanting a new camera recently so this forced my hand. I purchased this combo:

Canon EOS Rebel T3i (body)
Canon EF 50 mm f1.4 (lens) (I upgraded from the f1.8 lens that crashed)

I love the new camera! It is much faster than my old one (which I bought in 2008). I'll be updating the camera page soon! 

Apricot Bars collage
This recipe is super simple. Just mix together most of the ingredients and press 1/2 on the bottom, and 1/2 over the jam layer. (These are the last photos taken with my old camera!)

Make these bars. Kids and librarians alike will love them! And hang onto your camera! :) - mary

Apricot Jam Oatmeal Bars

Adapted from The Pioneer Woman (shown on her Food Network show). Her recipe here.
1 3/4 sticks salted butter, cut into pieces, plus more for greasing pan
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cup oats (I used old fashioned oatmeal)
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
One 10 to 12-ounce jar apricot jam (Pioneer Woman used homemade Strawberry Jam...I used Trader Joe's Apricot Jam)

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 9-by-13-inch pan.
2. Mix together flour, oats, brown sugar, baking powder and salt. Using a pastry cutter/blender, cut in the butter.
3. Press half the oat mixture into the prepared pan.
4. Spread jam on top of the oat mixture.
5. Sprinkle the other half of the oat mixture over the top and pat lightly.
6. Bake until light brown, 30 to 40 minutes.
7. Let cool completely, and then cut into squares.
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Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Oh yikes, sorry to hear about your camera. Mine has fallen quite a few times too, and I've broken the 50 mm 1.8 two times, but not the actual camera (yet). Hope you love the new one!

Dharma said... [Reply to comment]

Realmente delicioso y para mi original. Un saludo

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, I'm so sorry about the camera, but not really since it was a good excuse to get a new one. Congats on that! Your bars look wonderful. I would prefer the apricot jam myself, so good choice!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Soory to hear about the camera. I lknow the feeling. On the bars, i make something very similar, using strawberry jam, and chocolate buttons sprinkled over the jam, then the rest of the oat mixture on top. I also sometimes mix flaked almonds into the top oaty mixture.

Nikkilooch said... [Reply to comment]

It simultaneously stinks and is exciting about your camera. Getting new gadgets is always cool.

Wendy (pinkstripes) said... [Reply to comment]

Oh no! I'm sorry about your camera--but congrats on the new one. :)

AllThingsYummy said... [Reply to comment]

Sucks about the old camera but so exciting to have a new one. I'm sure you were cursing and thanking Ree all at the same time. LOL

Daisy@Nevertoosweet said... [Reply to comment]

Oh i'm sorry about your camera :( I dropped mine on the floor yesterday and was so worried about it too ~ These apricot jam bars look fantastic :) Enjoy your new camera!

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Good luck with the new camera. Bummer that the old one took a dive. I want to make these, too. Yummy.

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

I guess the silver lining is that you got a new camera but OY! Thanks for sharing these bars nonetheless. They look super delish.

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